17 research outputs found

    Narrativas de grafite e expressividade subalterna na pós-modernidade

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    Este trabalho visa explorar as maneiras pelas quais os grafites se enquadram nos modos de narração e construção de laços de sociabilidade e memória na pós-modernidade. Na esteira do pensamento de autores de filiação pós-moderna, voluntária ou não, propõe-se analisar as narrativas fragmentárias nas quais prevalecem histórias locais de grupos antes vistos como subalternos. Com um acesso ampliado às tecnologias de comunicação, parece haver uma emergência de vozes outrora silenciadas sob o status quo oficial, com uma crescente variedade de visões de mundo de tais grupos na pós-modernidade. A disseminação dessas vozes não mais favorece a história como um conjunto de fatos concretos estabelecidos por um saber legítimo, mas como um número de fábulas que animam uma renovada expressividade subalterna

    Cidade, patrimônio e favela no Rio de Janeiro

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    The present paper discuss the new museological and museum practices in the city of Rio de Janeiro, as follows: o Museu de Favela Cantagalo Pavão-Pavãozinho; a Galeria Providência; e o Museu Nami. For the theoretical foundation we use Michel de Certeau. We also analyse how this experiences are lined by non orthodox theories of heritage, museums and memory. In this sense, we consider that the entry of new actors in the scene with an active voice about their stories and experiences creates new power dynamics, new models and new initiatives that sometimes escape tradicional models already estabilished and contribute to the fluid dynamics of heritage and memory. We also observe the will of the favelas to show themselves as a constituent part of the city. The paper merge empirical data and the theorical work of Sociomuseology.O presente trabalho tem como foco, fundamentado nas problematizações teóricas de Michel de Certeau, discutir novas práticas museais e museológicas na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, a saber: o Museu de Favela Pavão-Pavãozinho Cantagalo; a Galeria Providência; e o Museu Nami. Também analisamos como essas novas iniciativas se pautam em visões não ortodoxas dos conceitos de patrimônio, memória e museu. Consideramos que a entrada de novos atores em cena com voz ativa sobre suas histórias e experiências cria novas relações de forças, modelos e iniciativas que, muitas vezes, escapam a modelos tradicionais já consagrados e contribuem para a dinâmica fluída da compreensão de patrimônio e memória. Além disso, percebe-se a vontade das favelas de se mostrarem como parte integrante da cidade, desafiando a lógica do senso comum. O estudo, pois, mescla pesquisas de campo realizadas nos três locais, com pressupostos teóricos da Museologia Social

    Narrativas de grafite e expressividade subalterna na pós-modernidade

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    This paper seeks to explore the ways in which graffiti art may fit the modes of narration and construction of memory and social identities in post-modernity. Following the thought of the authors of postmodern adhesion, voluntary or not, it proposes to analyse the fragmentary narratives portraying local histories of groups then perceived as subaltern. With an increased access to communication technologies, there seems to be an emergence of voices that used to be silenced under the official status quo, along with an increasing variety of worldviews in postmodernity. The dissemination of such voices no longer favours history as a set of concrete facts established by a legitimate knowledge, but as a number of fables, which stir a renewed subaltern expressivity.Este trabalho visa explorar as maneiras pelas quais os grafites se enquadram nos modos de narração e construção de laços de sociabilidade e memória na pósmodernidade. Na esteira do pensamento de autores de filiação pós-moderna, voluntária ou não, propõe-se analisar as narrativas fragmentárias nas quais prevalecem histórias locais de grupos antes vistos como subalternos. Com um acesso ampliado às tecnologias de comunicação, parece haver uma emergência de vozes outrora silenciadas sob o status quo oficial, com uma crescente variedade de visões de mundo de tais grupos na pós-modernidade. A disseminação dessas vozes não mais favorece a história como um conjunto de fatos concretos estabelecidos por um saber legítimo, mas como um número de fábulas que animam uma renovada expressividade subalterna.El presente estudio tiene como objetivo explorar las formas en que los graffiti se encajan en los modos narrativos y construcción de lazos de sociabilidad y memoria en la posmodernidad. Siguiendo la idea de los autores de adhesión posmoderna, voluntaria o no, propone analizar las narrativas fragmentarias que retratan historias locales de grupos entonces percibidos como subalternos. Con un mayor acceso a las tecnologías de comunicación, parece haber un surgimiento de voces que solían ser silenciadas bajo el status quo oficial, junto con una creciente variedad de visiones del mundo en la posmodernidad. La difusión de tales voces ya no favorece a la historia como un conjunto de hechos concretos establecidos por un conocimiento legítimo, sino como un número de fábulas que suscitan una renovada expresividad subalterna

    Effect of MDP-containing silane and adhesive used alone or in combination on the long-term bond strength and chemical interaction with Lithium Disilicate Ceramics

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    Purpose: To evaluate the effect of a silane and an adhesive containing MDP, used alone or combined in the same solution, on the microshear bond strength (mu SBS) to lithium disilicate ceramics immediately and after 1-year water storage, and compare the bond strength results with the Raman spectra of the treated lithium disilicate surfaces. Materials and Methods: A total of 30 CAD/CAM blocks of lithium disilicate (LD; IPS e.max CAD) were cut into four square sections (6 x 6 x 6 mm; n = 60 per group) and processed as recommended by the manufacturer. The LD specimens were divided into 12 groups according to the following independent variables: silane coupling agent (no silane; silane without 10-MDP [MBS, Monobond S]; silane with 10-MDP [MB+, Monobond Plus]) and adhesive + luting composite (no adhesive + Enforce; no adhesive + RelyX Ultimate; Prime & Bond Elect [PBE], a silane- and MDP-free universal adhesive + Enforce; Scotchbond Universal Adhesive [SBU], a silane- and MDP-containing universal adhesive + RelyX Ultimate). After each treatment, cylindrical, transparent matrices were filled with a luting composite and light cured. Specimens were stored in water (37 degrees C for 24 h or 1 year) and submitted to the microshear bond strength (mu SBS) test. The failure pattern and mu SBS were statistically evaluated (alpha = 0.05). In addition, specimens were examined for chemical interaction using Raman spectroscopy. Results: The use of the adhesive PBE alone showed higher mean mu SBS compared with both groups with silane (MSB or MB+) without PBE (p < 0.001) at 24 h. The use of the SBU adhesive or MBS silane alone, as well as MB+ associated with SBU, showed higher mean mu SBS (p < 0.001) at 24 h. After 1-year water storage, all groups showed a significant decrease in mean mu SBS. However, the application of PBE or SBU associated with MB+ silane showed higher 1-year mean mu SBS (p < 0.001). In terms of chemical interaction, when silane (MSB or MB+) was applied, only a slight decrease of Si-O peaks occurred. Otherwise, when PBE or SBU adhesives were applied, methacrylate peaks were only observed in the SBU groups. Conclusion: The best results in terms of bond strength after water storage were obtained when an MDP-containing silane was associated with a universal adhesive. The use of a simplified bonding protocol that includes either a silane or a universal adhesive is not recommended.3M ESP

    Empowering International, Intersectoral and Interdisciplinary Dimensions in Higher Education: The STEPS and EECPS Master Courses Experience

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    IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC) (2019. Hanoi, Vietnam) This work has been partially supported by: the EACEA, Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency from the European Commission, under Erasmus + Programme, Grant No. 574442-EPP-1-2016-1-ESEPPKA1-JMD-MOB, EMJMD STEPS; the Government of the Principality of Asturias, Spain, under Grant No. FC-GRUPIN-IDI/2018/000241; and by FCT Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology under Project UID/MULTI/00308/2019. Document type: Conference objec

    Empowering international, intersectoral and interdisciplinary dimensions in higher education: the STEPS and EECPS master courses experience

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    This work shows the experiences gone through in the implementation of the academic syllabus of two Higher Education Master Courses, the Electrical Energy Conversion and Power Systems (EECPS) Master Degree, and the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Sustainable Transportation and Power Systems (EJMJD STEPS). Both titles cover specifically the competences and learning results required for professionals on leading edge technologies at the electrical transportation sector. This work will show the procedure from the early concepts of the degree, the design of the contents of the subjects and modules, the schedule of these subjects in the curriculum, the evaluation and methodologies, up to the continuous quality monitoring procedures implemented to ensure an adequate development of the course

    Genetic diversity, transmission dynamics, and drug resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Luanda, Angola

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    Objective/background: Despite the important role that the African region plays in a global tuberculosis (TB) epidemiological context, many countries in the region still lack data on the prevalence of specific Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains and drug resistance. This is the case for Angola, which presently lacks any data concerning drug-resistance rates and prevalence of specific M. tuberculosis genotypes and respective population structure. In this study, we made the first characterization of the genetic diversity and drug resistance of M. tuberculosis complex strains circulating in Luanda, Angola's most important setting concerning TB epidemiology. Methods: We have analyzed 89 M. tuberculosis isolates recovered from the same number of patients. All clinical isolates were genotyped by spoligotyping and 24-loci mycobacterial interspersed repetitive unit–variable number of tandem repeats (MIRU–VNTRs). First-line drug-susceptibility testing was performed by the standard BACTEC 960 Mycobacteria Growth Indicator Tube (MGIT) procedure. Results: We have detected 33 different spoligotype profiles corresponding to 24 different shared international types (SITs) and nine orphan profiles. SIT 20 (LAM1) was the most prevalent (n = 16, 18.2%) followed by SIT 42 (LAM9; n = 15, 17.1%). Overall, the M. tuberculosis population structure in this sample was dominated by LAM (64.8%) and T (33.0%) strains. Twenty-four-loci MIRU–VNTR analysis revealed that a total of 13 isolates were grouped into five distinct clusters. Drug-susceptibility testing revealed a worrying situation concerning resistance rates. Drug-susceptibility data showed that 22 (24.7%) of the 89 clinical isolates were resistant to one or more antibacillary drugs of which four (4.5%) were multidrug resistant (MDR). Drug-resistant isolates were found across distinct clades and MIRU–VNTR clusters. Conclusion: This first cross-sectional study conducted in Luanda, Angola, provides a framework for future studies and programmatic management of TB in Angola. We provide sufficient evidence for cluster-based transmission with a high predominance of LAM strains, with differential geographic dispersion. The moderate rate of MDR-TB found in this sample has major public health implications and highlights the need for further studies specifically focused on MDR-TB transmission

    The effect of industrial noise on teeth.

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    Continuous exposure to industrial noise, rich in low-frequency noise (LFN) components, can cause the abnormal proliferation of extracellular matrices. Studies have shown alterations in oral tissues. Noise is a powerful stressor. Parafunctional habits are a self-destructive process caused by stress that induces hyperactivity of masticatory muscles, teeth grinding, leading to progressive dental wear. Teeth usually respond to injuries by forming tertiary dentine. The aim of this study was to ascertain the effects of industrial noise on teeth, namely tooth wear and tertiary dentine formation. Thirty adult Wistar rats were divided into 3 experimental groups of 10 animals, and exposed to industrial noise for 1, 3 and 7 months, with a weekly average of 40 h of exposure. A further 10 animals served as controls. We extracted the molars and 126 teeth were processed for light microscopy. The area of the cusps was measured. A further 44 teeth were processed for electron microscopy, analyzed using fieldemission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). Eight teeth were prepared for immunogold and field-emission in-lens scanning electron microscopy (FEI-SEM) and observed for collagen I. The average area of the molar cusps differed significantly between exposed and controls animals. The most striking differences occurred between month 1 and 3. FESEM results showed a 2.0 to 6.0 mm-wide mineral band in the roof of the pulp chamber of the animals exposed. EDS showed that the band is hydroxyapatite, tertiary dentine. Study of collagen fibers showed proliferation and disorganization on the exposed animals’ circumpulpar dentine. Significant tooth wear correlated with exposure time and was significantly higher in the first 3 months. With LFN exposure there is formation of tertiary dentine and our results strongly suggest that this stimulus is important in the pathogenesis of tooth wear

    One-year clinical performance of self-etch adhesives in posterior restorations

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    Purpose: To evaluate the 1-year clinical performance of three self-etching adhesives (Adper Prompt L-Pop, Clearfil S-3 Bond, iBond) in posterior composite restorations using one etch&rinse adhesive (One-Step Plus) as control. Methods: Upon approval by the Institutional Review Board, 121 restorations were inserted in 38 subjects. The adhesives were applied as per manufacturers' instructions. Preparations were restored with a nanofilled resin composite (Filtek Supreme) and evaluated at baseline, 6 months, and 1 year. Statistical analyses included the Chi-square distribution with the McNemar non-parametric test (P< 0.05). Results: At 1 year, 111 restorations in 35 subjects were evaluated using the USPHS modified criteria. No significant changes were observed for the etch&rinse adhesive One-Step Plus. At 1 year the number of Alfa ratings decreased significantly for Clearfil S-3 Bond and for iBond in the categories color match, marginal staining, and marginal adaptation. For Adper Prompt L-Pop, marginal adaptation at 1 year was significantly worse than at baseline. Postoperative sensitivity to air improved significantly for Adper Prompt L-Pop, Clearfil S-3 Bond, and iBond. When the evaluation criteria were paired at 1 year, iBond resulted in a significantly lower number of Alfa ratings than any of the other adhesives for color match, marginal staining, and marginal adaptation. One-Step Plus resulted in a greater number of Alfa ratings for marginal adaptation than either Adper Prompt L-Pop or Clearfil S-3 Bond. Marginal adaptation was significantly better for Clearfil S-3 Bond than for Adper Prompt L-Pop. The post-operative sensitivity measured at 1 year for Adper Prompt L-Pop was statistically better than that for One-Step Plus