705 research outputs found

    Evaluation of algorithms for estimating wheat acreage from multispectral scanner data

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Fourteen different classification algorithms were tested for their ability to estimate the proportion of wheat in an area. For some algorithms, accuracy of classification in field centers was observed. The data base consisted of ground truth and LANDSAT data from 55 sections (1 x 1 mile) from five LACIE intensive test sites in Kansas and Texas. Signatures obtained from training fields selected at random from the ground truth were generally representative of the data distribution patterns. LIMMIX, an algorithm that chooses a pure signature when the data point is close enough to a signature mean and otherwise chooses the best mixture of a pair of signatures, reduced the average absolute error to 6.1% and the bias to 1.0%. QRULE run with a null test achieved a similar reduction

    Design Principles for Signal Detection in Modern Job Application Systems: Identifying Fabricated Qualifications

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    Hiring a new employee is traditionally thought to be an uncertain investment. This uncertainty is lessened by the presence of signals that indicate job fitness. Ideally, job applicants objectively signal their qualifications, and those signals are correctly assessed by the hiring team. In reality, signal manipulation is pervasive in the hiring process, mitigating the reliability of signals used to make hiring decisions. To combat these inefficiencies, we propose and evaluate SIGHT, a theoretical class of systems affording more robust signal evaluation during the job application process. A prototypical implementation of the SIGHT framework was evaluated using a mock-interview paradigm. Results provide initial evidence that SIGHT systems can elicit and capture qualification signals beyond what can be traditionally obtained from a typical application and that SIGHT systems can assess signals more effectively than unaided decision-making. SIGHT principles may extend to domains such as audit and security interviews

    Tools for Inventing Organizations: Toward a Handbook of Organizational Processes

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    This paper reports on the first five years of work in a project to address these problems by (1) developing methodologies and software tools for representing and codifying organizational processes at varying levels of abstraction, and (2) collecting, organizing, and analyzing numerous examples of how different groups and companies perform similar functions. The result of this work is an on-line process handbook which can be used to help people: (1) redesign existing business processes, (2) invent new processes (especially those that take advantage of information technology), and (3) organize and share knowledge about organizational practices. We also expect this process handbook to be useful in automatically (or semiautomatically) generating software to support or analyze business processes, but that is not the focus of this paper (see Dellarocas 1996, 1997a, 1997b)

    Mobile Communication Signatures of Unemployment

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    The mapping of populations socio-economic well-being is highly constrained by the logistics of censuses and surveys. Consequently, spatially detailed changes across scales of days, weeks, or months, or even year to year, are difficult to assess; thus the speed of which policies can be designed and evaluated is limited. However, recent studies have shown the value of mobile phone data as an enabling methodology for demographic modeling and measurement. In this work, we investigate whether indicators extracted from mobile phone usage can reveal information about the socio-economical status of microregions such as districts (i.e., average spatial resolution < 2.7km). For this we examine anonymized mobile phone metadata combined with beneficiaries records from unemployment benefit program. We find that aggregated activity, social, and mobility patterns strongly correlate with unemployment. Furthermore, we construct a simple model to produce accurate reconstruction of district level unemployment from their mobile communication patterns alone. Our results suggest that reliable and cost-effective economical indicators could be built based on passively collected and anonymized mobile phone data. With similar data being collected every day by telecommunication services across the world, survey-based methods of measuring community socioeconomic status could potentially be augmented or replaced by such passive sensing methods in the future

    Tracking serendipitous interactions: How individual cultures shape the office

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    In many work environments, serendipitous interactions between members of different groups may lead to enhanced productivity, collaboration and knowledge dissemination. Two factors that may have an influence on such interactions are cultural differences between individuals in highly multicultural workplaces, and the layout and physical spaces of the workplace itself. In this work, we investigate how these two factors may facilitate or hinder inter-group interactions in the workplace. We analyze traces collected using wearable electronic badges to capture face-to-face interactions and mobility patterns of employees in a research laboratory in the UK. We observe that those who interact with people of different roles tend to come from collectivist cultures that value relationships and where people tend to be comfortable with social hierarchies, and that some locations in particular are more likely to host serendipitous interactions, knowledge that could be used by organizations to enhance communication and productivity.This work was supported by the Google Europe Fellowship in Mobile Computing.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is published in the Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing and can be found in the ACM digital library here: http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=2531602.2531641

    Precision Antifungal Treatment Significantly Extends Voice Prosthesis Lifespan in Patients Following Total Laryngectomy

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    Indwelling silicone valves called voice prostheses (VPs) are the gold standard for speech rehabilitation in patients with laryngeal cancer following total laryngectomy. Reported VP lifespans amongst these patients are highly variable but when devices fail patients experience loss of voice and an increase risk of chest infection. Early failure of VP is a current clinical concern that is associated with regular hospital visits, reduced quality of life and associated medical cost. Poly-microbial biofilms comprised of both bacterial and fungal microorganisms readily colonize VPs and are linked to loss of device performance and its early failure in addition to providing a reservoir for potential infection. Our detailed analysis of poly-microbial biofilm composition on 159 early failing VPs from 48 total laryngectomy patients confirmed Candida albicans as the predominant fungal species and Staphylococcus aureus as the most common bacterial colonizer within our patient cohort. Using a combination of microbiological analysis, patient data and a high-throughput antifungal test assay mimicking in vivo conditions we established an evidence based precision antifungal treatment approach to VP management. Our approach has allowed us to implement a personalized VP management pathway, which increases device in situ lifespan by an average of 270%. Our study represents a significant step forward in both our understanding of the cause of VP failure and a new effective treatment pathway that offers tangible benefit to patients

    CO2 enhances the formation, nutrient scavenging and drug resistance properties of C. albicans biofilms

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    C. albicans is the predominant human fungal pathogen and frequently colonises medical devices, such as voice prostheses, as a biofilm. It is a dimorphic yeast that can switch between yeast and hyphal forms in response to environmental cues, a property that is essential during biofilm establishment and maturation. One such cue is the elevation of CO2 levels, as observed in exhaled breath for example. However, despite the clear medical relevance, the effect of CO2 on C. albicans biofilm growth has not been investigated to date. Here we show that physiologically relevant CO2 elevation enhances each stage of the C. albicans biofilm-forming process: from attachment through maturation to dispersion. The effects of CO2 are mediated via the Ras/cAMP/PKA signalling pathway and the central biofilm regulators Efg1, Brg1, Bcr1 and Ndt80. Biofilms grown under elevated CO2 conditions also exhibit increased azole resistance, increased Sef1-dependent iron scavenging and enhanced glucose uptake to support their rapid growth. These findings suggest that C. albicans has evolved to utilise the CO2 signal to promote biofilm formation within the host. We investigate the possibility of targeting CO2-activated processes and propose 2-deoxyglucose as a drug that may be repurposed to prevent C. albicans biofilm formation on medical airway management implants. We thus characterise the mechanisms by which CO2 promotes C. albicans biofilm formation and suggest new approaches for future preventative strategies

    Participation and satisfaction after spinal cord injury: results of a vocational and leisure outcome study

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    Study design: Survey. Objectives: Insight in (1) the changes in participation in vocational and leisure activities and (2) satisfaction with the current participation level of people with spinal cord injuries (SCIs) after reintegration in society. Design: Descriptive analysis of data from a questionnaire. Setting: Rehabilitation centre with special department for patients with SCIs, Groningen, The Netherlands. Subjects: A total of 57 patients with traumatic SCI living in the community, who were admitted to the rehabilitation centre two to 12 years before the current assessment. Main outcome measures: Changes in participation in activities; current life satisfaction; support and unmet needs. Results: Participation expressed in terms of hours spent on vocational and leisure activities changed to a great extent after the SCI. This was mainly determined by a large reduction of hours spent on paid work. While 60% of the respondents successfully reintegrated in work, many changes took place in the type and extent of the job. Loss of work was partially compensated with domestic and leisure activities. Sports activities were reduced substantially. The change in participation level and compensation for the lost working hours was not significantly associated with the level of SCI-specific health problems and disabilities. As was found in other studies, most respondents were satisfied with their lives. Determinants of a negative life satisfaction several years following SCI were not easily indicated. Reduced quality of life was particularly related to an unsatisfactory work and leisure situation. Conclusions: Most people with SCI in this study group were able to resume work and were satisfied with their work and leisure situation

    Ras signalling in pathogenic yeasts

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    The small GTPase Ras acts as a master regulator of growth, stress response and cell death in eukaryotic cells. The control of Ras activity is fundamental, as highlighted by the oncogenic properties of constitutive forms of Ras proteins. Ras also plays a crucial role in the pathogenicity of fungal pathogens where it has been found to regulate a number of adaptions required for virulence. The importance of Ras in fungal disease raises the possibility that it may provide a useful target for the development of new treatments at a time when resistance to available antifungals is increasing. New findings suggest that important regulatory sequences found within fungal Ras proteins that are not conserved may prove useful in the development of new antifungals. Here we review the roles of Ras protein function and signalling in the major human yeast pathogensandand discuss the potential for targeting Ras as a novel approach to anti-fungal therapy
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