33 research outputs found

    When learning and remembering compete: A functional MRI study

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    Recent functional neuroimaging evidence suggests a bottleneck between learning new information and remembering old information. In two behavioral experiments and one functional MRI (fMRI) experiment, we tested the hypothesis that learning and remembering compete when both processes happen within a brief period of time. In the first behavioral experiment, participants intentionally remembered old words displayed in the foreground, while incidentally learning new scenes displayed in the background. In line with a memory competition, we found that remembering old information was associated with impaired learning of new information. We replicated this finding in a subsequent fMRI experiment, which showed that this behavioral effect was coupled with a suppression of learning-related activity in visual and medial temporal areas. Moreover, the fMRI experiment provided evidence that left mid-ventrolateral prefrontal cortex is involved in resolving the memory competition, possibly by facilitating rapid switching between learning and remembering. Critically, a follow-up behavioral experiment in which the background scenes were replaced with a visual target detection task provided indications that the competition between learning and remembering was not merely due to attention. This study not only provides novel insight into our capacity to learn and remember, but also clarifies the neural mechanisms underlying flexible behavior

    Конкуренція університетів: світовий досвід і українські реалії

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    Досліджено процеси конкуренції вищих навчальних закладів; обґрунтовано основні критерії формування рейтингів університетів; виявлено взаємозв’язок між високим рейтингом університету і показником його елітності; розкрито значення капіталізації в конкурентних перевагах вищих навчальних закладів; визначено роль елітних університетів у постіндустріальному розвитку суспільства.Исследованы процессы конкуренции высших учебных заведений; обоснованы основные критерии формирования рейтингов университетов; показана взаимосвязь между высоким рейтингом университета и показателем его элитности; раскрыто значение капитализации в конкурентных преимуществах высших учебных заведений; определена роль элитных университетов в постиндустриальном развитии общества.The processes of competition of universities are studi ed, proved the main criteria for the formation of university rankings, found the relationship between highly-rated university and the rate of its elite, disclosed the value of capitalization in the competitive advantages of higher education institutions, and determined the role of elite universities in the post-industrial development

    Functional interaction between the hippocampus and nucleus accumbens shell is necessary for the acquisition of appetitive spatial context conditioning

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    The nucleus accumbens (NAc) has been implicated in a variety of associative processes that are dependent on the integrity of the amygdala and hippocampus (HPC). However, the extent to which the two subregions of the NAc, the core and shell, form differentiated circuits within the amygdala- and hippocampal-ventral striatal circuitry remains unclear. The present study investigated the effects of selective excitotoxic lesions of the nucleus accumbens shell or core subregion on appetitive elemental cue and context conditioning, shown previously to be dependent on the basolateral amygdala and hippocampus, respectively. Rats were trained sequentially to acquire discrete conditioned stimulus-sucrose conditioning, followed by spatial context-sucrose conditioning in a place preference apparatus characterized by three topographically identical chambers, the chambers being discriminable only on the basis of path integration. NAc shell lesions selectively impaired the acquisition of conditioned place preference and the use of spatial information to retrieve information about a discrete cue, whereas, as expected, NAc core lesions attenuated the acquisition of cue conditioning compared with sham rats. In a subsequent experiment, disconnection of the HPC from the NAc shell using unilateral asymmetric lesions of each structure resulted in a pattern of impairment in place conditioning and context-dependent cue retrieval similar to that produced by NAc shell lesions. These data not only suggest that the NAc core and shell subregions subserve distinct associative processes but also that the NAc shell and HPC are important functional components of a limbic corticostriatal network involved in spatial context conditioning

    A unified selection signal for attention and reward in primary visual cortex.

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    Stimuli associated with high rewards evoke stronger neuronal activity than stimuli associated with lower rewards in many brain regions. It is not well understood how these reward effects influence activity in sensory cortices that represent low-level stimulus features. Here, we investigated the effects of reward information in the primary visual cortex (area V1) of monkeys. We found that the reward value of a stimulus relative to the value of other stimuli is a good predictor of V1 activity. Relative value biases the competition between stimuli, just as has been shown for selective attention. The neuronal latency of this reward value effect in V1 was similar to the latency of attentional influences. Moreover, V1 neurons with a strong value effect also exhibited a strong attention effect, which implies that relative value and top-down attention engage overlapping, if not identical, neuronal selection mechanisms. Our findings demonstrate that the effects of reward value reach down to the earliest sensory processing levels of the cerebral cortex and imply that theories about the effects of reward coding and top-down attention on visual representations should be unified

    A regression technique for protection of micro-statistics

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    SIGLETIB: AC 6782 (2/5) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman