340 research outputs found

    Scaling universalities of kth-nearest neighbor distances on closed manifolds

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    Take N sites distributed randomly and uniformly on a smooth closed surface. We express the expected distance from an arbitrary point on the surface to its kth-nearest neighboring site, in terms of the function A(l) giving the area of a disc of radius l about that point. We then find two universalities. First, for a flat surface, where A(l)=\pi l^2, the k-dependence and the N-dependence separate in . All kth-nearest neighbor distances thus have the same scaling law in N. Second, for a curved surface, the average \int d\mu over the surface is a topological invariant at leading and subleading order in a large N expansion. The 1/N scaling series then depends, up through O(1/N), only on the surface's topology and not on its precise shape. We discuss the case of higher dimensions (d>2), and also interpret our results using Regge calculus.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures; submitted to Advances in Applied Mathematic

    Implicit Density Functional Theory

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    A fermion ground state energy functional is set up in terms of particle density, relative pair density, and kinetic energy tensor density. It satisfies a minimum principle if constrained by a complete set of compatibility conditions. A partial set, which thereby results in a lower bound energy under minimization, is obtained from the solution of model systems, as well as a small number of exact sum rules. Prototypical application is made to several one-dimensional spinless non-interacting models. The effectiveness of "atomic" constraints on model "molecules" is observed, as well as the structure of systems with only finitely many bound states.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Scaling and Universality in Continuous Length Combinatorial Optimization

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    We consider combinatorial optimization problems defined over random ensembles, and study how solution cost increases when the optimal solution undergoes a small perturbation delta. For the minimum spanning tree, the increase in cost scales as delta^2; for the mean-field and Euclidean minimum matching and traveling salesman problems in dimension d>=2, the increase scales as delta^3; this is observed in Monte Carlo simulations in d=2,3,4 and in theoretical analysis of a mean-field model. We speculate that the scaling exponent could serve to classify combinatorial optimization problems into a small number of distinct categories, similar to universality classes in statistical physics.Comment: 5 pages; 3 figure

    The random link approximation for the Euclidean traveling salesman problem

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    The traveling salesman problem (TSP) consists of finding the length of the shortest closed tour visiting N ``cities''. We consider the Euclidean TSP where the cities are distributed randomly and independently in a d-dimensional unit hypercube. Working with periodic boundary conditions and inspired by a remarkable universality in the kth nearest neighbor distribution, we find for the average optimum tour length = beta_E(d) N^{1-1/d} [1+O(1/N)] with beta_E(2) = 0.7120 +- 0.0002 and beta_E(3) = 0.6979 +- 0.0002. We then derive analytical predictions for these quantities using the random link approximation, where the lengths between cities are taken as independent random variables. From the ``cavity'' equations developed by Krauth, Mezard and Parisi, we calculate the associated random link values beta_RL(d). For d=1,2,3, numerical results show that the random link approximation is a good one, with a discrepancy of less than 2.1% between beta_E(d) and beta_RL(d). For large d, we argue that the approximation is exact up to O(1/d^2) and give a conjecture for beta_E(d), in terms of a power series in 1/d, specifying both leading and subleading coefficients.Comment: 29 pages, 6 figures; formatting and typos correcte

    The Peculiar Phase Structure of Random Graph Bisection

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    The mincut graph bisection problem involves partitioning the n vertices of a graph into disjoint subsets, each containing exactly n/2 vertices, while minimizing the number of "cut" edges with an endpoint in each subset. When considered over sparse random graphs, the phase structure of the graph bisection problem displays certain familiar properties, but also some surprises. It is known that when the mean degree is below the critical value of 2 log 2, the cutsize is zero with high probability. We study how the minimum cutsize increases with mean degree above this critical threshold, finding a new analytical upper bound that improves considerably upon previous bounds. Combined with recent results on expander graphs, our bound suggests the unusual scenario that random graph bisection is replica symmetric up to and beyond the critical threshold, with a replica symmetry breaking transition possibly taking place above the threshold. An intriguing algorithmic consequence is that although the problem is NP-hard, we can find near-optimal cutsizes (whose ratio to the optimal value approaches 1 asymptotically) in polynomial time for typical instances near the phase transition.Comment: substantially revised section 2, changed figures 3, 4 and 6, made minor stylistic changes and added reference

    Fundamental measure theory for lattice fluids with hard core interactions

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    We present the extension of Rosenfeld's fundamental measure theory to lattice models by constructing a density functional for d-dimensional mixtures of parallel hard hypercubes on a simple hypercubic lattice. The one-dimensional case is exactly solvable and two cases must be distinguished: all the species with the same lebgth parity (additive mixture), and arbitrary length parity (nonadditive mixture). At the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that the latter case is considered. Based on the one-dimensional exact functional form, we propose the extension to higher dimensions by generalizing the zero-dimensional cavities method to lattice models. This assures the functional to have correct dimensional crossovers to any lower dimension, including the exact zero-dimensional limit. Some applications of the functional to particular systems are also shown.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, needs IOPP LaTeX styles file

    Hysteretic Optimization For Spin Glasses

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    The recently proposed Hysteretic Optimization (HO) procedure is applied to the 1D Ising spin chain with long range interactions. To study its effectiveness, the quality of ground state energies found as a function of the distance dependence exponent, σ\sigma, is assessed. It is found that the transition from an infinite-range to a long-range interaction at σ=0.5\sigma=0.5 is accompanied by a sharp decrease in the performance . The transition is signaled by a change in the scaling behavior of the average avalanche size observed during the hysteresis process. This indicates that HO requires the system to be infinite-range, with a high degree of interconnectivity between variables leading to large avalanches, in order to function properly. An analysis of the way auto-correlations evolve during the optimization procedure confirm that the search of phase space is less efficient, with the system becoming effectively stuck in suboptimal configurations much earlier. These observations explain the poor performance that HO obtained for the Edwards-Anderson spin glass on finite-dimensional lattices, and suggest that its usefulness might be limited in many combinatorial optimization problems.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figures. To appear in JSTAT. Author website: http://www.bgoncalves.co