14 research outputs found

    Dryad - Complex effects of inbreeding on biparenatal cooperation

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    Microsoft Excel file containing data collected in a laboratory experiment at the University of Edinburgh. For an explanation of short hand column titles a read me file is attached


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    Data file for relationship between egg size and offspring growth and survival from a laboratory experiment on Nicrophorus vespiloides. The data are based on a parental removal design in which the effect of egg size is compared in the absence or presence of post-hatching parental care


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    Raw data on biparental cooperation in the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides. The data file contains information on contributions towards parental care by male and female parents and information on the body size of male and female parents


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    Raw data on the joint effects of brood size and inbreeding status on offspring fitness in the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides


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    Data from two experiments testing for effects on inbreeding in offspring and inbreeding in parents on offspring fitness in the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloide

    Data from Pilakouta Hanlon & Smiseth Proceedings B

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    Parental behaviour and offspring fitness under uniparental and biparental care in burying beetle

    Data on effects of offspring and parental inbreeding on parent-offspring communication in Nicrophorus vespilloides

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    Data on effects of offspring and parental inbreeding on parent-offspring communication in Nicrophorus vespilloide

    Brood weight data – Experiment 1

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    Brood size and weight produced by Nicorphorus vespilloides females on mouse carcasses aged for seven days and on fresh carcasses, collected for Experiment 1 in the linked publication. ‘History’ refers to the mother’s natal environment, ‘Treatment’ to the carcass provided for her first breeding attempt. ‘Family’ indicates which sister females were mated to the same male. The weight of the female beetle (‘Mother_weight’) and the mouse carcass (pre-aging) (‘Mouse_weight’) are given. Brood size refers to the number of successfully dispersing offspring

    Brood Failure data

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    Brood failure of Nicorphorus vespilloides females on mouse carcasses aged for seven days and on fresh carcasses, collected for Experiment 1 in the linked publication. ‘History’ refers to the mother’s natal environment, ‘Treatment’ to the carcass provided for her first breeding attempt. The weight of the female beetle (‘Mother_weight’) and the mouse carcass (pre-aging) (‘Mouse_weight’) are given. Brood size refers to the number of successfully dispersing offspring