9 research outputs found

    Designing new methodologies for integrating biomedical information in clinical trials

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    In the new scenario of gEnomic medicine we are developing a system called INFOGENMED to inTegrate distributed and heterogeneus medical and genetic databases for improving information access

    Medición,control y conocimiento de la presión arterial: Iniciativa Mayo Mes de la Medición Colombia 2017

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    La prevalencia de presión arterial es alta en esta población adulta joven,en la cual el desconocimiento de la condición de HTA estambién alta,y en aquellos que conocen su condición existe un porcentaje bajo de control de la HTA, resultados que de muestran la necesi-dad de implementar programas eficaces de detección de pacientes hipertensos y de establecer tratamientos estandarizados para mejorar el control de la HTA como una estrategia para la reducción de eventos cardiovasculares.The prevalence of blood pressure is high in this young adult population, in which ignorance of the HTA condition is also high, and in those who know their condition there is a low percentage of control of the HTA, results that show the need To implement effective programs for the detection of hypertensive patients and to establish standardized treatments to improve the control of HT as a strategy for the reduction of cardiovascular events.Introducción. -- Materiales y métodos. -- Resultados y Discusión000066948220131202747https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2328-7468https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/gruplac/jsp/visualiza/[email protected]

    Stool sample storage conditions for the preservation of Giardia intestinalis DNA

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    Stool is chemically complex and the extraction of DNA from stool samples is extremely difficult. Haemoglobin breakdown products, such as bilirubin, bile acids and mineral ions, that are present in the stool samples, can inhibit DNA amplification and cause molecular assays to produce false-negative results. Therefore, stool storage conditions are highly important for the diagnosis of intestinal parasites and other microorganisms through molecular approaches. In the current study, stool samples that were positive for Giardia intestinalis were collected from five different patients. Each sample was stored using one out of six different storage conditions [room temperature (RT), +4ºC, -20ºC, 70% alcohol, 10% formaldehyde or 2.5% potassium dichromate] for DNA extraction procedures at one, two, three and four weeks. A modified QIAamp Stool Mini Kit procedure was used to isolate the DNA from stored samples. After DNA isolation, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification was performed using primers that target the β-giardin gene. A G. intestinalis-specific 384 bp band was obtained from all of the cyst-containing stool samples that were stored at RT, +4ºC and -20ºC and in 70% alcohol and 2.5% potassium dichromate; however, this band was not produced by samples that had been stored in 10% formaldehyde. Moreover, for the stool samples containing trophozoites, the same G. intestinalis-specific band was only obtained from the samples that were stored in 2.5% potassium dichromate for up to one month. As a result, it appears evident that the most suitable storage condition for stool samples to permit the isolation of G. intestinalis DNA is in 2.5% potassium dichromate; under these conditions, stool samples may be stored for one month

    Concepto de objetivo de una tarea matemática de futuros maestros

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    Dentro de la línea de formación de profesores, en este trabajo presentamos aspectos de una investigación con futuros maestros de primaria, donde nos enfocamos en comprender cómo los estudiantes de la Universidad de Granada interpretan la meta como elemento de análisis de una tarea matemática escolar, enmarcada dentro del Análisis Didáctico como herramienta funcional en la formación inicial. Se ha seguido una metodología cualitativa, a través del análisis de contenido. Los antecedentes evidencian la importancia de las tareas escolares para favorecer el aprendizaje de las matemáticas, y los resultados nos muestran la dificultad que presentan los futuros maestros para establecer y definir la meta de una tarea matemática escolar

    Interaction of Gold Acetylides with Gold(I) or Silver(I) Cations

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