18 research outputs found

    Adalékok a geopolitika kialakulás-történetéhez

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    This paper aims to introduce the reader to the early years of geopolitics. In the beginning of the ninteen-twenties there was a strong desire led by German scientists to separate geopolitics from political geography, and to get it acknowledged as an independent discipline. This effort started a debate between the geographers about geopolitics, what it actually is, and how it differs from political geography. The central figure of the geopolitical movement was Karl Haushofer, one of the most (in)famous geopolitical thinker of the twentieth century, and the founder of the German geopolitical school. His and his colleagues main goal was to establish the solid scientifical basis of this new acedemic field. In 1928 they published their work with the title Bausteine zur Geopolitik, which contained numerous of their studies with their thoughts about the theoretical and historical principles of geopolitics. In this short study we tried to compare them with the phlyogeny of political geography read in the great synthesis of Otto Maull, with the headtitle Politische Geographie (Political Geography). Similarly to Haushofer, Otto Maull was also significant geographer and political geographer of that time, and he also participated as an author in the publishing of Bausteine zur Geopolitik. Maull traced the roots of the modern political geography back to antiquity, and described its scientific development until the first decades of the twentieth century. Overall, the two disciplines have a great many of mutual traits regarding their histoical essentials, their methodology and their subjects of research, which is not surprising considering that geopolitics started to evolve from the academic field of political geography. The main difference between them, according to Haushofer and his colleagues, is that geopolitics has a speical point of view. It means that its aim is to solve the problems of space and power with scientific intensity, but these results must also be made available to the politicians and statesmen. Thus, geopolitics, according to them, must become an academic field with the purpose to aid the state

    Adalékok a geopolitika kialakulás-történetéhez

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    This paper aims to introduce the reader to the early years of geopolitics. In the beginning of the ninteen-twenties there was a strong desire led by German scientists to separate geopolitics from political geography, and to get it acknowledged as an independent discipline. This effort started a debate between the geographers about geopolitics, what it actually is, and how it differs from political geography. The central figure of the geopolitical movement was Karl Haushofer, one of the most (in)famous geopolitical thinker of the twentieth century, and the founder of the German geopolitical school. His and his colleagues main goal was to establish the solid scientifical basis of this new acedemic field. In 1928 they published their work with the title Bausteine zur Geopolitik, which contained numerous of their studies with their thoughts about the theoretical and historical principles of geopolitics. In this short study we tried to compare them with the phlyogeny of political geography read in the great synthesis of Otto Maull, with the headtitle Politische Geographie (Political Geography). Similarly to Haushofer, Otto Maull was also significant geographer and political geographer of that time, and he also participated as an author in the publishing of Bausteine zur Geopolitik. Maull traced the roots of the modern political geography back to antiquity, and described its scientific development until the first decades of the twentieth century. Overall, the two disciplines have a great many of mutual traits regarding their histoical essentials, their methodology and their subjects of research, which is not surprising considering that geopolitics started to evolve from the academic field of political geography. The main difference between them, according to Haushofer and his colleagues, is that geopolitics has a speical point of view. It means that its aim is to solve the problems of space and power with scientific intensity, but these results must also be made available to the politicians and statesmen. Thus, geopolitics, according to them, must become an academic field with the purpose to aid the state

    Minimally invasive subperiosteal pocket technique for Osia 2 system- implantation without fixation

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    The CochlearTM Osia® 2 is an active transcutaneous implant designed to treat patients with different types of hearing loss. Due to its size, implantation needs appropriate practice since the necessity of extended flap creation and bone work can be an issue in some cases. The goal of our study was to determine whether fixation of the OSI200 implant was necessary for the performance of patients with conductive or mild mixed hearing loss. The vibroacoustic performance of the Osia 2 system, with and without BI300 fixation, was evaluated through tests conducted on a head model. In addition, three patients underwent surgery using the modified minimally invasive subperiosteal pocket technique; the OSI200 implant was placed in a tight subperiosteal pocket without fixing it with the BI300 implant. To evaluate the audiological performance of the non-fixated Osia 2 system, we compared the preoperative unaided pure tone and suprathreshold testing with the Baha 5 sound processor and the non-fixated Osia 2 system aided thresholds. Initial results indicate that omitting fixation does not significantly impair the function of the Osia 2 system. The findings of the clinical assessment support the fact that the Osia 2 system performed better than the Baha 5 system on Softband, both in pure tone and suprathreshold tests. According to our results, we have found that utilizing the subperiosteal pocket method and implanting Osia 2 without BI300 fixation may be a viable option. This approach has shown promising results in terms of improving hearing ability with minimalization of surgery related complications. © The Author(s) 2024

    Fiatalkori hallásrehabilitáció Baha® Attract implantátumrendszerrel | Pediatric hearing rehabilitation with the Baha ® Attract implant system

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    Absztrakt: Bevezetés: A Baha® Attract egy új, implantálható transcutan csontvezetéses hallásjavító rendszer, amely fiatalkorban is előnyösebb lehet a klasszikus percutan eszközökkel szemben. Célkitűzés: Az eszköz alkalmazási lehetőségeinek bemutatása a fiatalkori hallásrehabilitációs műtéteknél. Módszer: Klinikánkon ez idáig nyolc esetben végeztünk fiatalkorban implantációt (átlag 13,2 ± 3,2 év) az általunk módosított „posterosuperior” feltárásos technikával, 5 mm-es implantátummal. Az életkori sajátságok indokolták, hogy kiegészítő tanulmányként 72 fő, 1–8 éves gyermek koponya-CT-felvételét elemezve megmérjük a koponyacsont vastagságát az implantátum beültetésének ideális lokalizációjában. Eredmények: Az implantációk átlag 30 perces műtéti idővel történtek. Intra- és posztoperatív szövődményt nem észleltünk. A beszédprocesszorokat a negyedik héten illesztettük. Audiológiai eredményekben 51,58 ± 11,22 SD dBHL hallásteljesítmény, valamint 43,3 ± 16,02 SD dB beszédhallásküszöb-javulást értünk el. A koponyacsont-vastagság átlagosan 3,39 ± 1,05 SDmm-nek adódott. Következtetés: A Baha® Attract új lehetőség a fiatalkori hallásrehabilitációban. Az implantációt megelőzően javasolt a koponyáról CT-vizsgálatot végezni, amellyel megállapítható a csont vastagsága és megtervezhető az implantátum beültetésének optimális helye. Orv. Hetil., 2017, 158(8), 304–310. | Abstract: Introduction: Baha® Attract is a new transcutaneous bone-conduction hearing aid, which is more preferable in childhood than the conventional percutaneous systems. Aim: Our aim was to demonstrate the possibilities of application in childhood. Method: Eight children have undergone surgeries (mean age of 13.2 ± 3.2 years; “posterosuperior” incision technique, 5 mm implants). The thickness of the skull bone was determined in 72 children (1-8 years old) at the recommended implant site, based on CT scans. Results: The average duration of surgeries was 30 minutes. There were no intra- and postoperative complications observed. Sound processors were fitted at the postoperative 4th week. Hearing measurements proved 51.58±11.22SD dBHL gain in warble tone thresholds, and 43.3 ± 16.02 SD dB in speech discrimination thresholds. The skull bone thickness was measured as 3.39 ± 1.05 SD mm. Conclusion: The Baha Attract system is a new tool for hearing rehabilitation in pediatric population. Preoperative CT provides valuable knowledge about skull bone thickness. Orv. Hetil., 2017, 158(8), 304–310

    Mitochondrial Side Effects of Surgical Prophylactic Antibiotics Ceftriaxone and Rifaximin Lead to Bowel Mucosal Damage

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    Despite their clinical effectiveness, a growing body of evidence has shown that many classes of antibiotics lead to mitochondrial dysfunction. Ceftriaxone and Rifaximin are first choice perioperative antibiotics in gastrointestinal surgery targeting fundamental processes of intestinal bacteria; however, may also have negative consequences for the host cells. In this study, we investigated their direct effect on mitochondrial functions in vitro, together with their impact on ileum, colon and liver tissue. Additionally, their impact on the gastrointestinal microbiome was studied in vivo, in a rat model. Rifaximin significantly impaired the oxidative phosphorylation capacity (OxPhos) and leak respiration in the ileal mucosa, in line with increased oxidative tissue damage and histological changes following treatment. Ceftriaxone prophylaxis led to similar changes in the colon mucosa. The composition and diversity of bacterial communities differed extensively in response to antibiotic pre-treatment. However, the relative abundances of the toxin producing species were not increased. We have confirmed the harmful effects of prophylactic doses of Rifaximin and Ceftriaxone on the intestinal mucosa and that these effects were related to the mitochondrial dysfunction. These experiments raise awareness of mitochondrial side effects of these antibiotics that may be of clinical importance when evaluating their adverse effects on bowel mucosa