919 research outputs found

    Effects of pre-release acclimatization period on salmon return rates

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    42.000 1+smolts of Atlantic salmon were size graded into two size groups and released during three weeks in spring 1993; one group of small and one of large smolts on each of the four release days. Approximately 25% of the fish had been individually tagged using Carlin-tags. The fish were transferred to net pens in a small marine bay in which estuarine salinity gradients had been established by a tarpaulin barrier. The smolts were held in the net pens for three days prior to the first and third release day and seven days before the second and fourth release day. Total recoveries of Carlin-tagged grilse in 1994 showed higher return rates for smolts acclimatized for three days compared with seven days. The difference was small for large smolts, but significant for small smolts, as return rate for the three days acclimatization was twice that of seven days acclimatization. The retum of precocious mature males, males that were mature prior to release, were clearly higher than that of other smolts. Possible causes for these differences are discussed

    Udbyttet af VVM

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    Regionalization of cell types in silk glands of Larinioides sclopetarius suggest that spider silk fibers are complex layered structures

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    In order to produce artifcial silk fbers with properties that match the native spider silk we likely need to closely mimic the spinning process as well as fber architecture and composition. To increase our understanding of the structure and function of the diferent silk glands of the orb weaver Larinioides sclopetarius, we used resin sections for detailed morphology, parafn embedded sections for a variety of diferent histological stainings, and a histochemical method for localization of carbonic anhydrase activity. Our results show that all silk glands, except the tubuliform glands, are composed of two or more columnar epithelial cell types, some of which have not been described previously. We observed distinct regionalization of the cell types indicating sequential addition of secretory products during silk formation. This means that the major ampullate, minor ampullate, aciniform type II, and piriform silk fbers most likely are layered and that each layer has a specifc composition. Furthermore, a substance that stains positive for polysaccharides may be added to the silk in all glands except in the type I aciniform glands. Active carbonic anhydrase was found in all silk glands and/or ducts except in the type I aciniform and tubuliform glands, with the strongest staining in aggregate glands and their ductal nodules. Carbonic anhydrase plays an important role in the generation of a pH gradient in the major ampullate glands, and our results suggest that some other glands may also harbor pH gradients

    Skogshistorisk utvikling etter hogst og kølbrenning Nord-Østerdalen og potensialet for framtidig skogproduksjon

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    Skogtilstanden i høyereliggende arealer i Nord-Østerdalen som ble overutnyttet i ved gruvedrift frem til ca. 1900 viser fortsatt stort innslag av fjellbjørk og glisne furuskoger med et stående volum varierende rundt 3-6 m3 per dekar. Den dårlige gjenveksten av furu i området kan trolig delvis forklares ut fra endret lokalklima etter rovhogstene, mangel på frø, vedvarende hardt beitetrykk og lokal forurensning fra smeltehyttene. I områder som ble klassifisert som skogreisingsarealer (70.000 daa) er det utført ulike kulturtiltak som viser at disse arealene har et langt større produksjonspotensiale. En tidobling av stående volum vil være mulig med aktiv kultursatsing og treslagsskifte om formålet er størst mulig produksjon og karbonbinding. Vrifuru kan være et bra alternativ på mange lokaliteter. Vektlegges restaurering av den tidligere furuskogen vil det naturlige treslagsvalget være stedegen furu. Per i dag er det begrenset tilgang på frø og plantemateriale fra høydelag 7, men mulighetene for naturlig foryngelse bør klarlegges. De siste tiårene med gunstigere temperatur har trolig medført økt andel modent frø i høyereliggende furuskog. Langtidsvirkninger av kølbrenning på bonitet og næringstilgang er tema i en masteroppgave knyttet til prosjektet og vil utgjøre endelig rapportering når oppgaven foreligger i 2024.Skogshistorisk utvikling etter hogst og kølbrenning Nord-Østerdalen og potensialet for framtidig skogproduksjonpublishedVersio