926 research outputs found

    Polycrystalline silicon material availability and market pricing outlook study for 1980 to 88: January 1983 update

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    Photovoltaic solar cell arrays which convert solar energy into electrical energy can become a cost effective, alternative energy source provided that an adequate supply of low priced materials and automated fabrication techniques are available. Presently, silicon is the most promising cell material for achieving the near term cost goals of the Photovoltaics Program. Electronic grade silicon is produced primarily for the semiconductor industry with the photovoltaic industry using, in most cases, the production rejects of slightly lower grade material. Therefore, the future availability of adequate supplies of low cost silicon is one of the major concerns of the Photovoltaic Program. The supply outlook for silicon with emphasis on pricing is updated and is based primarily on an industry survey conducted by a JPL consultant. This survey included interviews with polycrystalline silicon manufacturers, a large cross section of silicon users and silicon solar cell manufacturers

    Stochastic modelling of dynamical systems in biology

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    Política global, pós-colonialismo e estudos culturais

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    This paper is an attempt to pave the theoretical way to substitute the political for politics. After illustrating how mainstream IR theories reify the State as the dominant form of subjectivity, I explore the power ontology shared by the critics of this mode of representation. In my view, this conception of power explains why critical theorists have a broader and richer perspective that serves their aim of rethinking the political. This new ontology is presented through a reading of Foucault’s analytics of power: the juridico-discursive representation of power, which is attributed to mainstream scholars, is opposed to the power-as-productive representation, which I believe critical theorists share. By reading Darby's The Fiction of Imperialism and Said's Orientalism through the foucauldian categories of strategy and tactics, I attempt to illustrate how the power-as-productive figuration can be deployed to destabilize the juridico-discursive one. This is one way of locating where cultural studies and postcolonialism meet global politics.Este artigo é uma tentativa de pavimentar o caminho teórico para substituir a política pelo político. Depois de ilustrar como as principais teorias de RI reificam o Estado como a forma dominante de subjetividade, eu exploro a ontologia de poder compartilhada pelos críticos desse modo de representação por meio de uma leitura da "analítica do poder" de Foucault: a representação jurídico-discursiva do poder, que é atribuída aos estudiosos convencionais, se opõe à representação do poder como produtivo, que acredito que os teóricos críticos compartilham. Ao ler A ficção do Imperialismo de Darby e Orientalismo de Said por intermédio das categorias foucaultianas de estratégia e tática, tento ilustrar como a configuração do poder como produtivo pode ser empregada para desestabilizar a figuração jurídico-discursiva. Esta é uma maneira de localizar onde os estudos culturais e o pós-colonialismo encontram a política global

    Polycrystalline silicon study: Low-cost silicon refining technology prospects and semiconductor-grade polycrystalline silicon availability through 1988

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    Photovoltaic arrays that convert solar energy into electrical energy can become a cost effective bulk energy generation alternative, provided that an adequate supply of low cost materials is available. One of the key requirements for economic photovoltaic cells is reasonably priced silicon. At present, the photovoltaic industry is dependent upon polycrystalline silicon refined by the Siemens process primarily for integrated circuits, power devices, and discrete semiconductor devices. This dependency is expected to continue until the DOE sponsored low cost silicon refining technology developments have matured to the point where they are in commercial use. The photovoltaic industry can then develop its own source of supply. Silicon material availability and market pricing projections through 1988 are updated based on data collected early in 1984. The silicon refining industry plans to meet the increasing demands of the semiconductor device and photovoltaic product industries are overviewed. In addition, the DOE sponsored technology research for producing low cost polycrystalline silicon, probabilistic cost analysis for the two most promising production processes for achieving the DOE cost goals, and the impacts of the DOE photovoltaics program silicon refining research upon the commercial polycrystalline silicon refining industry are addressed

    Simultaneous dual-element analyses of refractory metals in naturally occurring matrices using resonance ionization of sputtered atoms

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    The combination of secondary neutral mass spectrometry (SNMS) and resonance ionization spectroscopy (RIS) has been shown to be a powerful tool for the detection of low levels of elemental impurities in solids. Drawbacks of the technique have been the laser-repetition-rate-limited, low duty cycle of the analysis and the fact that RIS schemes are limited to determinations of a single element. These problems have been addressed as part of an ongoing program to explore the usefulness of RIS/SNMS instruments for the analysis of naturally occurring samples. Efficient two-color, two-photon (1+1) resonance ionization schemes were identified for Mo and for four platinum-group elements (Ru, Os, Ir, and Re). Careful selection of the ionization schemes allowed Mo or Ru to be measured simultaneously with Re, Os, or Ir, using two tunable dye lasers and an XeCl excimer laser. Resonance frequencies could be switched easily under computer control, so that all five elements can be rapidly analyzed. In situ measurements of these elements in metal grains from five meteorites were conducted. From the analyses, estimates of the precision and the detection limit of the instrument were made. The trade-off between lower detection limits and rapid multielement RIS analyses is discussed