11 research outputs found

    Invisibility cloaking without superluminal propagation

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    Conventional cloaking based on Euclidean transformation optics requires that the speed of light should tend to infinity on the inner surface of the cloak. Non-Euclidean cloaking still needed media with superluminal propagation. Here we show by giving an example that this is no longer necessary

    Quantum Optics in Maxwell's Fish Eye Lens with Single Atoms and Photons

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    We investigate the quantum optical properties of Maxwell's two-dimensional fish eye lens at the single-photon and single-atom level. We show that such a system mediates effectively infinite-range dipole-dipole interactions between atomic qubits, which can be used to entangle multiple pairs of distant qubits. We find that the rate of the photon exchange between two atoms, which are detuned from the cavity resonances, is well described by a model, where the photon is focused to a diffraction-limited area during absorption. We consider the effect of losses on the system and study the fidelity of the entangling operation via dipole-dipole interaction. We derive our results analytically using perturbation theory and the Born-Markov approximation and then confirm their validity by numerical simulations. We also discuss how the two-dimensional Maxwell's fish eye lens could be realized experimentally using transformational plasmon optics.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    Topological Quantum Optics in Two-Dimensional Atomic Arrays

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    We demonstrate that two-dimensional atomic emitter arrays with subwavelength spacing constitute topologically protected quantum optical systems where the photon propagation is robust against large imperfections while losses associated with free space emission are strongly suppressed. Breaking time-reversal symmetry with a magnetic field results in gapped photonic bands with non-trivial Chern numbers and topologically protected, long-lived edge states. Due to the inherent nonlinearity of constituent emitters, such systems provide a platform for exploring quantum optical analogues of interacting topological systems.Comment: 11 pages and 9 figures; paper updated to match published versio

    Partial Transmutation of Singularities in Optical Instruments

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    Some interesting optical instruments such as the Eaton lens and the Invisible Sphere require singularities of the refractive index for their implementation. We show how to transmute those singularities into harmless topological defects in anisotropic media without the need for anomalous material properties

    Photonic band structure of two-dimensional atomic lattices

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    Two-dimensional atomic arrays exhibit a number of intriguing quantum optical phenomena, including subradiance, nearly perfect reflection of radiation, and long-lived topological edge states. Studies of emission and scattering of photons in such lattices require complete treatment of the radiation pattern from individual atoms, including long-range interactions. We describe a systematic approach to perform the calculations of collective energy shifts and decay rates in the presence of such long-range interactions for arbitrary two-dimensional atomic lattices. As applications of our method, we investigate the topological properties of atomic lattices both in free space and near plasmonic surfaces

    From Fermat's Principle to Invisibility

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    AbstractWe present the details of an invisibility cloak whose implementation would not require unphysical material properties, i.e. refractive indices that are singular or less than unity. To achieve this aim, we take the Non-Euclidean Cloak developed by Ulf Leonhardt and Thomas Tyc [1] and combine its refractive index profile with that of the Invisible Sphere [2] to raise all indices above one. We eliminate the singularity of the Invisible Sphere by a transmutation [3]

    Theory of dipole radiation near a Dirac photonic crystal

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    We develop an analytic formalism to describe dipole radiation near the Dirac cone of a two-dimensional photonic crystal slab. In contrast to earlier work, we account for all polarization effects and derive a closed-form expression for the dyadic Green's function of the geometry. Using this analytic Green's function, we demonstrate that the dipolar interaction mediated by the slab exhibits winding phases, which are key ingredients for engineering topological systems for quantum emitters. As an example, we study the coherent atomic interactions mediated by the Dirac cone, which were recently shown to be unusually long range with no exponential attenuation. These results pave the way for further, rigorous analysis of emitters interacting in photonic crystals via photonic Dirac cones. Keywords: Cavity quantum electrodynamics; Nanophotonics; Photonic crystals; Quantum description of light-matter interactio

    Topological quantum optics using atomlike emitter arrays coupled to photonic crystals

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    We propose an experimentally feasible nanophotonic platform for exploring many-body physics in topological quantum optics. Our system is composed of a two-dimensional lattice of nonlinear quantum emitters with optical transitions embedded in a photonic crystal slab. The emitters interact through the guided modes of the photonic crystal, and a uniform magnetic field gives rise to large topological band gaps, robust edge states, and a nearly flat band with a nonzero Chern number. The presence of a topologically nontrivial nearly flat band paves the way for the realization of fractional quantum Hall states and fractional topological insulators in a topological quantum optical setting. ©202