10 research outputs found

    FoodMathModel:predictive model of <em>Listeria monocytogenes</em> in soft blue white cheese

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    Modeling the growth of <em>Listeria monocytogenes</em> in soft blue-white cheese

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    The aim of this study was to develop a predictive model simulating growth over time of the pathogenic bacterium Listeria monocytogenes in a soft blue-white cheese. The physicochemical properties in a matrix such as cheese are essential controlling factors influencing the growth of L. monocytogenes. We developed a predictive tertiary model of the bacterial growth of L. monocytogenes as a function of temperature, pH, NaCl, and lactic acid. We measured the variations over time of the physicochemical properties in the cheese. Our predictive model was developed based on broth data produced in previous studies. New growth data sets were produced to independently calibrate and validate the developed model. A characteristic of this tertiary model is that it handles dynamic growth conditions described in time series of temperature, pH, NaCl, and lactic acid. Supplying the model with realistic production and retail conditions showed that the number of L. monocytogenes cells increases 3 to 3.5 log within the shelf life of the cheese

    Bacillus cereus in fresh ricotta: Comparison of growth and Haemolysin BL production after artificial contamination during production or post processing

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    Bacillus cereus is of particular concern for the production of fresh ricotta, due to the ability of spores to survive to the thermal treatment, leading to a potential germination, growth and toxin production in the product. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of a B. cereus contamination occurring in the whey used for the production of ricotta, or in the final product as post-production event. Four B. cereus strains (ATCC 14579 and three clinical isolates, GGu1, GPe2 and RCe1) were first evaluated for their ability to grow at different temperatures (from 5 to 55 °C) and spore survival rate to different thermal treatments (65, 70, 80 and 90 °C for 30, 15. 10 and 3 min, respectively). None of the strains showed to be psychrotrophic, as no growth below 10 °C was observed. Strains ATCC 14579 and GPe2 were the most resistant to thermal stresses and were selected for the inoculation tests. In the first trial, two aliquots of whey were inoculated with ATCC 14579 or GPe2 strain and used for the production of fresh ricotta samples, that were stored at 10 °C for 7 days (only GPe2) or 15 °C for 5 days (both the strains). In the second trial, the inoculation was made on fresh ricotta just after production. Samples were stored in the same conditions and analysed daily for the quantification of B. cereus vegetative cells and spores; the L2 component of Haemolysin BL was also quantified in the product. At 15 °C, a very fast germination of spores, followed by an active growth, was constantly observed in the two trials for both B. cereus strains. An earlier growth was detected in the whey-inoculated samples, suggesting the potential activation of spore germination caused by high temperatures reached during ricotta production. A slightly faster growth was observed for ATCC 14579 strain. At 10 °C, GPe2 strain showed a slow growth, with similar rates between whey- or product-inoculated ricotta samples. The production of HBL toxin was significant only in samples kept at 15 °C, starting from the 4th day of storage. In order to ensure the consumers’ protection, these results suggest the suitability of fresh ricotta as a substrate for the growth and metabolic activity of B. cereus, highlighting the need to prevent the contamination of the product and, above all, to apply a correct refrigeration during its storage

    Procedure for Calculating the Calcium Carbonate Precipitation Potential (CCPP) in Drinking Water Supply: Importance of Temperature, Ionic Species and Open/Closed System

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    The calcium carbonate (CaCO3) precipitation potential (CCPP) can predict the potential for corrosion and lime scaling in drinking water systems. CCPP can be calculated by different standards, but none of these consider all of the conditions in drinking water systems where temperatures can reach 100 &deg;C and the water exchanges CO2 with the atmosphere. We provided and demonstrated a procedure for CCPP calculations using the open-source software PHREEQC with the phreeqc.dat database at temperatures relevant for drinking water systems (10&ndash;90 &deg;C) and for open systems in equilibrium with atmospheric CO2. CCPP increased by 0.17&ndash;1.51 mmol/kg when the temperature was increased from 10 &deg;C to 90 &deg;C and increased by 0.22&ndash;2.82 mmol/kg when going from closed to open systems at 10 &deg;C. Thus, CaCO3 precipitation may be underestimated if CCPP is only considered for the lower sample temperature and for closed systems. On the other hand, CCPP10 decreased by 0.006&ndash;0.173 mmol/kg when including the ionic species from the German DIN 38404-10 standard in addition to calcium, alkalinity and pH, indicating that all relevant ionic species should be included in CCPP calculations. CCPP values should always be reported with the calculation procedure and temperature to avoid inconsistency in literature