102 research outputs found

    Симптоми на ЛОР органите при пациенти с гастроезофагеална рефлуксна болест (ГЕРБ)

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    Въведение: Гастроезофагеалната рефлуксна болест (ГЕРБ) се дефинира, като хронично възпаление на долната трета на хранопровода в резултат на връщане на част от стомашното съдържание (а понякога и гастродуоденален рефлукс) към хранопровода и/или в съседни органи (фаринкса, ларинкса, бронхите), което води до променлив спектър от езофагеални и/или извън езофагеални признаци и симптоми, свързани или не с тъканни лезии.Цел: Да се определи разпространението на някои симптоми в ЛОР органите при пациенти с гастро-езофагеална рефлуксна болест (ГЕРБ).Материал и методи: Извършено е проучване на 54 пациенти в продължение на 18 месеца. При всички пациенти са осъществени: стандартно изследване на ЛОР органи; изследвания на гастроинтестинален тракт: горна ендоскопия (по Лос Анджелиската класификация, 2003 г.), контрастна рентгенография на хранопровода и стомаха с Бариев сулфат; pH тест. Резултатите се обработиха в програмата SPSS, версия 10.0.Резултати: Пациентите с типични симптоми на гастроезофагеална рефлуксна болест бяха 48 (88%). При двадесет и седем болни се установиха промени в лигавицата на хранопровода – клас А – 27 (50%), клас Б – 17 (31.5%) и 10 (18.5%) – от класове C + D. При по-тежки степени на езофагити бяха диагностицирани по-изявени симптоми и промени в устната кухина.Заключение: Нашите резултати, както и на други автори потвърждават, че промените в ЛОР органите при болни с ГЕРБ зависят от степентта на възпалителните промени в хранопровода

    Investigation of new modification strategies for PVA membranes to improve their dehydration properties by pervaporation

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    International audienceNovel supported membranes based on polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) were developed using two strategies: first, by the modification of the PVA network, via so-called bulk modification, with the formation of the selective layer accomplished through the introduction of fullerenol and/or poly(allylamine hydrochloride), and second, by the functionalization of the surface with successive depositions of multilayered films of polyelectrolytes, such as poly(allylamine hydrochloride) and poly(sodium 4-styrenesulfonate) on the PVA surface. The membrane surface modifications were characterized by scanning electron microscopy and contact angle measurements. The modified PVA membranes were examined for their dehydration transport properties by the perva-poration of isopropyl alcohol-water (80/20% w/w), which was chosen as a model mixture. Compared with the pristine PVA membrane, the main improvement was a marked increase in permeance. It was found that the surface modifications mainly gave rise to a higher global flux but with a strong reduction in selectivity. Only the combination of both bulk and surface modifications with PEL could significantly increase the flux with a high water content in the permeate (over 98%). Lastly, it should be noted that this study developed a green procedure to prepare innovative membrane layers for dehydration, making use of only water as a working medium

    Phlebotomy in the Treatment of Iron Overload in Patients with Nonalcoholic and Alcoholic Fatty Liver Diseases

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    Abstract In patients with chronic liver disease, especially nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) was also found in the three groups of patients. In patients with NAFLD, a decrease of serum insulin on fasting post phlebotomies, р = 0.005

    Organization and effectiveness of marketing management of agricultural commodity producers under non-cooperative marketing: the experience of Ukraine

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    Under reducing domestic demand for food in Ukraine and increasing dependence on the world food market, a significant part of quasi-price rent from its sale is assigned by intermediary exporters, thus reducing the welfare of domestic commodity producers and consumers. To mitigate this negative effect, it is necessary to have a carefully designed marketing business strategy. The purpose of this article is to summarize the practice of using the main elements of the marketing complex, analyze the effective management of marketing activities of agricultural producers in Ukraine and determine the main directions for increasing its effectiveness by establishing marketing relations for the product supply. Given the large area of Ukraine and the complexity to obtain monographic data that are not subject to monitoring by the State Statistics Service, the study was conducted using agricultural enterprises of the typical agricultural district, namely Khrystynivka district of Cherkasy region (Ukraine) as an example. It is revealed that the use of marketing tools by agricultural enterprises is limited due to the specifics of commodity products and the managers’ focus on short-term business goals. The analysis of forming and realizing the marketing complex of the district enterprises using the monographic method has shown that enterprises systematically use only elements such as commodity policy and distribution policy, while relying exclusively on retrospective marketing data. Significant increase in the return on marketing costs in the short term can only be achieved if formal or informal associations of commodity producers are formed on a functional-territorial basis. This will create a scale effect and allow each member to reduce transaction costs and get an additional premium. It is proved that while conducting administrative-territorial reform in Ukraine, it is most appropriate to form such associations within the boundaries of the united territorial communities


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    Fullerenol C60(OH)24 was incorporated into a polyamide (PA) selective layer to develop novel thin film nanocomposite (TFN) hollow fiber membranes for low molecular weight cut-off ultrafiltration. TFN membranes were fabricated using the interfacial polycondensation technique by alternately pumping a fullerenol dispersion into the triethylenetetramine (TETA) aqueous solution and the isophthaloyl chloride solution into hexane through polysulfone hollow fiber membranes. The contact angle of the skin layer was found to decrease sharply from 34 to 21° when the concentration of fullerenol increases up to 0.5 wt. % in the TETA aqueous solution. Antifouling properties of the PA/fullerenol membranes were found to be superior to the initial membrane. The maximum fouling recovery ratio was observed for the TFN membrane with 0.3–0.75 wt. % of fullerenol in the TETA aqueous solution. Тонкопленочные композиционные мембраны (ТКМ) для ультрафильтрации с низким номинальным молекулярно-массовым пределом отсечения были получены при введении добавок фуллеренола C60(OH)24 в селективный полиамидный (ПА) слой, сформированный методом межфазной поликонденсации при использовании в качестве подложки половолоконной ультрафильтрационной мембраны на основе полисульфона. Межфазную поликонденсацию с образованием тонкого полиамидного слоя проводили при последовательной фильтрации раствора триэтилентетрамина (ТЭТА) в воде и раствора изофталоилхлорида в гексане через половолоконную мембрану. При увеличении концентрации фуллеренола в водном растворе ТЭТА угол смачивания селективного слоя уменьшается с 34 до 21°. Показано, что устойчивость к засорению ТКМ ПА/фуллеренол выше, чем исходной немодифицирован- ной мембраны. Мембраны, полученные с использованием 0,3–0,75 % дисперсий фуллеренола в растворе ТЭТА, характеризовались максимальным значением восстановления потока после фильтрации раствора лизоцима.

    How young radiologists use contrast media and manage adverse reactions: an international survey

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    Objectives: To collect real-world data about the knowledge and self-perception of young radiologists concerning the use of contrast media (CM) and the management of adverse drug reactions (ADR). Methods: A survey (29 questions) was distributed to residents and board-certified radiologists younger than 40 years to investigate the current international situation in young radiology community regarding CM and ADRs. Descriptive statistics analysis was performed. Results: Out of 454 respondents from 48 countries (mean age: 31.7 ± 4 years, range 25–39), 271 (59.7%) were radiology residents and 183 (40.3%) were board-certified radiologists. The majority (349, 76.5%) felt they were adequately informed regarding the use of CM. However, only 141 (31.1%) received specific training on the use of CM and 82 (18.1%) about management ADR during their residency. Although 266 (58.6%) knew safety protocols for handling ADR, 69.6% (316) lacked confidence in their ability to manage CM-induced ADRs and 95.8% (435) expressed a desire to enhance their understanding of CM use and handling of CM-induced ADRs. Nearly 300 respondents (297; 65.4%) were aware of the benefits of contrast-enhanced ultrasound, but 249 (54.8%) of participants did not perform it. The preferred CM injection strategy in CT parenchymal examination and CT angiography examination was based on patient’s lean body weight in 318 (70.0%) and 160 (35.2%), a predeterminate fixed amount in 79 (17.4%) and 116 (25.6%), iodine delivery rate in 26 (5.7%) and 122 (26.9%), and scan time in 31 (6.8%) and 56 (12.3%), respectively. Conclusion: Training in CM use and management ADR should be implemented in the training of radiology residents. Critical relevance statement: We highlight the need for improvement in the education of young radiologists regarding contrast media; more attention from residency programs and scientific societies should be focused on training about contrast media use and the management of adverse drug reactions. Key points: • This survey investigated training of young radiologists about use of contrast media and management adverse reactions. • Most young radiologists claimed they did not receive dedicated training. • An extreme heterogeneity of responses was observed about contrast media indications/contraindications and injection strategy. Graphical Abstract: (Figure presented.

    Comparison of proteomic responses as global approach to antibiotic mechanism of action elucidation

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    This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. New antibiotics are urgently needed to address the mounting resistance challenge. In early drug discovery, one of the bottlenecks is the elucidation of targets and mechanisms. To accelerate antibiotic research, we provide a proteomic approach for the rapid classification of compounds into those with precedented and unprecedented modes of action. We established a proteomic response library of Bacillus subtilis covering 91 antibiotics and comparator compounds, and a mathematical approach was developed to aid data analysis. Comparison of proteomic responses (CoPR) allows the rapid identification of antibiotics with dual mechanisms of action as shown for atypical tetracyclines. It also aids in generating hypotheses on mechanisms of action as presented for salvarsan (arsphenamine) and the antirheumatic agent auranofin, which is under consideration for repurposing. Proteomic profiling also provides insights into the impact of antibiotics on bacterial physiology through analysis of marker proteins indicative of the impairment of cellular processes and structures. As demonstrated for trans-translation, a promising target not yet exploited clinically, proteomic profiling supports chemical biology approaches to investigating bacterial physiology