528 research outputs found

    Next-to-Next-to-Leading Electroweak Logarithms for W-Pair Production at LHC

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    We derive the high energy asymptotic of one- and two-loop corrections in the next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic approximation to the differential cross section of WW-pair production at the LHC. For large invariant mass of the W-pair the (negative) one-loop terms can reach more than 40%, which are partially compensated by the (positive) two-loop terms of up to 10%.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figures, added explanations in section 3, corrected typos and figures 7, 8,

    Two-Loop Heavy-Flavor Contribution to Bhabha Scattering

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    We evaluate the two-loop QED corrections to the Bhabha scattering cross section which involve the vacuum polarization by heavy fermions of arbitrary mass m_f >> m_e. The results are valid for generic values of the Mandelstam invariants s,t,u >> m_e^2.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures. Equations in the appendix generalized to the heavy-quark cas

    Perturbative relations between e+ee^+e^- annihilation and τ\tau decay observables including resummation effects

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    By exploiting the analyticity properties of the two-point current-current correlator we obtain numerical predictions for the e+ee^+e^- moments in terms of the τ\tau decay rate. We perform a partial resummation of the pertinent perturbative series expansion by solving the renormalization group equation for Adler's function. Our predictions are renormalization scheme independent but depend on the order of the perturbative β\beta-function expansion. The analysis involves the unknown five-loop coefficient k3k_3 for which we give some new estimates.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, 2 postscript figure

    Heavy-quarkonium creation and annihilation with O(alpha_s^3 ln(alpha_s)) accuracy

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    We calculate the O(alpha_s^3 ln(alpha_s)) contributions to the heavy-quarkonium production and annihilation rates. Our result sheds new light on the structure of the high-order perturbative corrections and opens a new perspective for a high-precision theoretical analysis. We also determine the three-loop anomalous dimensions of the nonrelativistic vector and pseudoscalar currents.Comment: 10 pages (Latex). Eq. (6) corrected, conclusions unchange

    Plasma-Like Negative Capacitance in Nano-Colloids

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    A negative capacitance has been observed in a nano-colloid between 0.1 and 10^-5 Hz. The response is linear over a broad range of conditions. The low-omega dispersions of both the resistance and capacitance are consistent with the free-carrier plasma model, while the transient behavior demonstrates an unusual energy storage mechanism. A collective excitation, therefore, is suggested.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    Protected, rare and threatened plant species in France, assessment for the Pyrenean range

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    Dans le cadre de sa mission de connaissance, d’inventaire permanent et de suivi de la flore rare et menacée, le Conservatoire botanique pyrénéen s’est donné pour objectif de dresser un bilan précis sur les taxons présents ou signalés sur son territoire d’action, concernés par des textes internationaux, cités par le Livre Rouge de la flore menacée de France, ou protégés au niveau national ou régional. A partir de tableaux synthétiques et de cartes de répartition, nous présentons, pour le massif pyrénéen français, un premier état des lieux qui nous permet d’orienter nos travaux de terrain et de définir les urgences pour la conservation de ces taxons à statut. La liste de ces taxons est également donnée.The centre “Conservatoire botanique pyrénéen” is in charge of the permanent survey of the rare and endangered species over its area of duty, the Midi-Pyrénées area and the Pyrenean range. It gathers information about species concerned with the international, national or regional legislation and/or listed on the French Red list. The whole information collected is managed through a cartographic database. We present here the first results for the Pyrenean range. This work makes possible to define priorities of preservation and field investigations for these species. The list of 140 species concerned with the legislation and/or the Red list is given

    Two-Loop Corrections to Bhabha Scattering

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    The two-loop radiative photonic corrections to the Bhabha scattering are computed in the leading order of the small electron mass expansion up to nonlogarithmic term. After including the soft photon bremsstrahlung we obtain the infrared finite result for the differential cross section, which can be directly applied to precise luminosity determination of the present and future e+ee^+e^- colliders.Comment: Eq.(3) correcte

    Gravity duals for defect quivers in the Veneziano limit

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    We construct gravity duals to supersymmetric gauge theories in the presence of unquenched flavor hypermultiplets in the fundamental representation of the gauge group living on the (1+1)-dimensional defect. This configuration is given by the intersection of two sets of D3-branes. Working in the Veneziano limit with large number of colors and flavors we are able to find a closed set of equations describing the dual geometry. We briefly discuss the corresponding solutions for massless flavors as well as in the small flavor limit of massive hypermultiplets. Interestingly, the 1/16-BPS supergravity solutions, preserving two Poincare supercharges, are generically only asymptotically anti de-Sitter and the dilaton does not vary with the holographic radial coordinate. This implies that the classical Type IIB supergravity solutions remain trustworthy descriptions for the gauge theories from the deep IR to the far UV.Peer reviewe

    The static potential: lattice versus perturbation theory in a renormalon-based approach

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    We compare, for the static potential and at short distances, perturbation theory with the results of lattice simulations. We show that a renormalon-dominance picture explains why in the literature sometimes agreement, and another disagreement, is found between lattice simulations and perturbation theory depending on the different implementations of the latter. We also show that, within a renormalon-based scheme, perturbation theory agrees with lattice simulations.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, lattice data of Necco and Sommer introduced, references added, some lengthier explanations given, physical results unchange

    Electroweak and finite width corrections to top quark decays into transverse and longitudinal W W -bosons

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    We calculate the electroweak and finite width corrections to the decay of an unpolarized top quark into a bottom quark and a W W -gauge boson where the helicities of the W W are specified as longitudinal, transverse-plus and transverse-minus. Together with the O(αs) O(\alpha_s) corrections these corrections may become relevant for the determination of the mass of the top quark through angular decay measurements.Comment: 4 pages, 7 postscript figures adde