8 research outputs found


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    ABTRACT Efficiency is one of the important indicators to assess the performance of a company or farm. Efficiency guarantees the use of certain inputs to achieve maximum output levels (technical efficiency) and also efficiency ensures the use of certain inputs that maximize profits (price efficiency or allocative efficiency). This article discusses the application of the estimation of price efficiency / allocative efficiency of the use of production inputs in bean farming using the linearized Cobb-Douglas Production function. The results of the analysis shows that the application of price efficiency estimation for production inputs using the Cobb-Douglas production function is satisfactory as long as the classical assumptions required by the multiple regression are fulfilled. Of the five production inputs included in the model, only one production input provides a significant value to production, namely the production input for the land area use. Thus, only the production input for land area use is estimated at the value of its price efficiency. Based on the results of the analysis, it is found that the use of production inputs for land area use has not yet reached its price efficiency


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    This research was carried out in the village of Nunkurus East Kupang subdistrict Kupang Regency East Nusa Tenggara province from April to June 2019, with the aim at knowing: (1).The amount incomes of farmers from the village of Nunkurus in the district of East Kupang, Kupang. (2).The feasibility of red rice farming in the village of Nunkurus East Kupang District in Kupang Regency. Sensus method was used to collect the data. The data comprised primary and secondary data. Primary data was collected by interviewing 30 farmer respondents. Secondary data was obtained from relevant agencies or agencies as well as from library studies.  The results showed that : (1).Net income of red rice farming of the respondent was Rp.1,097,423,458 in one planting season with an average of Rp. 36, 580,782 per respondents growing season. (2).The R/C ratio 4.2, which means that each Rp. 1,-, spent by the farmer on the cost of rice farming will revenue of Rp. 4.2,-. Since the R/C ratio is greater than 1 (R/C > 1), red rice farming is economically and viable


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk ; 1) Menganalisis biaya, penerimaan dan pendapatan usahatani kangkung darat yang diterima oleh keluarga petani di Kecamatan Kupang Tengah Kabupaten Kupang, 2) Menghitung kelayakan finansial usahatani kangkung dengan Retrun Cash Ratio(R/C Ratio ) dan Break Even Point (BEP). Kecamatan Kupang Tengah terpilih sebagai lokasi penelitian menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dan pengambilan datanya menggunakan metode survei. Pengumpulan data di lakukan pada bulan desember 2019 sampai bulan januari 2020 yang mana data yang diambil adalah data primer dan sekunder kemudian dilakukan analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Variabel yang diukur adalah biaya, penerimaan, pendapatan usahatani, keuntungan relative dan tititk impas. Hasil Penelitian menunjukan bahwa: (1) Rata-rata biaya usahatani  kangkung darat di Kecamatan Kupang Tengah Kabupaten Kupang adalah Rp. 1.234.710 /luas garapan/tanam atau Rp. 187.077/are/tanam. Rata-rata penerimaan Rp. 5.130.867 /luas garapan/tanam atau Rp. 777.404/are/tanam, dan rata-rata pendapatan yang di peroleh petani kangkung darat di Kecamatan Kupang Tengah Kabupaten Kupang cukup tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan hasil penelitian dari Tani,O., dan Juan Kune, 2016, di Kelurahan Bnesone Kecamatan Kota Kefamenanu yakni sebesar Rp. 3.896.157/luas garapan/tanam atau Rp. 590.326/are/tanam. Rata-rata nilai R/C Rasio usahatani kangkung di Kecamatan Kupang Tengah = 4, dan nilai Break Even Poin (BEP) produksi, dan harga lebih kecil dari total produksi, dan harga. Dengan demikian usahatani sayur kangkung di Kecamatan Kupang Tengah Kabupaten Kupang dapat menguntungkan dan layak untuk di kembangkan. Kata kunci : Kangkung, Biaya, Penerimaan, Pendapatan, R/C Ratio, Break Even Point. ABSTRACT This research aims to; 1) Analysis of the cost, revenue, and income of groundwater spinach farming received by farming families in the Kupang Tengah District, Kupang Regency. 2) Calculation of the financial feasibility of spinach farming using the Retrun Cash Ratio (R / C Ratio) and Break Even Point (BEP). The Kupang Tengah district was selected as the site of the study using a targeted sampling method and data collection using survey methods. Data collection was conducted from December 2019 to January 2020, with the data collected being primary and secondary data, which was then analyzed using a qualitative descriptive analysis. The measured variables are cost, income, agricultural income, relative profits and breakeven points. The results of the study show that: (1) the average cost of a ground kale farm in the Kupang Tengah District, Kupang Regency, Rp. 1.234.710 / arable land / planting area or Rp. 187.077 / are / plant. Average reception of Rp. 5,130,867 / arable land / planting area or Rp. 777,404 / are / planting, and the average income that cabbage farmers in the Kupang Tengah Subdistrict Kupang District earn is compared to the research results of Tani, O., and Juan Kune, 2016, in Bnesone Village, Kefamenanu City District, fairly high Rp. 3,896,157 / arable land / planted area or Rp. 590,326 / are / plant. The average R / C ratio of kale growing in the Kupang Tengah District = 4 and the value of the break even points (BEP) of production, and the price is less than the total production and the price. For example, growing kale vegetables in the Kupang Tengah District, Kupang Regency, can be profitable and feasible. Key Words : Cage, cost, receipt, Income, R/C Ratio, Break Even Point

    ANALISIS WILLINGNESS TO PAY PELANGGAN AIR BERSIH PDAM DI KOTA KUPANG (Analysis of Willingness to Pay Clean Water Customers of PDAM in Kupang City)

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    AbstrakPDAM Kabupaten Kupang dalam mengelola pelayanan air bersih kepada masyarakat Kota Kupang menghadapi tantangan dalam pelayanannya. Salah satu permasalahan yang dihadapi PDAM adalah menyangkut tarif air minum. PDAM dalam menetapkan tarif selalu mengacu pada peraturan perundangan yang berlaku dengan pertimbangan tarif yang ada dapat memberikan keuntungan setelah biaya operasional dan pengembalian investasi. PDAM tidak pernah melakukan survey untuk mengetahui tingkat kesediaan konsumen dalam membayar tarif air minum. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengestimasi nilai Willingness To Pay (WTP) pelanggan air bersih golongan rumah tangga di Kota Kupang dan menganalisis faktor-faktor yang secara signifikan mempengaruhi WTP pelanggan air bersih golongan rumah tangga di Kota Kupang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survey deskriptif dan teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan kombinasi antara Area Sampling dan Proportionate Random Samplingdengan 250 responden. Metode valuasi kontingensi digunakan untuk mengetahui nilai WTP pelanggan air bersih. Nilai WTP pelanggan (individu) per bulan dalam membayar air bersih sebesar Rp. 145.489,46 sedangkan nilai total WTP untuk seluruh pelanggan PDAM Kabupaten Kupang golongan rumah tangga A (Rp 20.846 konsumen) per tahun sebesar Rp 36.394.479.684,00. Faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap WTP adalah tingkat pendapatan dan jumlah pemakaian air.AbstractPDAM Kabupaten Kupang to manage clean water service always face challenges in its service. One of the problems that PDAM often faces is the tariff of drinking water. The PDAM in determining the tariff always refers to the prevailing law and regulation with the consideration of the existing tariff can give profit after the operational cost and the return of investment. PDAM has never conducted a survey to find out how much the willingness of consumers in paying drinking water rates. This study aims to estimate the value of Willingness To Pay (WTP) of household clean water subscribers in Kupang City and to analyze the factors that significantly affect the WTP of household clean water subscribers in Kupang City. The research method used is descriptive survey method and sampling technique using a combination of sampling area and proportionate random sampling with 250 respondents. Contingency valuation method is used to know the value of PAP of clean water customer. WTP value of customer (individual) per month in paying clean water Rp. 145,489.46 while the total value of WTP for all customers of PDAM Kabupaten Kupang household class A (20,846 consumers) per year amounted to 36.394.479.684,00. Factors that have significant effect on the PAP are the level of income and the amount of water consumption


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    This study aims to: 1) Knowing the condition of Tomato farming in Tesbatan Village, 2) Knowing the Tomato marketing pattern in Tesbatan Village, 3) Knowing the amount of income, profit, farmer share, and marketing margin received by Tomato farmers in Tesbatan Village, 4) Knowing the efficiency level of Tomato marketing in Tesbatan Village. The method used in this research is quantitative descriptive analysis. The results showed that: 1). The farming condition in Tesbatan Village is very advanced, where it fills good tomato cultivation methods, and uses certified seeds. 2). There are two patterns of tomato marketing carried out by farmers in Tesbatan Village, namely: a). farmers sell directly to last consumers, b). farmers sell their crops to retailers and then to last consumers. 3). The amount of farm income received by farmers in Tesbatan Village in 2019 is Rp. 670,696,500 with an average income per respondent farmer of Rp. 17,649,908; The farmer's share value in the Tomato marketing channel in Tesbatan Village, in the first marketing channel was 100, while in the second marketing was 75; as well as the marketing margin of Tomatoes in Tesbatan Village, Amarasi District, Kupang Regency, namely Rp. 5000. 3). Tomato farming and marketing in Tesbatan Village is very efficient because it has a value of less than 1


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    ABSTRACT The research conducted in home industry “Kanaan” in Tuak Daun Merah District of Oebobo Sub-district in Kupang City in July 2019 aims to the amount of revenue, cost of production, profit and loss reports and value added of the maize processing business in the “Kanaan” Home Industry. The determination of the research area was intentionally carried out (Purposive) and the research method used was the case study method. Primary data was collected through interviews, the collected data was analyzed descriptively, followed by an analysis of revenue, profit and loss account using the full-cost method and added value analysis. The results showed that the Kanaan home industry achieved an income of in July 2019 from each unit of production of 350 gr spicy fried corn in the amount of Rp27,300,000, - for 25 gr spicy fried corn in the amount of Rp23,520,000, while the balado fried corn in size 25 gr in the amount of Rp 11,760,000, - and for the profit of fried corn in the Canaan Home Industry in July 2019, namely 350 grams of spicy fried corn in the amount of Rp 17,174,226,- on the other hand25 grams of spicy fried corn in the amount of Rp 13,094,372, while the fried corn balado size of 25 gr amount to Rp5,684,699, - of processed corn products. The added value in July 2019 was Rp 13.242,-/kg with an added value of 51% for large-packed of spicy fried maize, an added value for small-packed of spicy fried maize was Rp 9,657-/kg with the added-value ratio of 43.11%, while the added value for small packaged of balado fried maize was Rp 8.857,-/kg with an added value ratio of 39.58%


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    This research was conducted from August to September 2019 in Fatuleu Subdistrict, Kupang Regency. This research aimed to determine the income level, the BEP, the R/C ratio, the efficiency of capital use and the factors that influence the income of green bean farming in Fatuleu District, Kupang Regency. The number of samples used was 84 farmers and was disproportionately determined from 2 villages, namely Sillu and Oebola Village. The data used were primary and secondary data. The data was then analyzed using income analysis, BEP, R / C ratio, capital use efficiency and multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the economic analysis showed that the average income per hectare of green bean farming in Fatuleu district was Rp.5,217,520,00 while the average income per hectare was Rp.1.989.484,00. The R/C ratio per hectare was 1,6, which meant that growing green beans in the Fatuleu district is economically viable. The BEP production per hectare was 230,57 and the BEP price was Rp. 8.661,00. Efficient use of capital in green bean farming amounted to 27% per hectare, Factors that significantly affected the income of green bean farming was production, while seed, pesticide, and labor costs, and land area did not significantly affect the income

    Effect of Socio-Economic on Farmers' Decisions in Using Lowland Rice Production Inputs in Indonesia

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    In Indonesia, rice was produced by small-scale farmers where yields were still generally low. This was because small-scale farmers still used poor quality seeds and unbalanced fertilizers. Therefore, this research aimed to analyze the socio-economic factors that affected the adoption of quality seeds in lowland rice farming and the use of fertilizers on quality seeds. This research used a double-hurdle model to answer the objectives of research and used 329 farmings which were selected randomly in Central Sulawesi Indonesia. The results show that the gender variable only affected the use of fertilizer on quality seeds. Education, access to credit, sources of income (income diversification), access to extension, meetings with farmer groups were found to be positively correlated with the decision to adopt quality seeds in lowland rice farming and use of fertilizers to quality seeds, while the number of dependents of the household head was negatively correlated. The land area of lowland rice was positively correlated with the adoption of quality seeds in lowland rice farming but negatively correlated with the number of fertilizers used for quality seeds. Based on these findings, the role of extension workers and farmer groups was needed in disseminating quality seeds, and through credit institutions, it was necessary to provide credit facilities to rice producers (farmers) so that rice productivity could be increased