377 research outputs found

    Generalized Flow and Determinism in Measurement-based Quantum Computation

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    We extend the notion of quantum information flow defined by Danos and Kashefi for the one-way model and present a necessary and sufficient condition for the deterministic computation in this model. The generalized flow also applied in the extended model with measurements in the X-Y, X-Z and Y-Z planes. We apply both measurement calculus and the stabiliser formalism to derive our main theorem which for the first time gives a full characterization of the deterministic computation in the one-way model. We present several examples to show how our result improves over the traditional notion of flow, such as geometries (entanglement graph with input and output) with no flow but having generalized flow and we discuss how they lead to an optimal implementation of the unitaries. More importantly one can also obtain a better quantum computation depth with the generalized flow rather than with flow. We believe our characterization result is particularly essential for the study of the algorithms and complexity in the one-way model.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    Generalized Flow and Determinism in Measurement-based Quantum Computation

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    We extend the notion of quantum information flow defined by Danos and Kashefi for the one-way model and present a necessary and sufficient condition for the deterministic computation in this model. The generalized flow also applied in the extended model with measurements in the X-Y, X-Z and Y-Z planes. We apply both measurement calculus and the stabiliser formalism to derive our main theorem which for the first time gives a full characterization of the deterministic computation in the one-way model. We present several examples to show how our result improves over the traditional notion of flow, such as geometries (entanglement graph with input and output) with no flow but having generalized flow and we discuss how they lead to an optimal implementation of the unitaries. More importantly one can also obtain a better quantum computation depth with the generalized flow rather than with flow. We believe our characterization result is particularly essential for the study of the algorithms and complexity in the one-way model.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    Phase distortions of attosecond pulses produced by resonance-enhanced high harmonic generation

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    Resonant enhancement of high harmonic generation can be obtained in plasmas containing ions with strong radiative transitions resonant with harmonic orders. The mechanism for this enhancement is still debated. We perform the first temporal characterization of the attosecond emission from a tin plasma under near-resonant conditions for two different resonance detunings. We show that the resonance considerably changes the relative phase of neighbouring harmonics. For very small detunings, their phase locking may even be lost, evidencing strong phase distortions in the emission process and a modified attosecond structure. These features are well reproduced by our simulations, allowing their interpretation in terms of the phase of the recombination dipole moment


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    A relational quantum computer using only two-qubit total spin measurement and an initial supply of highly mixed single qubit states

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    We prove that universal quantum computation is possible using only (i) the physically natural measurement on two qubits which distinguishes the singlet from the triplet subspace, and (ii) qubits prepared in almost any three different (potentially highly mixed) states. In some sense this measurement is a `more universal' dynamical element than a universal 2-qubit unitary gate, since the latter must be supplemented by measurement. Because of the rotational invariance of the measurement used, our scheme is robust to collective decoherence in a manner very different to previous proposals - in effect it is only ever sensitive to the relational properties of the qubits.Comment: TR apologises for yet again finding a coauthor with a ridiculous middle name [12

    Quantum picturalism for topological cluster-state computing

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    Topological quantum computing is a way of allowing precise quantum computations to run on noisy and imperfect hardware. One implementation uses surface codes created by forming defects in a highly-entangled cluster state. Such a method of computing is a leading candidate for large-scale quantum computing. However, there has been a lack of sufficiently powerful high-level languages to describe computing in this form without resorting to single-qubit operations, which quickly become prohibitively complex as the system size increases. In this paper we apply the category-theoretic work of Abramsky and Coecke to the topological cluster-state model of quantum computing to give a high-level graphical language that enables direct translation between quantum processes and physical patterns of measurement in a computer - a "compiler language". We give the equivalence between the graphical and topological information flows, and show the applicable rewrite algebra for this computing model. We show that this gives us a native graphical language for the design and analysis of topological quantum algorithms, and finish by discussing the possibilities for automating this process on a large scale.Comment: 18 pages, 21 figures. Published in New J. Phys. special issue on topological quantum computin

    Métodos electroquímicos semicuantitativos de estudio de lo corrosión por picaduras del acero para armaduras de hormigón

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    El acero embebido en el hormigón se encuentra sometido a un medio de elevada alcalinidad (pH comprendido entre 12 y 13), debido a la cal libre, a los álcalis que contiene el cemento, y al Ca(0H)2 que se forma durante la hidratación de los silicatos. En esta situación, el acero se halla recubierto por una capa de óxidos e hidróxidos estables que lo mantienen pasivado, interponiendo una barrera entre él y los agentes agresivos