10 research outputs found

    Pygmy rabbit reproduction data

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    Demographic and genetic data used to evaluate pygmy rabbit reproduction in field breeding enclosures in central Washington, USA during 2012-2014 as part of the recovery for the endangered Columbia Basin pygmy rabbit

    Supp info SAS code PCR ADO FA

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    Text file containing SAS code for mixed models to estimate PCR success, allelic dropout, and false allele rates of DNA from pygmy rabbit (Brachylagus idahoensis) faecal pellets. Fixed effects include DNA type, locus length, sex, sample age, and sample quality. Random effects include individual rabbit and pellet pile

    Supp Info Table 1 dataset

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    Data file for PCR success, allelic dropout, and false allele rates for pygmy rabbit (Brachylagus idahoensis) faecal pellet DNA. Pellets were collected in the field in central Washington, USA and analyzed at the Laboratory for Ecological, Evolutionary and Conservation Genetics, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID, USA. Column headings are included in the first sheet of the workbook

    Average percent gene diversity lost annually before inbreeding thresholds were reached and population growth rates after thresholds began influencing mate availability in simulated African wild dog populations experiencing a range of levels of inbreeding avoidance.

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    <p>Average percent gene diversity lost annually before inbreeding thresholds were reached and population growth rates after thresholds began influencing mate availability in simulated African wild dog populations experiencing a range of levels of inbreeding avoidance.</p

    Carrying capacity determines persistence.

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    <p>Average projected size of simulated wild dog populations over 100 years with the carrying capacity parameter set at varying levels in relation to initial population size. Model assumes an inbreeding avoidance threshold of F = 0.20.</p

    Relatedness comparisons with kinship levels.

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    <p>Mean pairwise relatedness (<i>r</i>) for different relationships in the KZN wild dog population with numbers of dyads examined for each category indicated.</p

    Population composition with avoidance.

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    <p>Average number of adult male, adult female and juvenile wild dogs in simulated populations maintaining an inbreeding threshold of F = 0.20.</p

    Projections with and without avoidance.

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    <p>Mean projected population size (a) and mean inbreeding coefficients (b) of simulated African wild dog populations over 100 years without inbreeding avoidance behaviours, with prevention of parent-offspring and full-sibling matings (F = 0.20), with prevention of half-sibling matings and higher (F = 0.123), and with prevention of aunt-nephew/uncle-niece matings and higher (F = 0.063). Dotted horizontal lines in (b) indicate inbreeding thresholds. The erratic behavior of mean inbreeding coefficients just before extinction is the result of very small population sizes that lead to unusual mean values near F = 1.0.</p