1,403 research outputs found

    Firm Characteristics, Economic Conditions and Capital Structure Adjustment

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    We use a dynamic framework and panel methodology to investigate the determinants of a firms’ time-varying capital structure. Our sample comprises 706 European firms from France, Germany, Italy and the U.K. over the period from 1983 to 2002. If capital structure adjustment is costly, firms may deviate temporarily from their target debt ratios. Therefore, we endogenize the adjustment process and analyze the impact of firm-specific characteristics as well as macroeconomic factors on the speed of adjustment towards target leverage. We find that larger and faster growing firms as well as firms that are further away from their targets adjust more readily. Additionally, we document interesting relations between well-known business cycle variables and the adjustment speed. In a nutshell, firms adjust faster in favorable macroeconomic conditions, e.g., if interest rates are low and the risk of disruptions in the global financial system are negligible. We also document that capital structure decision are largely determined by financial constraints. Finally, we shed new light on the interdependence between book value based and market value based measures of leverage as well as on capital structure rebalancing issues.Capital Structure, dynamic analysis, panel data

    History of Hidalgo County elected officials from 1852 to 1963

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    From John Closner and Family collection, publication compiled for Pharr Press by Lee Stambaugh, Austin, Texas, 1963. Booklet lists Hidalgo County Elected Officials by year, office, and name. Also includes supplement listing officials representing Hidalgo County at the state level. History of Hidalgo County elected officials from 1852 to 1963, 1963, Container: 39, Box: 4, Folder: 12. University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Special Collections and Archives, Edinburg Campus. https://archives.lib.utrgv.edu/repositories/2/archival_objects/80831https://scholarworks.utrgv.edu/hidalgohist/1016/thumbnail.jp

    Gestión del conocimiento en la Universidad : reflexiones sobre su creación circulación y apropiación a partir de lo observado en la FCE - UNC

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    Se presenta un trabajo que toma a la universidad como objeto de investigación. Se analizan algunos resultados del proyecto de investigación: Creación de conocimiento en la universidad. Análisis de incidencia de la estructura y de los procesos pedagógicos-didácticos mediados por NTIC en la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas UNC. Se indaga sobre la incidencia de estos procesos en la generación, formalización y transmisión de conocimientos en la institución. Se concluye con algunas discusiones referidas a la privatización del conocimiento en la universidad, la naturalización de que hay que comercializar el conocimiento y sobre la titularidad alguien en particular, la universidad- del conocimiento producido. Se observan condiciones específicas de la estructura organizacional y ciertas prácticas pedagógicas de docentes agrupados en departamentos, cátedras y programas especiales (CBD Y PACENI), indagando si los mismos pueden representar espacios potentes para la construcción colectiva de conocimiento. En este sentido, nos preguntamos cómo contribuyen, o podrían contribuir a un aprendizaje que permita a los estudiantes no sólo conocer mejor sobre aspectos disciplinares, sino inducirlos a pensar a partir de lo que conocen y para que la institución educativa se oriente a la atención de las problemáticas de desarrollo social y humanoFil: Pensa, Dalmira. Universidad Nacional de Córdob


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    Das vorliegende Papier präsentiert das Konzept der Verbriefung von Versicherungsrisiken NEWLINE (insurance-linked securities) anhand von Catastrophe Bonds. In NEWLINE einem ersten Teil wird das traditionelle Versicherungsgeschäft vorgestellt und NEWLINE auf dessen Hauptproblematiken eingegangen. In einem zweiten Teil wird die NEWLINE Verbriefung von Versicherungsrisiken auf dem Kapitalmarkt gerechtfertigt. Im NEWLINE weiteren Verlauf werden die Möglichkeiten der Verbriefung anhand von Catastrophe NEWLINE Bonds im Detail vorgestellt. Das Papier wird durch eine detaillierte NEWLINE Analyse aus der Investorensicht beschlossen

    We Salute the Veterans of the Lower Rio Grande Valley

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    A Special Poster Exhibit Honoring the Service and Sacrifice of Our Veterans and their Familieshttps://scholarworks.utrgv.edu/librarydisplayposters/1026/thumbnail.jp

    Desenmascaramiento, inmigración y neo-grotesco criollo: una aproximación a anclado en Madrid de Roberto Ibáñez

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    This paper is an analysis of Anclado en Madrid (1991), written by the Argentinean playwright and actor Roberto Ibanez. It focuses on how elements from the “grotesco criollo” tradition from the beginning of the XX Century develops later into the “neogrotesco criollo”. The article deals particularly with both the changes and permanence produced by the passage from one tradition to another. It takes into consideration how the development of a new tradition incorporates new visions of the world, the family as a whole, geographic space and the description of characters.En este trabajo realizamos un acercamiento a la obra teatral Anclado en Madrid (1991) del dramaturgo y actor argentino Roberto Ibañez. A través de nuestro análisis observaremos como los elementos de la tradición del “grotesco criollo” de principios del siglo XX se ha ido desarrollando y re-formulando hacia fines del mismo siglo en lo que se ha dado en llamar el “neo-grotesco criollo”. Principalmente nos referimos aquí a los cambios y permanencias que se producen por el pasaje del “grotesco criollo” al “neo-grotesco criollo”. Analizamos en este caso cómo la transposición y desarrollo de la primera tradición hacia la segunda incorpora una nueva visión de mundo y un uso inédito de elementos del grotesco criollo como los del núcleo familiar, el espacio geográfico y la caracterización de los personajes

    Asian Pacific American Heritage Month: Rio Grande Valley History

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    Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month is observed annually in the U.S. during May and recognizes the achievements and influence of Asian Americans and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Americans in the history, culture, and achievements of our country. The legacy of the AAPI community dates back to the earliest arrival of Asian immigrants to North America and the contributions of families and individuals continue to shape the heritage of the lower Rio Grande Valley. This exhibit documents Asian exclusion and anti-immigration as well as the historical contributions and achievements of our APA community in the Valley.https://scholarworks.utrgv.edu/dei_posters/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Estimating the Cost of Executive Stock Options: Evidence from Switzerland

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    It is often argued that Black-Scholes (1973) values overstate the subjective value of stock options granted to risk-averse and under-diversified executives. We construct a “representative” Swiss executive and extend the certainty- equivalence approach presented by Hall and Murphy (2002) to assess the value-cost wedge of executive stock options. Even with low coefficients of relative risk aversion, the discount can be above 50% compared to the Black-Scholes values. Regression analysis reveals that the equilibrium level of executive compensation is explained by economic determinant variables such as firm size and growth opportunities, whereas the managers’ pay-forperformance sensitivity remains largely unexplained. Firms with larger boards of directors pay higher wages, indicating potentially unresolved agency conflicts. We reject the hypothesis that cross-sectional differences in the amount of executive pay vanish when risk-adjusted values are used as the dependent variable.Managerial compensation, incentives, executive stock options, option valuation, risk aversion