53 research outputs found

    City of clones: Facsimiles and governance in Sao Paulo, Brazil

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    São Paulo is a megacity defined by formal and informal patterns of urbanization. Informally urbanized spaces are not absent of state intent, despite appearances. Grassroots-led social and spatial practices for survival, agency and self-governance contribute to the reproduction of urban political order in surprisingly unoriginal and routinely recognizable ways. This article argues that these unexceptional informal practices can be understood as ‘facsimiles’ of their formal institutional originals. Using the example of cloned cars the article shows that the facsimile and the original are the same in form and function. Facsimiles do not exist outside of political authority, but are a byproduct and a component of it. They are indistinguishable in their bureaucratic deployment, recognition and acceptance as part of social and spatial order. This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Sage via https://doi.org/10.1177/001139211665729

    A sociocultural analysis of the development of pre-service and beginning teachers’ pedagogical identities as users of technology

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    This paper reports on a study that investigated the pedagogical practices and beliefs of pre-service and beginning teachers in integrating technology into the teaching of secondary school mathematics. A case study documents how one teachers modes of working with technology changed over time and across different school contexts, and identifies relationships between a range of personal and contextual factors that influenced the development of his identity as a teacher. This analysis views teachers learning as increasing participation in sociocultural practices, and uses Valsiners concepts of the Zone of Proximal Development, Zone of Free Movement, and Zone of Promoted Action to offer a dynamic way of theorising teacher learning as identity formation

    Surveying the technology landscape: Teachers' use of technology in secondary mathematics classrooms

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    For many years, education researchers excited by the potential for digital technologies to transform mathematics teaching and learning have predicted that these technologies would become rapidly integrated into every level of education. However, recent international research shows that technology still plays a marginal role in mathematics classrooms. These trends deserve investigation in the Australian context, where over the past 10 years secondary school mathematics curricula have been revised to allow or require use of digital technologies in learning and assessment tasks. This article reports on a survey of mathematics teachers' use of computers, graphics calculators, and the Internet in Queensland secondary schools, and examines relationships between use and teachers' pedagogical knowledge and beliefs, access to technology, and professional development opportunities. Although access to all forms of technology was a significant factor related to use, teacher beliefs and participation in professional development were also influential. Teachers wanted professional development that modelled planning and pedagogy so they could meaningfully integrate technology into their lessons in ways that help students learn mathematical concepts. The findings have implications not only for resourcing of schools, but also for designing professional development that engages teachers with technology in their local professional contexts. [Author abstract

    Reshaping teacher and student roles in technology-enriched classrooms

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    This paper draws on data from a three-year longitudblal study of secondary school classrooms to examine pedagogical issues in using tectmology resources in mathematics teaching-in particular, graphics calculators and overhead projection panels that allow screen output to be viewed by the whole class. We theorise four roles for technology in relation to such teaching and learning interactions-master, servant, partner, and extension of self-and illustrate this taxonomy with observational data from five senior secondary mathematics classrooms. Our research shows how technology can facilitate collaborative inquiry during both small group interactions and whole class discussions when students use their calculators and the overhead projection panel to share their mathematical understanding

    Measuring Poverty Within The Household

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    A key element of anti-poverty policy is the accurate identification of poor individuals. However, measuring poverty at the individual level is difficult since consumption data are typically collected at the household level. Per capita measures based on household-level data ignore both inequality within the household and economies of scale in consumption. The collective household model offers an alternative and promising framework to estimate poverty at the individual level while accounting for both inequality within the household and economies of scale in consumption


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