20 research outputs found

    Tematske i agentivne konstrukcije „straha” izvedene iz opojmljivanja unutarmjesnoga prostornog odnosa kodiranog prijedlogom „u”

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    This article presents an emergent model of the conceptualization of strah (Fear) in Croatian with focus on the constructions derived from the container image schema coded by preposition u (in). the semantic and syntactic analysis of the collocations of lexeme strah demonstrates conceptual hierarchy of the activation of metonymic and metaphoric processes via syntactic organization and perspectivization. It is argued that the meaning of the lexeme strah is conceptualized by metonymic profiling sensory-motor correlates of affective states and by superimposing metaphorical mappings of objects, spatial relations, object/entities with thematic and agentive roles that are organized in an emergent system of respective ontological, spatial, thematic and agentive patterns of linguistic constructions.This article presents an emergent model of the conceptualization of strah (Fear) in Croatian with focus on the constructions derived from the container image schema coded by preposition u (in). the semantic and syntactic analysis of the collocations of lexeme strah demonstrates conceptual hierarchy of the activation of metonymic and metaphoric processes via syntactic organization and perspectivization. It is argued that the meaning of the lexeme strah is conceptualized by metonymic profiling sensory-motor correlates of affective states and by superimposing metaphorical mappings of objects, spatial relations, object/entities with thematic and agentive roles that are organized in an emergent system of respective ontological, spatial, thematic and agentive patterns of linguistic constructions

    Jealousy vs Envy: European Cultural Background and Croatian Linguistic Examplesand Examples

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    Speakers of many languages tend to use pairs of words such as emotion/feeling or jealousy/envy interchangeably. This paper explores the differences in the way in which the emotional states of jealousy and envy are understood (in the Croa­tian language ljubomora and zavist) and the influence of culture on the expression of these states. First, we establish the cultural framework that significantly shapes the experience and expression of emotional states, and summarize cognitive aspects of the two emotions. Second, we demonstrate that Croatian 19th- and 20th- century belles lettres differentiate between the two in the way it is described in sciences. Third, a psycholinguistic questionnaire was used to investigate features of the conceptual content from 209 high school students. Finally, the results were compared with the empirical corpus analysis of the linguistic constructions of emotional categories. Complementary methods used in this research show indications of an ongoing semasiological change of ljubomora and zavist in a significant part of Croatian speakers

    Korpusna analiza sintaktičko-semantičkih struktura s pomoću grafova: semantičke domene pojma osjećaj

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    This research exemplifies the corpus-based graph approach to the syntactic-semantic analysis of a concept feeling using the Construction Grammar Conceptual network methodology. by constructing a lexical network from grammatically tagged collocations of the English and the Croatian web corpora, the structure of the semantic domains is revealed as a set of sub-graphs derived from the source lexeme’s friend-of-a-friend graph. the subgraph structures, calculated with the community detection algorithm, are interpreted as the semantic domains associated with the source lexeme’s conceptual matrix. lexical structures are analyzed using a centrality algorithm that determines the overall rank of the salience and semantic relatedness to the source concept feeling. this empirical approach can be used for developing NLP methods and tasks, such as computing semantic similarity, sense disambiguation, sense structuring, as well as for comparative corpus and cross-cultural studies. ConGraCnet has a web application on the page http://emocnet.uniri.hr/congracnet.Ova studija prikazuje metodu ConGraCnet na primjeru korpusne sintaktičko-semantičke analize s pomoću grafova pojma osjećaj/feeling. analizom mreža leksičkih kolokacija koordinirane konstrukcije iz korpusa enTenTen i hrWac struktura semantičkih domena ishodišnih pojmova razlučuje se algoritmom prepoznavanja graf-zajednica. leksičke se zajednice sagledavaju kao apstrakcija semantičkih domena povezanih s pojmovnom matricom ishodišnoga leksema. Korištenjem algoritmom centralnosti koji prepoznaje istaknuto umrežene lekseme određuje se stupanj povezanosti semantičke domene s izvornim pojmom. ovaj empirijski pristup može se upotrebljavati za razvijanje nlP metoda za prepoznavanje semantičke sličnosti, razlučivanja višeznačnosti, strukturiranje značenja te za komparativne korpusne i međukulturne studije. Metoda ConGraCnet objavljena je kao mrežna aplikacija na stranici http://emocnet.uniri.hr/congracnet

    Towards a Cognitive-Scientific Understanding of the Experience of Sacred

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    U članku se kroz višedisciplinarni pristup kognitivnih znanosti proučava osobito ljudsko iskustvo povezano s religioznim doživljajem stvarnosti, koje se u tradiciji discipline povijesti religija naziva ‘iskustvo svetoga’. U skladu s teorijom emergencije, predlaže se definicija iskustva svetoga kao stanja svijesti sa subjektivnom kvalitetom integracije, specifičnim neurološkim korelatom i funkcionalnim obilježjima. Emergentne teorije svijesti pružaju ontološki ujednačeno tumačenje iskustava svetoga nudeći »naravna« objašnjenja bez odricanja njihove fenomenološke subjektivnosti. Prijenos iskustva svetoga iz unitarnoga, svojevrsnog intencionalno neobojenoga stanja, u izrecivi jezični kôd intencionalno relevantnih pojmova sa sveprožimajućim utjecajima na opojmljivanje svijeta razmatra se pomoću kognitivne jezične teorije u tradiciji Johnsona i Lakoffa. Sposobnost izricanja značenja iskustva svetoga sagledava se kao emergentno svojstvo pojmovnog procesuiranja metaforičkoga razmišljanja uvjetovanoga utjelovljenošću uma i kulturalnim odrednicama. Predloženi pristup omogućuje tumačenje nastanka složenih mitoloških i kulturalnih modela temeljem iskustva svetoga, ali i ukazuje na njegovu kulturalnu neuvjetovanost zadanu nediskurzivnom naravi samog iskustva.In this article a multidisciplinary approach of cognitive sciences is employed for the analysis of a special category of human experience related to the religious understanding of the world, termed according to the History of Religion as the ‘experience of sacred’. The experience of sacred is defined as the state of consciousness with a subjective quality of integration, a specific neural correlate and functional features. Emergentist theory of consciousness provides ontologically consistent perspective offering a “natural” explanation for this type of experience without denying its subjective phenomenology. The linguistic expression of the experience is examined in the light of Johnson’s and Lakoff’s cognitive linguistic theory. The linguistic competence enabling the expression of the sacred experience is defined as the emergent property of conceptual processing of metaphorical thinking shaped by the embodied mind. This approach explains the seminal role of the experience of sacred in the formation of complex mythological and cultural models, but also points to its non discursive nature

    Texts of Popular Songs in the Construction of National Memory

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    U radu se istražuje proces konstruiranja nacionalnog sjećanja kroz tekstove hrvatskih popularnih pjesama emitiranih na radiju tijekom Dana državnosti u vremenskom periodu od 2008 do 2012 godine. Polazi se od opće pretpostavke da je popularna glazba dominantan oblik popularne kulture koji odražava društvenu zbilju. Pri tome je efikasan identifikator prenošenja i promocije nacionalnog identiteta zbog opetovanog medijskog emitiranja putem kojeg učinkovito prodire do kognitivno-afektivnih sustava slušača. Na temelju korpusa najizvođenijih pjesama deset opserviranih radijskih postaja, rad analizira ontološku strukturu pjesama i identificira sjećanja kroz popularnoglazbene prakse u obilježavanju komemorativne kulture u Hrvatskoj.This work is based on the discourse and conceptual analysis of popular songs broadcasted on the radio from the perspective of culture of memory. The basic assumption of the study is that the conceptual structure of the lyrics reflects the identity of the Croatian society. The corpus of songs broadcasted on Statehood Day has been created over 5 consecutive years, yielding a list consisting of the most frequent 19 out of 31,372 songs contained in 50 music play lists. Multidimensional social and discourse aspects were analysed in terms of their role in the formation of cultural knowledge about the national identity. The corpus based conceptual analysis identified the key concepts from the perspective of embodied constructions of the meaning that highlight the continuity of the nation’s existence and refer to the Homeland War as a badge of identity of the Croatian society. The paper provides the perspectives and methodologies for further research of the role of popular songs in the process of Croatian cultural memory

    Multidisciplinarno poimanje tjelesnog vježbanja

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    Rad predstavlja multidisciplinarno razmatranje problema smanjenog tjelesnog kretanja i njegovih posljedica za zdravlje stanovništva. Raspravlja se o uzrocima koji dovode do marginaliziranja tjelesnog vježbanja u cilju postizanja optimalnog zdravstvenog statusa, kako u sustavu školstva i akademskog obrazovanja, tako i u provođenju slobodnog vremena. Ovaj pristup nije iscrpljen samo u preskripciji uključivanja tjelovježbe u edukacijskim programima ili apologetskog stajališta o nužnosti skladnog funkcioniranja tjelesnih sustava za optimalno zdravlje, nego je svrha rada naglasiti potrebu za promišljanjem i vrednovanjem uloge utjelovljene spoznaje u kontekstu različitih fizioloških, emotivnih, kognitivnih i društvenih sastavnica ljudskog bića. U radu se predstavlja model emergentnog holizma koji predstavlja plodan znanstveni okvir za promišljanje o navedenim pitanjima

    Multidisciplinary Concept of Physical Education and Practice

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    Rad predstavlja multidisciplinarno razmatranje problema smanjenog tjelesnog kretanja i njegovih posljedica za zdravlje stanovništva. Raspravlja se o uzrocima koji dovode do marginaliziranja tjelesnog vježbanja u cilju postizanja optimalnog zdravstvenog statusa, kako u sustavu školstva i akademskog obrazovanja, tako i u provođenju slobodnog vremena. Ovaj pristup nije iscrpljen samo u preskripciji uključivanja tjelovježbe u edukacijskim programima ili apologetskog stajališta o nužnosti skladnog funkcioniranja tjelesnih sustava za optimalno zdravlje, nego je svrha rada naglasiti potrebu za promišljanjem i vrednovanjem uloge utjelovljene spoznaje u kontekstu različitih fizioloških, emotivnih, kognitivnih i društvenih sastavnica ljudskog bića. U radu se predstavlja model emergentnog holizma koji predstavlja plodan znanstveni okvir za promišljanje o navedenim pitanjima.The article presents a multidisciplinary perspective on the problem of diminishing physical activity and its impact on the health in the overall population. We discuss possible reasons for apparent marginalization of the physical education and practice in the educational system and popular culture rituals, and present an emergent holistic approach as a way how to deal with this problem. This approach is not reduced to a mere prescription for greater inclusion of physical exercise in the educational programs or an apologetic stance for proper functioning of the bodily systems for optimal health, but argues for a reconceptualization and evaluation of the role of embodied cognition in the context of various psychological, emotional, cognitive and sociological components of human being. We argue that the model of emergent holism presents a well-defined scientific frame for the conceptualization of these issues

    La estructura de la conciencia plena y su conexión con los rasgos de personalidad y la reacción emocional

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    Cilj je provedenog istraživanja bio ispitati faktorsku strukturu Petofacetnog upitnika usredotočene svjesnosti (FFMQ, Baer i sur., 2006) na hrvatskom uzorku i utvrditi odnose usredotočene svjesnosti s relevantnim kriterijima. Uz ispitivanje originalne i alternativnih faktorskih struktura FFMQ-a ispitana je i njegova povezanost s iskustvom u meditaciji, neki aspekti konvergentno-divergentne valjanosti (povezanost s crtama ličnosti petofaktorskog modela) te prediktivna i inkrementalna valjanost u objašnjenju emocionalnog reagiranja na jednostavne podražaje. Ukupno 242 ispitanika iz populacije studenata i opće populacije od 18 do 68 godina popunilo je FFMQ, Petofaktorski inventar ličnosti (BFI, Benet-Martinez i John, 1998) i mjeru emocionalnog reagiranja operacionaliziranog kao evaluacija prezentiranih riječi na dimenzijama valencije i uzbuđenja, odnosno intenziteta afektivnog odgovora. Rezultati su pokazali da (1) iako sve facete FFMQ-a imaju primjerenu pouzdanost, najprikladnije faktorsko rješenje predstavlja četverofaktorski hijerarhijski model s jednim faktorom višeg reda, u kojem je izostavljen faktor opažanja, a moguće je koristiti i svih pet faktora, ali u tom slučaju bez podrazumijevanja faktora višeg reda; (2) uz kontrolu svih relevantnih varijabli postoje značajne razlike između praktikanata i nepraktikanata meditacije na svim facetama FFMQ-a osim facete opisivanja, kao i na ukupnom rezultatu FFMQ-a; (3) dobivene su niske do umjerene očekivane povezanosti faceta FFMQ-a s dimenzijama petofaktorskog modela; (4) povezanosti faceta FFMQ-a i emocionalnog reagiranja niske su, očekivano snažnije za negativne u odnosu na pozitivne podražaje i smjer im varira ovisno o vrsti facete i vrsti podražaja, pri čemu (5) faceta neprosuđivanja ima inkrementalnu valjanost povrh dimenzija petofaktorskog modela ličnosti jedino u predikciji percepcije intenziteta negativnih podražaja. Raspravljena su moguća objašnjenja i implikacije dobivenih rezultata.We explored factor structure of Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ, Baer et al., 2006) in a Croatian sample and its relationship with relevant criteria. In addition to testing of the original and alternative factor structures of FFMQ, we also tested its relationship with meditation experience, as well as some aspects of convergent-divergent validity (relationship with Five-factor model personality dimensions) and its predictive and incremental validity in explaining emotional responses to simple stimuli. In a sample of 244 participants (ages 18 – 68) from a population of university students and general population, we administered FFMQ, Big Five Inventory (BFI, Benet-Martinez & John, 1998), and a measure of emotional responding operationalized as evaluation of different words on valence and arousal/emotional intensity dimensions. The results showed that: 1. Although all FFMQ facets do have adequate reliability, it was a four-four factor hierarchical model, without facet Observe and with one higher-order factor that represented the most acceptable factor solution. A solution with five factors was also acceptable, but without a corresponding higher-order factor; 2. After controlling for all potentially confounding variables, significant differences between individuals with and without meditation experience in all FFMQ facets except the Describe facet, as well as in FFMQ composite, were found; 3. Several low to moderate, expected correlations between FFMQ facets and Five-factor model personality dimensions were observed; 4. Correlations between FFMQ facets and emotional responding were low and, expectedly, larger for negative than for positive stimuli, with direction of correlation being different for different facets and types of stimuli; and 5. The Nonjudge facet showed incremental validity above the Five-factor model dimensions only when predicting the intensity of negative stimuli. Potential explanations and implications of such results were discussed.El objetivo de este trabajo fue examinar la estructura factorial del Cuestionario de cinco facetas de la conciencia plena (FFMQ, Baer y col., 2006) en la muestra croata y determinar la relación entre la conciencia plena y los criterios relevantes. Se han examinado las estructuras factoriales originales y alternativas de FFMQ, tanto como su conexión con experiencias en la meditación, algunos aspectos de la validez convergente-divergente (relacionada con los rasgos de personalidad de los cinco grandes) y la validez predicativa e incremental para explicar la reacción emocional a estimulaciones simples. Un total de 242 examinados a la edad entre 18 y 68 años (estudiantes y populación general) ha completado FFMQ, Inventario de los cinco grandes (BFI, Benet-Martinez y John, 1998) y la medida de reacción emocional hecha como evaluación de palabras presentadas en las dimensiones de valencia y excitación, o sea, intensidad de la respuesta afectiva. Los resultados han demostrado que 1) aunque todas las facetas de FFMQ tienen una fiabilidad adecuada, la resolución factorial más adecuada sería el modelo jerárquico de cuatro factores con un modelo del orden superior, en el que se omite Observación, pero se pueden utilizar también todos los cinco factores, sólo que en este caso sin un factor del orden superior; 2) si se controlan todas las variables relevantes, se notan diferencias significativas en todas las facetas de FFMQ, menos en la faceta de Descripción y en resultado total de FFMQ, entre los que practican la meditación y los que no lo hacen; 3) se han obtenido conexiones esperadas bajas y moderadas entre las facetas FFMQ y las dimensiones del modelo de los cinco grandes; 4) las conexiones entre las facetas FFMQ y la reacción emocional son bajas, más fuertes para las estimulaciones negativas en comparación con las positivas y su dirección varía dependiendo del tipo de faceta y del tipo de estimulación, en lo que 5) la faceta de la Falta de deliberación tiene una validez incremental más allá de las dimensiones del modelo de los cinco grandes sólo en la predicción de la percepción de la intensidad de estimulaciones negativas. Se discuten posibles explicaciones e implicaciones de resultados obtenidos