23 research outputs found

    Association of FAM46A VNTR genotypes with NSCLC in Croatian and Norwegian subjects.

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    <p>p<sup>U</sup>: unadjusted p-value,</p><p>p<sup>g</sup>: p-value adjusted for gender,</p><p>p<sup>ag</sup>: p-value adjusted for age and gender,</p><p>p<sup>ags</sup>: p-value adjusted for age, gender and smoking status,</p><p>N: number of alleles or genotypes include in the analysis, LFG: Low frequency genotypes (ab+ac+ad+ae+bf+cf+af+ee+ef+ff), CI: confidence interval, OR: Odds ratio</p><p>Association of FAM46A VNTR genotypes with NSCLC in Croatian and Norwegian subjects.</p