223 research outputs found

    Constitutive Equations and Processing Maps for 49MnVS3 Non-Quenched and Tempered Steel

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    Flow stress variations of 49MnVS3 non-quenched and tempered steel are studied in isothermal compression tests on a Gleeble-1500D thermal simulated test machine at a deformation temperatures of 950, 1000, 1150, and 1200° C, and strain rates of 0.1, 1, 5, and 10 s⁻¹, with obtaining the strain hardening exponent n and deformation activation energy Q of the alloy. Thus, the constitutive equations and processing maps of compression flow behavior for 49MnVS3 non-quenched and tempered steel at high temperatures are established. It shows that the peak stress is shownto significantly reduced with a decrease in the strain rate and increase in deformation temperature when the alloy deforms at high temperature, and the deformation activation energy is 350.98 kJ/mol. When the true strain of 49MnVS3 non-quenched and microalloyed steel high-temperature deformation is 0.5, the optimum process parameters of the alloy are determined to be 1150–1200° C for the deformation temperature and 2–10 s⁻¹ for the strain rate, based on the criterion that the process parameters of higher power dissipation efficiency values should be chosen in the dynamic recrystallization region as the best processing technology.Изменение напряжения течения незакаленной и закаленной стали 49MnVS3 исследовали путем проведения испытаний на изотермическое сжатие на установке Gleeble-1500D, моделирующей высокотемпературные условия, при температурах деформации 950, 1000, 1150, 1200° C и скоростях деформации 0,1; 1; 5 и 10 c⁻¹ с показателем степени деформационного упрочнения n и значением энергии активации деформации сплава Q. Установлены определяющие уравнения и схемы обработки компрессионного режима течения для незакаленной и закаленной стали 49MnVS3 при высокой температуре. Анализ уравнений показал, что максимальное значение напряжения значительно уменьшается при снижении скорости деформации и повышении температуры деформации, если сплав подвергается деформации при высокой температуре, а значение энергии активации деформации составляет 350,98 кДж/моль. Если значения истинной деформации незакаленной стали 49MnVS3 и высокотемпературной деформации микролегированной стали составляют 0,5, то оптимальные параметры процесса обработки сплава определяются при температуре деформирования 1150…1200° C и скорости деформации 2…10 c⁻¹ на основе критерия, который способствует отбору параметров с более высокой эффективностью рассеивания мощности в области динамической рекристаллизации в качестве оптимальной технологии обработки.Зміну напруження течії незагартованої і загартованої сталі 49MnVS3 досліджували шляхом проведення випробувань на ізотермічний стиск на установці Gleeble-1500D, що моделює високотемпературні умови, за температур деформації 950, 1000, 1150, 1200° C та швидкості деформації 0,1; 1; 5 і 10 c⁻¹ із показником степеня деформаційного зміцнення n і значенням енергії активації деформації сплаву Q. Установлено визначальні рівняння і схеми обробки компресійного режиму течії для незагартованої і загартованої сталі 49MnVS3 за високої температури. Аналіз рівнянь показав, що максимальне значення напруження значно зменшується зі зниженням швидкості деформації і підвищенні температури деформації, якщо сплав зазнає деформації за високої температури, а значення енергії активації деформації дорівнює 350,98 кДж/моль. Якщо значення істинної деформації незагартованої сталі 49MnVS3 і високотемпературної деформації мікролегованої сталі дорівнюють 0,5, то оптимальні параметри процесу обробки сплаву визначаються за температури деформування 1150...1200° C і швидкості деформації 2...10 c⁻¹ на основі критерію, який сприяє відбору параметрів із більш високою ефективністю розсіяння потужності в області динамічної рекристалізації як оптимальної технології обробки

    Stability and function of adult vasculature is sustained by Akt/Jagged1 signalling axis in endothelium.

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    The signalling pathways operational in quiescent, post-development vasculature remain enigmatic. Here we show that unlike neovascularization, endothelial Akt signalling in established vasculature is crucial not for endothelial cell (EC) survival, but for sustained interactions with pericytes and vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) regulating vascular stability and function. Inducible endothelial-specific Akt1 deletion in adult global Akt2KO mice triggers progressive VSMC apoptosis. In hearts, this causes a loss of arteries and arterioles and, despite a high capillary density, diminished vascular patency and severe cardiac dysfunction. Similarly, endothelial Akt deletion induces retinal VSMC loss and basement membrane deterioration resulting in vascular regression and retinal atrophy. Mechanistically, the Akt/mTOR axis controls endothelial Jagged1 expression and, thereby, Notch signalling regulating VSMC maintenance. Jagged1 peptide treatment of Akt1ΔEC;Akt2KO mice and Jagged1 re-expression in Akt-deficient endothelium restores VSMC coverage. Thus, sustained endothelial Akt1/2 signalling is critical in maintaining vascular stability and homeostasis, thereby preserving tissue and organ function

    A new ghost cell/level set method for moving boundary problems:application to tumor growth

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    In this paper, we present a ghost cell/level set method for the evolution of interfaces whose normal velocity depend upon the solutions of linear and nonlinear quasi-steady reaction-diffusion equations with curvature-dependent boundary conditions. Our technique includes a ghost cell method that accurately discretizes normal derivative jump boundary conditions without smearing jumps in the tangential derivative; a new iterative method for solving linear and nonlinear quasi-steady reaction-diffusion equations; an adaptive discretization to compute the curvature and normal vectors; and a new discrete approximation to the Heaviside function. We present numerical examples that demonstrate better than 1.5-order convergence for problems where traditional ghost cell methods either fail to converge or attain at best sub-linear accuracy. We apply our techniques to a model of tumor growth in complex, heterogeneous tissues that consists of a nonlinear nutrient equation and a pressure equation with geometry-dependent jump boundary conditions. We simulate the growth of glioblastoma (an aggressive brain tumor) into a large, 1 cm square of brain tissue that includes heterogeneous nutrient delivery and varied biomechanical characteristics (white matter, gray matter, cerebrospinal fluid, and bone), and we observe growth morphologies that are highly dependent upon the variations of the tissue characteristics—an effect observed in real tumor growth

    Narrow ridge waveguide high power single mode 1.3-μm InAs/InGaAs ten-layer quantum dot lasers

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    Ten-layer InAs/In0.15Ga0.85As quantum dot (QD) laser structures have been grown using molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) on GaAs (001) substrate. Using the pulsed anodic oxidation technique, narrow (2 μm) ridge waveguide (RWG) InAs QD lasers have been fabricated. Under continuous wave operation, the InAs QD laser (2 × 2,000 μm2) delivered total output power of up to 272.6 mW at 10 °C at 1.3 μm. Under pulsed operation, where the device heating is greatly minimized, the InAs QD laser (2 × 2,000 μm2) delivered extremely high output power (both facets) of up to 1.22 W at 20 °C, at high external differential quantum efficiency of 96%. Far field pattern measurement of the 2-μm RWG InAs QD lasers showed single lateral mode operation

    Recognition of the Phanerozoic “Young Granite Gneiss” in the central Yeongnam Massif

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    Up to now, all the high-grade gneisses of the Korean peninsula have been regarded as Precambrian basement rocks and presence of the Phanerozoic high-grade metamorphic rocks have remained unknown. However, such granite gneiss is discovered through this study from the central Yeongnam massif near Gimcheon. SHRIMP zircon U-Pb age determinations on the granite gneiss, having well-developed gneissic foliations and migmatitic textures, reveal concordant age of ca. 250 Ma indicating the Early Triassic emplacement of this pluton, which is in contradict to the previous belief that it is a Precambrian product. Even though the granite gneiss reveals well-developed gneissic foliations and some zircons show rather low Th/U ratios, the metamorphic age has not been determined successfully. However, the age of metamorphism can be constrained as middle Triassic considering the absence of any evidences of metamorphism from the nearby granitic plutons having emplacement ages of ca. 225 Ma. Early Triassic emplacement and subsequent Middle Triassic metamorphism of the granite gneiss from the Yeongnam massif bear a remarkable resemblance to the case of South China block. We suggest the possibility that Early to Middle Triassic metamorphism of the Korean peninsula might be products of the intracontinental collisional events not directly related with the Early Triassic continental collision event