7 research outputs found

    Analisis Informasi Tanaman Herbal melalui Media Sosial ditengah Masyarakat pada Pandemi Covid-19: Sebuah Tinjauan Literatur

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    Tanaman herbal sebagai bahan utama obat tradisional memiliki kandungan yang berfungsi sebagai imunomodulator, mengurangi gejala dan mengatasi komorbid Covid-19. Tanaman herbal sangat baik digunakan dalam kondisi pandemi saat ini. Meskipun memiliki banyak fungsi, penggunaan tanaman herbal perlu pengolahan yang benar, kadar yang sesuai kebutuhan tubuh serta perlu uji fitofarmaka. Kondisi yang tepat guna seperti ini, tidak tersampaikan pada informasi melalui media sosial, sehingga pengguna tidak mengetahui efek negatif penggunaan tanaman herbal berlebih seperti menyebabkan sariawan, alergi dan penyakit lainnya. Selain itu penyebaran informasi yang salah menyebabkan resiko dari segi ekonomi seperti terjadinya kenaikan harga dan kelangkaan bahan herbal yang dibutuhkan sehingga dapat mempengaruhi sosial ekonomi masyarakat. Penulisan ini bertujuan menganalisiskajian mengenai fungsi dan efek negatif tanaman herbal yang tersebar luas di masyarakat pada pandemi seperti saat ini, pengaruh tanaman herbal untuk Covid-19 serta dampak pemberitaan melalui sosial media dari segi sosial, ekonomi dan hukum yang berpengaruh. Hasil studi menunjukan adanya pengaruh penyebaran informasi fungsi tanaman herbal melalui media sosial ditengah masyarakat khususnya di Indonesia. Penyebaran informasi tersebut mempengaruhi segi sosial dimana masyarakat lebih mempercayai jamu daripada obat. Selain itu, kenaikan harga bahan herbal mempengaruhi perekonomian, hingga terjadi pemberian informasi yang salah sehingga memicu penyalahgunaan hukum

    Immobilization of Cholesterol Oxidase in Chitosan Magnetite Material for Biosensor Application

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    Cholesterol oxidase, a bio-catalyst that can catabolize cholesterol, has proven applications in medicine. Here, a support material was used to enhance the characteristics of the enzyme. Magnetite (Fe3O4) is widely used as an enzyme support; however, the interaction between the enzyme and the support should be capped with another material, such as chitosan biopolymer-based material. In this study, chitosan-magnetite materials were synthesized by mixing both compounds and activating with glutaraldehyde. The materials were then characterized by Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy. The enzyme kinetic parameters were studied by following the cholesterol oxidation reaction using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and comparing the results between the free and the immobilized enzyme. The substrate concentration was 2.5 mg/mL. The effect of enzyme concentration was tested using different concentrations of enzyme (0.5, 1, and 2 mg/mL) to determine the best operating conditions. The best conditions for the oxidation reaction were immobilized enzyme at a 2 mg/mL concentration. Enzyme immobilization significantly decreased the optimum substrate concentration to 0.1 mg/mL

    Solid state fermentation method for production of laccase enzyme with bagasse, cornstalk and rice husk as substrates for adrenaline biosensor

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    Adrenaline is an important neurotransmitter in the body that will be released from the body when someone is in emotional state or in state of physical and emotional stress, such as hypoglycemia, work out, and excessive pain in the body. Early diagnosis based on the determination of adrenaline concentration in plasma and urine can prevent unnecessary drug use (Hollenbach et al., 1998 [1]). In adrenaline, there is an enzyme, called laccase. Laccase has wide application in industry and medical application. Moreover, the producing of laccase is need to be more develop to produce high activity of enzyme. The high activity enzyme will be affected to the determination of adrenaline concentration. Therefore, the aim of this research is to extract extracellular laccase from fermentation of Trametes versicolor with solid state fermentation method on lignocellulosic waste in the form of bagasse, corn stalk and rice husk. A utilization of biomass waste had applied in this work. We investigated the best pre-treatment condition to produce laccase. Steam explosion is used for the treatment of raw substrates. The best substrate for producing laccase was cornstalk with additional treatment of steam explosion and nutrient addition. Finally, investigation of substrates selection had been done and obtained 6.885 U/mL of laccase activity


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    Titanium dioksida (TiO 2 ) merupakan bahan semikonduktor dengan pita celah energi 3,2 eV. Dalam penelitian ini, partikel TiO 2 disintesis menggunakan prekursor titanium tetraisopropoksida (TTIP) serta memanfaatkan ekstrak etanol dari biji jengkol (Pithecellobium jiringa (Jack) Prain). Serbuk hasil sintesis dikarakterisasi dengan menggunakan Fourier Tranform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) dan Spectrophotometer UV-VIS untuk mengukur absorbansi dari fotokatalisis. Hasil karakterisasi dengan XRD memperlihatkan terbentuknya TiO 2 dengan bentuk anatase murni yang didukung dengan hasil FTIR munculnya vibrasi Ti-O pada puncak 526,57 cm -1 . Hasil analisis SEM memperlihatkan bentuk speherical TiO 2 yang bertumpuk (aggregate) dengan ukuran yang berbeda. Persentase degradasi (%D) metilen biru rata-rata yang dihasilkan pada perlakuan TiO 2 dengan penyinaran matahari (TiDj-1) dan TiO 2 tanpa penyinaran matahari (TiDj-2) yaitu 99,745% dan 75,65%, secara berurutan. Uji aplikasi self-cleaning noda kopi pada kain dengan penyinaran sinar UV dianalisis berdasarkan perubahan warna pada kain yang diambil dengan menggunakan kamera digital SAMSUNG ES75 dan morfologi kain dianalisis menggunakan mikroskop digital LEICA EZ4 HD. Hasil analisis membuktikan bahwa kain yang terlapisi PEG maupun kain yang terlapisi PEG/TiO 2 tidak menunjukkan adanya perubahan warna pada kain. Morfologi kain yang terlapisi oleh PEG dapat terlihat serat-serat kainnya dan memiliki warna kain yang lebih cerah dibandingkan dengan kain yang terlapisi oleh PEG/TiO 2 . Sedangkan morfologi kain yang terlapisi oleh PEG/TiO 2 tidak tampak serat-serat kainnya dan terdapat aglomerasi partikel-partikel TiO 2 yang menempel pada kain. Kata Kunci: titanium dioksida, Pithecellobium jiringa (Jack) Prain, green sintesis, fotokatalisis, self-cleanin

    Production of methyl caffeate as an intermediate product to produce caffeic acid phenethyl ester by esterification using cation-exchange resin

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    Caffeic acid (CA) could be considered as an important natural anti-oxidant. However, the low solubility and stability of CA in various solvent is limiting the application in industry. It is advantageous to synthesize alkyl ester of caffeic acid based on both their biological function and potential application. One of the caffeic acid derivatives called caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) is a compound with numerous important biological activities. To synthesize CAPE one of the method used is catalyzed esterification of caffeic acid and phenethyl alcohol using ion exchange resin catalyst. The first step of the process is to perform esterification of caffeic acid and methanol to produce methyl caffeate (MC). MC would then be used to produce CAPE in the presence of phenethyl alcohol. Herein, the reaction condition and kinetic parameters for the synthesis of MC using cation-exchange resin as a catalyst were investigated, and the product was confirmed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The highest yield of MC catalyzed by cation-exchange resin attained under the optimum condition as follows: reaction temperature of 60 °C and a reaction time of 4 h. The esterification kinetics of CA and methanol is described by the pseudo-homogeneous first order model. The relationship between temperature and the forward rate constant gives activation energy of 51 kJ/mol. These results indicated that cation-exchange resin possesses high catalytic activity in the synthesis of MC, which is an efficient catalyst suitable for MC production

    Effect of cellulose fiber from sorghum bagasse on the mechanical properties and biodegradability of polylactic acid

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    Synthesis of biocomposites using polylactic acid (PLA) as the matrix and cellulose fiber from sorghum bagasse as the reinforcement agent has been carried out in this study. The objective was to improve the mechanical properties and biodegradability of PLA. In this study, cellulose fiber has been extracted from sorghum bagasse. Micro and nano-sized cellulose fiber was then produced by hydrolysis using sulfuric acid. Biocomposite was then made by casting film method using acetone as the solvent. Based on mechanical test, nanocellulose fiber gives better results on mechanical properties. Moreover, the tensile modulus and biodegradability of PLA were increase with the increasing of nanocellulose fiber concentration. Based on results, the addition of 2.5% nanocellulose fiber, improved the maximum strain from 5.19% to 11.59%. Otherwise, the best biodegradability of biocomposite was achieved on the addition of 15% nanocellulose fiber