7 research outputs found

    Characteristics of Ocean Currents in the Lembeh Strait, North Sulawesi

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    Current is a process of mass transfer of seawater that moves from one place to another continuously or occurs continuously. The current generation factor on the surface of the water is caused by two things, namely the wind and the movement of the rise and fall of sea level. The Lembeh Strait is an Archipelago Port Area and a hub port in Kawasan Timur Indonesia (KTI), as well as an area with local transportation routes for the community. For this reason, it is necessary to research to obtain information about the characteristics and patterns of currents that occur in the Lembeh Strait. This research was conducted using a database of currents and tide data over the period from 2021 to 2022. The research method used is quantitative. Data sources were taken from Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG) Stasiun Maritim Bitung and the Copernicus Marine Service website. These data were analyzed using methods that fit the needs of the data. Flow and Tidal data were analyzed using WRPLOT View, Ocean Data View, Microsoft Excel, and Origin Pro. The results of data processing show the direction and speed of the current as well as the relationship between the tides and currents in the waters of the Lembeh Strait. The scatter plot of currents on the surface layer of the sea is elliptical, this indicates that the currents that dominate in these waters are tidal. So the results of the study show that ocean currents in the Lembeh Strait have current characteristics that are dominantly influenced by tides and the dominant current direction is formed in 2021 and 2022 towards the Southwest and Northeast. Keywords: Current, Tidal Current, Lembeh Strait. Abstrak Arus merupakan proses pergerakan massa air laut yang berpindah dari satu tempat ke tempat lain secara kontinu atau terjadi secara terus-menerus. Faktor pembangkit arus di permukaan air disebabkan oleh dua hal yaitu angin dan pergerakan naik turunnya permukaan air laut. Selat Lembeh merupakan Kawasan Pelabuhan Nusantara dan sebagai salah satu hub port di kawasan Timur Indonesia (KTI), serta sebagai kawasan dengan alur transportasi lokal bagi masyarakat. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan penelitian guna mendapatkan informasi tentang karakteristik dan pola arus yang terjadi di Selat Lembeh.  Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan basis data arus dan data pasang surut selang periode waktu dari tahun 2021 sampai dengan tahun 2022.  Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif. Sumber data diambil dari instansi Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG) Stasiun Maritim Bitung dan dari Website Copernicus Marine Service. Data-data tersebut di analisis menggunakan metode yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan data. Data Arus dan Pasang Surut dianalisis menggunakan WRPLOT View, Ocean Data View, Microsoft Excel, dan Origin Pro. Hasil pengolahan data menunjukan arah dan kecepatan arus serta hubungan antara pasang surut dan arus di perairan Selat Lembeh. Scatter plot arus pada lapisan permukaan laut memiliki bentuk ellips, ini menunjukkan bahwa arus yang mendominasi di perairan tersebut adalah arus pasang surut. Sehingga hasil penelitian menunjukan arus laut di Selat Lembeh memiliki karakteristik arah arus dominan dipengaruhi oleh pasang surut dan diperoleh arah arus dominan terbentuk di tahun 2021 dan tahun 2022 menuju ke arah Barat Daya dan Timur Laut. Kata kunci : Arus, Arus Pasut, Selat Lembeh


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    The coastal region is the transitional area between the terrestrial and marine environment that has a great change of experiencing pressure due to pollution. This matter can caused by the strong population of Indonesia, quite high tourist activities, sea transportations, and large infra structure development. Marine debris in particular plastic is a big problem, not only in Indonesia, but also around the world. Hence, Indonesia is considered to be the second largest plastic waste producer in the world. Marine debris is part of a broader problem regarding waste management. Solid waste management has become a challenge for public health. In this research, garbage observation was done by adapting the shoreline survey method based on the national oceanic and atmospheric administration (NOAA, 2013). The results of observations of the research found that the type of macro-debris and meso-debris collected in the transect of observations were 228 items with a total weight of 2062.32 grams. Plastics debris were found in most quantities followed by rubbers, glasses and metals. The main factor for the abundance of marine debris in the coastal area of Tateli dua village Mandolang subdistrict Minahasa regency was the household waste, indicating that land-based sources provide a key factor for plastic pollution on the coastal area. Keywords: Marine debris, shoreline survey, pollution, coastal environment, Minahasa regency. AbstrakWilayah pesisir yang merupakan sumber daya potensial di Indonesia, adalah daerah peralihan antara daratan dan lautan. Sumber daya ini sangat besar yang didukung oleh adanya garis pantai sepanjang sekitar 81.000 km. Garis pantai yang panjang ini menyimpan potensi kekayaan sumber alam yang besar.Potensi itu diantaranya potensi non hayati dan hayati. Disamping potensi sumberdaya alam yang tersebar luas di pesisir Indonesia, potensi pencemaran terhadap lingkungan pesisir dan laut pun memiliki peluang yang cukup besar.Peluang ini dapat disebabkan oleh padatnya penduduk Indonesia, aktivitas wisata yang cukup tinggi termasuk transportasi, dan pembangunan yang besar.Sampah laut khususnya plastik merupakan masalah besar, bukan hanya di Indonesia, tetapi di seluruh dunia.Indonesia juga dianggap sebagai produsen sampah plastik ke laut terbesar kedua di dunia.Sampah laut merupakan bagian dari masalah yang lebih luas terkait pengelolaan sampah.Pengelolaan sampah padat telah menjadi tantangan kesehatan masyarakat.Pengamatan sampah dilakukan dengan adaptasi metode shoreline survey methodology berdasarkan National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration(NOAA, 2013). Hasil pengamatan di lokasi penelitian di temukan jenis sampah makro-debris dan meso-debris yang dikumpulkan pada transek pengamatan sebanyak228 item dengan bobot total 2062,32 gram. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa plastik debris ditemukan dalam jumlah terbanyak diikuti oleh karet, kaca dan logam. Faktor utama penyebab kelimpahan sampah laut di Pantai Tumpaan Desa Tateli Dua, Kecamatan Mandolang, Kabupaten Minahasa adalah sampah aktivitas penduduk yang menunjukkan bahwa sumber-sumber berbasis lahan menyediakan input utama untuk polusi plastik di pantai tersebut. Kata Kunci: Sampah laut, survey garis pantai, pencemaran, lingkungan pesisir, Kabupaten Minahas


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    The long-term goal of this research is the management of vaname shrimp culture that is certified "Good Fish Cultivation" (GFC) based on environmentally friendly and sustainable technology so that its products can be accepted in domestic and foreign markets. The specific target is the implementation of phytoremediation technology in shrimp aquaculture at the Marine Field Station owned by FPIK UNSRAT which will be developed into the North Sulawesi Marine Education Center (NSMEC) area. The long-term goals and specific targets above will support the leading areas of maritime and maritime affairs in the Unsrat Research Master Plan. Analysis of water quality parameters and shrimp growth response using controlled-scale phytoremediation technology was carried out to see the remediation ability of Eucheuma denticulatum seaweed. Research method using phytoremediation technology application on white shrimp cultivation in the form of demonstration plots. The average growth in the plots provided with seaweed ranged from 8.3 g to 8.4 g. While the control that was not stocked with seaweed, the average weight growth was 6.6 g. This figure shows quite different values for different treatments. Water quality parameters such as DO, pH showed better water quality conditions in the plots spread with seaweed. This shows that Eucheuma denticulatum seaweed is capable of being a phytoremediator for the environment where the vannamei shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) is present. Seaweed Eucheuma denticulatum has the ability to absorb waste such as the faces of white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). Keywords: phytoremediation, seaweed, vaname shrimp, East Likupang