895 research outputs found

    Correlation between most 1/f noise and CCD transfer inefficiency

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    The 1/f noise in MOS transistors has been investigated and is shown to correlate with charge transfer inefficiency experiments on surface-channel CCDs. Both independent phenomena can be quantitatively explained by the same interface state model. The oxide trap density turns out to vary by more than a factor 10. The 1/f noise is compared with McWhorter's number fluctuation model and with the mobility fluctuation model. The oxide trap density is calculated from the charge transfer inefficiency in surface CCDs. Both the quantitative agreement between oxide trap density and 1/f noise and the observed dependence of 1/f noise on gate voltage here give strong arguments in favour of the McWhorter model. The investigated MOS transistors fall into a category that cannot be explained by the present mobility fluctuation model

    Charge loss experiments in surface channel CCD's explained by the McWhorter interface states model

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    On the basis of the McWhorter interface states model the CCD charge loss is derived as a function of bias charge, signal charge and channel width. As opposed to existing models, the charge loss is now attributed to interface states in the entire gate area, even for high bias charge levels. Experimental confirmation of the novel model is presented

    Opportunities for private sector participation in agricultural water development and management

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    Irrigation management / Private sector / Public sector / Public policy / Private investment / Participatory management / Privatization / Financing / Farmers / Households / Water harvesting / Africa South of Sahara

    Substrate utilization and respiration in relation to growth and maintenance in higher plants

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    De betekenis en regulering van ademhalingsprocessen in planten zijn bestudeerd om vast te stellen hoeveel van de koolstof die door fotosynthese is vastgelegd door ademhaling weer verloren gaat. Het grootste deel van de ademhaling van veldgewassen is het gevolg van groeiprocessen. Op theoretische gronden zijn verbanden tussen groei, substraatgebruik en ademhaling nauwkeurig berekend. Experimenteel zijn deze ook bevestigd. Een ander deel van de ademhaling wordt veroorzaakt door onderhoudsprocessen die cellen intact houden. Deze zijn nog weinig onderzocht. Daardoor is ook de grootte van de onderhoudsademhaling nog niet precies bekend. Wel is een inzicht verkregen in de processen die hierbij een rol spelen
