101 research outputs found

    Creating XML Schemas for Lexicographical Projects: the Case of the Dictionary of the Slovene Literary Language of the 16th Century

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    The article discusses the strategies applied for creating XML Schemas in dictionary projects, based on experience gained during creation of the schema of the Dictionary of the Slovene Literary Language of the 16th Century, and it explains how the different possibilities of the construction of XML Schemas influence the lexicographical work and the subsequent use of the dictionary. Three general aspects to be considered in designing schemas for dictionary projects are described in the article: the content aspect, the practical aspect, and the technical aspect. On this basis, the decision on the formal description method of the structure in a given schema definition language is made and justified

    Multi-Word Lexical Units in General Monolingual Explanatory Dictionaries of Slavic Languages

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    In the article, the typology and the macro- and microstructure positioning of multi- word lexical units in general monolingual explanatory dictionaries of five Slavic languages (Slovenian, Croatian, Slovak, Polish and Russian) are analysed. The research showed that MLUs in these dictionaries are most commonly treated on the microstructural level (with the exception of the newest general monolingual explanatory dictionary of Polish language), where typologically comparable or similar MLUs are treated in various microstructural sections, most commonly among dictionary examples and in various types of MLU sections. The differences in the treatment of MLUs can arise also from the specifics of the medium in which a dictionary was first published. The dictionaries built primarily for web and other digital environments are based on structured machine readable databases, therefore the MLUs are regarded as equivalent to single-word lexical units in the sense that they require as systematic and comprehensive a dictionary description as single-word lexical units. Consequently, the same types of data are normally afforded to these units. At the same time, such a shift in the treatment of MLUs can also be attributed to the development of lexicology, lexicography and meta-lexicography. In the newest dictionaries, the treatment of MLUs is influenced also by the research on user perspective and the possibility to incorporate a dictionary into language portals, while the comprehensive treatment of MLUs is motivated also by the potential of the dictionary data for the linguistic research, and the development of language technologies and natural language processing. With regard to the findings about the typology and positioning of MLUs in these dictionaries, the article also focuses on the treatment of MLUs in eSSKJ: The Dictionary of the Slovenian Standard Language, 3rd edition, the new monolingual general explanatory dictionary of the Slovenian language. In this dictionary, MLUs are treated in a similar way to single-word lexical units and are given relative autonomy in the dictionary structure

    Literarni odnosi med Čehi in Slovaki

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    Leksikografska praksa pri Čehih in Slovakih

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    Česká a slovenská výkladová lexikografia na začiatku 21. storočia: súbor príspevkov v rámci medzinárodného projektu Princípy a metódy tvorby výkladového slovníka, ur. Jindra Světlá – Alexandra Jarošová – Albena Rangelova, Brno: Tribun EU, 2011, 220 st

    Reimški evangelij – jezik glagolskega dela

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    The Glagolitic part of the Reims Gospel is a Church Slavic text in Croatian recension written at the Emmaus monastery (known as Na Slovanech ‘at the Slavs’) in Prague in 1395. The literature often states that the text shows Czech influences and that the writer of the Reims Gospel must have been a Czech, Slovak, or Croat by birth. This analysis of the phonetic and morphological features of the language seeks to determine the extent to which any of these hypotheses can be supported.Glagolski del Reimškega evangelija je cerkvenoslovansko besedilo hrvaške redakcije, napisano v samostanu Na Slovanech v Pragi leta 1395. V literaturi se večinoma navaja, da se v besedilu pojavljajo vplivi češkega jezika, pisec Reimškega evangelija pa naj bi bil po rodu Čeh, Slovak ali Hrvat. Z analizo fonetične in morfološke ravnine jezika želim preveriti, ali in v kolikšni meri lahko sprejmemo katero od teh možnosti

    The Fran Slovene Language Portal: From Beginnings to the Present Day

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    Internetni Portal Fran: Slovarji Inštituta za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša ZRC SAZU je bil vzpostavljen oktobra 2014 in je prevzel mesto glavnega slovarskega portala za slovenski jezik. Prispevek opisuje nadaljnji razvoj portala od leta 2015 do septembra leta 2019, ko je bilo v ospredju vključevanje novih vsebin ter izboljšanje funkcionalnosti, prikaza in uporabniške izkušnje ter izdelava aplikacij za operacijske sisteme Android in iOS. Ob kontinuiranem postopnem razvoju portala je bilo največ inovativnih rešitev pripravljenih pri tistih slovarjih, ki izkoriščajo možnosti digitalne objave slovarjev, in sicer mrežni grafični prikaz medleksemskih razmerij, slikovni in zvočni material ter uporaba zemljevida za identifikacijo lokacije narečnih slovarjev. Prikazani so tudi načini vključevanja dodatnih vsebin, ki portal vsebinsko širijo iz slovarskega portala v osrednji portal o slovenskem jeziku.Internetski Portal Fran: Rječnici Instituta za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša ZRC SAZU osnovan je u listopadu 2014. Zauzeo je mjesto glavnog rječničkog portala za slovenski jezik. U članku se opisuje daljnji razvoj portala od godine 2015. do rujna 2019., kad je fokus bio na integriranju novih sadržaja i poboljšanju funkcionalnosti, prikaza i korisničkog iskustva te izgradnji aplikacija za operativne sustave Android i iOS. Kontinuiranim razvojem portala razvijena su najinovativnija rješenja za one rječnike koji se koriste mogućnostima digitalnog objavljivanja rječnika, odnosno mrežnim grafičkim prikazom međuleksemskih odnosa, slikovnim i zvučnim materijalima i mapama za identificiranje mjesta u dijalektnim rječnicima. Također se pokazuju načini integriranja dodatnih sadržaja koji portal sadržajno proširuju s rječničkog portala na središnji portal o slovenskom jeziku.The Fran: Dictionaries of the Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language ZRC SAZU web portal was launched in october 2014. The content of the portal describes the Slovenian language in its contemporary literary, dialectal, and historical forms. At the time of publication, it consisted of 21 dictionaries and linguistic atlases, two language counseling services, and hyperlinks to corpora and other language resources. The article focuses on the later development of the portal, wherein the main goals were the inclusion of new content and improvements to its functionality, visualization, user experience, and development of applications for Android and ioS operating systems. From 2015 to September 2019, the number of dictionaries published on the portal rose to 36. Several previously unpublished dictionaries, other language resources, and software have been added, including the ZRCola special characters input system, and the Slovenian grammars and orthographic dictionaries sub-portal consisting of publications from 1584 until the present day. Continued development of the portal has brought various innovative solutions for the presentation of dictionaries in the digital form, e.g. graphic representation of interlexemic relations, image and sound material, and the use of maps for easier geographical presentation of the areas dialectal dictionaries cover. The article also presents approaches to the integration of additional content that extends the role of the portal to the central web portal on the Slovenian language

    Indikatorji pri homografih na portalu Franček

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    This article presents the system of indicators (or signposts) designed to distinguish between homographs when searching the dictionary parts of the Franček educational language portal for Slovenian. In dictionaries, homographs (or at least homonyms) are usually assigned numbers (or indices). Because these themselves do not provide any disambiguating information, we have prepared various types of indicators, such as part-of-speech, semantic, and other types. Semantic indicators mostly include hypernyms, synonyms, and domain information, as well as other types. The key properties of semantic indicators are their disambiguating ability among homographs, comprehensibility, and brevity. The indicators are intended for the target users of the Franček portal; that is, primary- and secondary-school students.V prispevku je predstavljen sistem indikatorjev, ki je bil zasnovan za razločevanje med homografi v procesu iskanja po slovarskem delu slovenskega pedagoškega jezikovnega portala Franček. V obstoječih slovarjih so namreč homografom (ali vsaj homonimom) za razločevanje med njimi navadno pripisane številke (indeksi), ki same po sebi ne omogočajo vsebinskega razločevanja. Zato smo za slovarski del portala Franček pripravili besednovrstne, pomenske in nekatere druge tipe indikatorjev. Kot pomenski indikatorji nastopajo zlasti nadpomenke, sinonimi, področne in opisne opredelitve. Kot ključne lastnosti pomenskih indikatorjev smo prepoznali razločevalnost med homografi, razumljivost in kratkost. Namenjeni so ciljnemu uporabniku portala Franček, torej osnovnošolskemu in srednješolskemu uporabniku

    Splošni razlagalni slovarji slovanskih jezikov

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    The monograph ('General Monolingual Dictionaries of the Slavic Languages') provides an overview of the more prominent dictionary typologies, and an overview of general monolingual Slavic language dictionaries created from 1945 untill the present. The analysis presents how dictionary elements of selected dictionaries are treated at the macrostructural and microstructural level. For selected elements (homonymy and homography, multi-word headwords, sub-entries, grammatical information, referential definition type, multi-word lexical units and etymological information), suggestions for further lexicographical practice are given. The standpoint of these suggestions is that a dictionary serves as a representation of a lexicon and as a practical tool, which should effectively and transparently deliver reliable and relevant linguistic data and to a lesser extent non-linguistic data. The suggestions also take into account the completed transition from the initial print dictionary to the initial electronic dictionary, which to a certain extent requires reallocation of the data and to a lesser extent reorganization of data hierarchy.Monografija prinaša pregled vidnejših slovarskih tipologij, pregled splošnih enojezičnih slovanskih slovarjev, nastalih od 1945 do danes. Analiza prikazuje obravnavo slovarskih prvin na makrostrukturni in mikrostrukturni ravni. Za izbrane elemente (homonimija in homografija, večbesedne iztočnice, podgesla, slovnični podatki, sklicevalni tip razlage, večbesedne leksikalne enote in etimološki podatki) so podani predlogi za nadaljnjo slovaropisno prakso. Izhodišče teh predlogov je slovar kot jezikovni opis besedja in kot praktični pripomoček, ki naj kar se da učinkovito in pregledno prinaša zanesljive in relevantne jezikovne in, v manjši meri, tudi nejezikovne podatke, pri predlogih pa je upoštevan tudi zaključen prehod od izhodiščno knjižne podobe slovarja k izhodiščno digitalni podobi slovarja, kar do določene mere zahteva prerazporeditev slovarskih podatkov, v manjši meri pa tudi preureditev njihove hierarhije


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    The second edition of The Dictionary of Standard Slovenian Language (SSKJ) was published in autumn 2014 (first edition 1970–1991). Its aim is to bridge the content and time gap that arose between the first edition of SSKJ and the new dictionary of standard Slovenian language yet to be compiled. The article explains the circumstances surrounding the compilation of the second edition of SSKJ and describes innovations in the dictionary content and language description

    Uporaba XML-formata v leksikografiji na primeru oblikovanja XML-sheme za Slovar sinonimov slovenskega jezika

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    This article explains why XML format has become established as the standard format for multilevel hierarchical structuring of linguistic databases and how an XML Schema can be used to manage the formal structure and content of elements in a dictionary database. Various aspects that must be taken into account when structuring complex dictionary databases in XML format are presented: the lexicographic or content aspect, the practical aspect, and the technical aspect. Decision-making is illustrated with the example of designing an XML Schema for the Dictionary of Slovenian Synonyms.Prispevek pojasnjuje, zakaj se je XML-format uveljavil kot standardni format za večnivojsko hierarhično strukturiranje jezikovnih podatkovnih zbirk in kako se s pomočjo XML-sheme nadzoruje formalna struktura in vsebina elementov v slovarski podatkovni zbirki. Prikazani so različni vidiki – tj. leksikografski oz. vsebinski vidik, praktični vidik ter tehnični vidik –, ki jih je pri strukturiranju kompleksnejših slovarskih podatkovnih zbirk v XML-formatu smiselno upoštevati. Sprejemanje odločitev je ponazorjeno s primerom oblikovanja XML-sheme za Slovar sinonimov slovenskega jezika