1,868 research outputs found

    Full Service ISDN Satellite (FSIS) network model for advanced ISDN satellite design and experiments

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    The Full Service Integrated Services Digital Network (FSIS) network model for advanced satellite designs describes a model suitable for discrete event simulations. A top down model design uses the Advanced Communications Technology Satellite (ACTS) as its basis. The ACTS and the Interim Service ISDN Satellite (ISIS) perform ISDN protocol analyses and switching decisions in the terrestrial domain, whereas FSIS makes all its analyses and decisions on-board the ISDN satellite

    Scenarios and performance measures for advanced ISDN satellite design and experiments

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    Described here are the contemplated input and expected output for the Interim Service Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) Satellite (ISIS) and Full Service ISDN Satellite (FSIS) Models. The discrete event simulations of these models are presented with specific scenarios that stress ISDN satellite parameters. Performance measure criteria are presented for evaluating the advanced ISDN communication satellite designs of the NASA Satellite Communications Research (SCAR) Program

    Volatile inventory of Mars-2: Primordial sources and fractionating processes

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    The total volatile inventory of Mars has been modeled using meteoritic and presumed primordial abundances in the early solar system. Evidence is presented which indicates that the elemental abundances of the noble gases on Earth and Mars are similar, and their ratios are comparable to those in average carbonaceous chondrites with the exception of xenon and krypton. In order to account for presently observed variations in gas abundances, two primordial sources were used. One was the solar composition similar to the solar wind, and the other of carbonaceous grains that were the source for trace exotic components. For Mars, a model in which the early, high solar EUV flux with continued hydrogen production by differentiation results in mass fractionation of the primordial atmosphere, early depletion of xenon, and later depletion of gases lighter than krypton. The result is that the primordial Mars water inventory may have been on the order of 20 to 30 km if spread over the planet

    Conference on Planetary Volatiles

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    Initial and present volatile inventories and distributions in the Earth, other planets, meteorites, and comets; observational evidence on the time history of volatile transfer among reservoirs; and volatiles in planetary bodies, their mechanisms of transport, and their relation to thermal, chemical, geological and biological evolution are addressed

    Interim Service ISDN Satellite (ISIS) network model for advanced satellite designs and experiments

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    The Interim Service Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) Satellite (ISIS) Network Model for Advanced Satellite Designs and Experiments describes a model suitable for discrete event simulations. A top-down model design uses the Advanced Communications Technology Satellite (ACTS) as its basis. The ISDN modeling abstractions are added to permit the determination and performance for the NASA Satellite Communications Research (SCAR) Program

    Traffic model for advanced satellite designs and experiments for ISDN services

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    The data base structure and fields for categorizing and storing Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) user characteristics is outlined. This traffic model data base will be used to exercise models of the ISDN Advanced Communication Satellite to determine design parameters and performance for the NASA Satellite Communications Applications Research (SCAR) Program

    Release of noble gases and nitrogen from grain-surface sites in lunar ilmenite by closed-system oxidation

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    Noble gases and nitrogen were extracted from a 100 to 150 microns ilmenite separate from lunar soil 71501 by closed system stepped heating in approx. 10 torr O2 at 300 C, 400 C, 500 C, 600 C and 630 C, followed by stepped pyrolysis at ten temperatures between 680 C and approx. 1500 C. The five oxidation steps together liberated approx. 65% of the total He-4, 45% of the Ne-20, 23% of the N-14 and Ar-36, 12% of the Kr-84 and 8% of the Xe-132 in the sample; Ne-20/Ar-36 and Ne-20/Ne-22 ratios agree with the solar wind composition experiment, and Kr-84/Ar-36 and Xe-132/Ar-36 are within approx. 10% of Cameron's estimates for the sun and solar wind. The remaining gases, released above 630 C by pyrolysis, are strongly fractionated with respect to the SWC-Cameron solar wind elemental composition. Large concentrations of fractionated noble gases in grain interiors, their virtual absence in the relatively unfractionated surface gas reservoir, and the high N/noble gas ratio all imply that most of the solar wind noble gases initially implanted in grain surfaces are eventually lost by diffusion. Loss limits can be estimated by considering two given scenarios. It is concluded tat approx. 70 to 97% or more of the Ar implanted in 71501 ilmenite grains has diffusively escaped