464 research outputs found


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    Threats to the marine and coastal environment are increasing due to the increasing population and increasing exploitation of the population on the coast. If the garbage is thrown into the river or thrown directly into the sea, it will eventually result in a reduction in the beauty of the coastal area, the sea and the mangrove ecosystem. Inorganic waste with the type of plastic will not be separated from everyday life, due to the increasing number of people in the world. Therefore, the demand for and consumption of plastic-type materials is increasing and will continuously enter the land environment to the sea. Sampling is located at Tasik Ria Beach, Tombariri District, Minahasa Regency. The sampling time for marine debris in the mangrove ecosystem will be in August 2021. Inorganic waste sampling is carried out in the mangrove ecosystem by looking at the age of the month at the lowest low tide. Sampling used the line transect method or quadrant line transect and was carried out directly in the morning and it took one day until the tide started. Based on the research objectives, to identify inorganic marine debris found in the mangrove ecosystem of the Tasik Ria beach and analyze the total density of inorganic marine debris, both heavy and the amount laid on the mangrove ecosystem, research conducted at Tasik Ria Beach, Tombariri District, Minahasa Regency has obtained five types of waste. namely plastic, glass, metal, rubber and wood waste and their derivatives. Keywords: Coastal, Mangrove Ecosystem, Identification, Marine Debris, Tasik Ria Coast ABSTRAK Ancaman terhadap lingkungan laut dan pesisir semakin meningkat diakibatkan oleh bertambahnya jumlah penduduk dan bertambah pula eksploitasi penduduk di pesisir. Apabilah sampah tersebut dibuang ke sungai maupun dibuang langsung ke laut yang akhirnya berakibat berkurangnya keindahan wilayah pesisir, laut maupun pada ekosistem mangrove. Sampah anorganik dengan jenis plastik tidak akan terlepas dengan kehidupan sehari-hari, dikarenakan bertambahnya jumlah penduduk di dunia. Maka dari itu permintaan maupun kunsumsi bahan dengan berjenis plastik semakin meningkat dan akan secara terus-menerus masuk ke lingkungan daratan sampai ke laut. Pengambilan sampel terletak di Pantai Tasik Ria Kecamatan Tombariri Kabupaten Minahasa. Waktu pengambilan sampel sampah laut pada ekosistem mangrove dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus 2021. Pengambilan sampel sampah anorganik di lakukan pada ekosistem mangrove dengan melihat umur bulan pada saat kondisi surut terendah. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode line transek atau transek garis kuadran dan dilakukan secara langsung di pagi hari dengan membutuhkan waktu selama satu hari sampai pada saat air mulai pasang. Berdasarkan tujuan penelitian mengidentifikasi sampah laut anorganik yang terdapat di ekosistem mangrove pantai tasik ria dan menganalisa jumlah kepadatan sampah laut anorganik baik itu berat maupun jumlah yang tergampar pada ekosistem mangrove penelitian yang di lakukan di Pantai Tasik Ria Kecamatan Tombariri Kabupaten Minahasa telah di dapatkan lima jenis sampah yaitu sampah jenis plastik, kaca, logam, karet serta kayu dan turunannya. Kata Kunci : Pesisir, Ekosistem Mangrove, Identifikasi, Marine Debris, Pantai Tasik Ri

    The air-launched autonomous micro observer

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    Author Posting. © American Meteorological Society, 2022. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of the Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 39(4), (2022): 491–502, https://doi.org/10.1175/jtech-d-21-0046.1.The Air-Launched Autonomous Micro Observer (ALAMO) is a versatile profiling float that can be launched from an aircraft to make temperature and salinity observations of the upper ocean for over a year with high temporal sampling. Similar in dimensions and weight to an airborne expendable bathythermograph (AXBT), but with the same capability as Argo profiling floats, ALAMOs can be deployed from an A-sized (sonobuoy) launch tube, the stern ramp of a cargo plane, or the door of a small aircraft. Unlike an AXBT, however, the ALAMO float directly measures pressure, can incorporate additional sensors, and is capable of performing hundreds of ocean profiles compared to the single temperature profile provided by an AXBT. Upon deployment, the float parachutes to the ocean, releases the air-deployment package, and immediately begins profiling. Ocean profile data along with position and engineering information are transmitted via the Iridium satellite network, automatically processed, and then distributed by the Global Telecommunications System for use by the operational forecasting community. The ALAMO profiling mission can be modified using the two-way Iridium communications to change the profiling frequency and depth. Example observations are included to demonstrate the ALAMO’s utility.This work was supported by the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration under Grants NA13OAR4830233 (as part of CINAR Sandy Supplemental funding from the Disaster Relief Appropriations Act of 2013) and NA14OAR4320158 and by Office of Naval Research under Grants N0001416WX01384, N0001416WX01262, and N000141512293. ALAMO floats are commercially available from MRV Systems, LLC (https://www.mrvsys.com)

    Characterization of the Theileria parva sporozoite proteome

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    East Coast fever is a lymphoproliferative disease caused by the tick-borne protozoan parasite Theileria parva. The sporozoite stage of this parasite, harboured and released from the salivary glands of the tick Rhipicephalus appendiculatus during feeding, invades and establishes infection in bovine lymphocytes. Blocking this initial stage of invasion presents a promising vaccine strategy for control of East Coast fever and can in part be achieved by targeting the major sporozoite surface protein p67. To support research on the biology of T. parva and the identification of additional candidate vaccine antigens, we report on the sporozoite proteome as defined by LC–MS/MS analysis. In total, 4780 proteins were identified in an enriched preparation of sporozoites. Of these, 2007 were identified as T. parva proteins, representing close to 50% of the total predicted parasite proteome. The remaining 2773 proteins were derived from the tick vector. The identified sporozoite proteins include a set of known T. parva antigens targeted by antibodies and cytotoxic T cells from cattle that are immune to East Coast fever. We also identified proteins predicted to be orthologs of Plasmodium falciparum sporozoite surface molecules and invasion organelle proteins, and proteins that may contribute to the phenomenon of bovine lymphocyte transformation. Overall, these data establish a protein expression profile of T. parva sporozoites as an important starting point for further study of a parasitic species which has considerable agricultural impact

    Identification Of Marine Debris By Focusing The Study Of Clean Coast Index On Karang Ria Tuminting Beach

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    Marine debris is rapidly gaining worldwide recognition as a major anthropogenic threat to global ocean ecosystems and produces a wide range of negative environmental, economic, safety, health and cultural impacts (UNEP, 2009). East Asia is the region with the fastest growing waste production in the world. Indonesia is in second position after China which produces the most waste in the world (Jambeck et al, 2015). The Beach Hygiene Index is a scaled index in a “Clean Coast” program launched by the Israeli ministry in an effort to solve the problem of littering on Israel's beaches. This index can be used as an indicator of pollution in a marine tourism area. The purpose of this study was to identify types of marine debris in the coastal waters of Karang Ria Tuminting and determine the value of the Clean Coast Index as an indicator of pollution. The collected data was then processed and statistically analyzed using Excel, Orange and SPSS software. Sampling was done by adapting the Shoreline Survey Methodology. approximately 1 month and made 2 direct observations, the plastic and rubber waste categories were found as the most common categories with the first observation being 73.4% and the second observation being 10.1%. The activities of the surrounding community are the main factors causing the abundance of marine debris around the coastal areas. The index value obtained is 39.5 with a total of 395 waste in various categories as stated by NOAA (2016). Keywords: Marine debris, Index, Identification, Category ABSTRAK Sampah laut dengan cepat mendapatkan pengakuan dunia sebagai ancaman antropogenik utama bagi ekosistem lautan global dan menghasilkan berbagai macam dampak negatif lingkungan, ekonomi, keselamatan, kesehatan, dan budaya (UNEP, 2009). Asia Timur adalah wilayah dengan pertumbuhan produksi sampah tercepat di dunia. Indonesia berada pada posisi kedua setelah China yang memproduksi sampah terbanyak di dunia (Jambeck et al, 2015). Indeks Kebersihan Pantai adalah skala indeks dalam suatu program “Clean Coast” yang diluncurkan kementerian Israel dalam upaya untuk memecahkan permasalahan sampah di pantai-pantai Israel. Indeks ini dapat digunakan sebagai indikator polusi pada suatu kawasan wisata bahari. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi jenis sampah laut di perairan pantai Karang Ria Tuminting dan menentukan nilai Indeks Kebersihan Pantai (Clean Coast Index) sebagai indikator polusi. Data yang dikumpulkan kemudian diolah dan dianalisis secara statistik dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak Excel, Orange dan SPSS. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan mengadaptasi metode Shoreline Survey Methodology. Pengamatan dilaksanakan kurang lebih 1 bulan dan dilakukan 2 kali pengamatan langsung, diperoleh kategori sampah plastik dan karet sebagai kategori yang paling banyak ditemukan dengan komposisi jumlah pada pengamatan pertama sebesar 73.4% dan pengamatan kedua sebanyak 10.1%. aktivitas masyarakat sekitar menjadi faktor utama penyebab berlimpahnya sampah laut di sekitar wilayah pesisir. Nilai indeks yang diperoleh yaitu sebanyak 39,5 dengan jumlah total 395 sampah dengan berbagai kategori sesuai dengan yang dikemukakan oleh NOAA (2016). Kata kunci : Sampah laut, Indeks, Identifikasi, Kategor

    Characteristics of Ocean Currents in the Lembeh Strait, North Sulawesi

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    Current is a process of mass transfer of seawater that moves from one place to another continuously or occurs continuously. The current generation factor on the surface of the water is caused by two things, namely the wind and the movement of the rise and fall of sea level. The Lembeh Strait is an Archipelago Port Area and a hub port in Kawasan Timur Indonesia (KTI), as well as an area with local transportation routes for the community. For this reason, it is necessary to research to obtain information about the characteristics and patterns of currents that occur in the Lembeh Strait. This research was conducted using a database of currents and tide data over the period from 2021 to 2022. The research method used is quantitative. Data sources were taken from Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG) Stasiun Maritim Bitung and the Copernicus Marine Service website. These data were analyzed using methods that fit the needs of the data. Flow and Tidal data were analyzed using WRPLOT View, Ocean Data View, Microsoft Excel, and Origin Pro. The results of data processing show the direction and speed of the current as well as the relationship between the tides and currents in the waters of the Lembeh Strait. The scatter plot of currents on the surface layer of the sea is elliptical, this indicates that the currents that dominate in these waters are tidal. So the results of the study show that ocean currents in the Lembeh Strait have current characteristics that are dominantly influenced by tides and the dominant current direction is formed in 2021 and 2022 towards the Southwest and Northeast. Keywords: Current, Tidal Current, Lembeh Strait. Abstrak Arus merupakan proses pergerakan massa air laut yang berpindah dari satu tempat ke tempat lain secara kontinu atau terjadi secara terus-menerus. Faktor pembangkit arus di permukaan air disebabkan oleh dua hal yaitu angin dan pergerakan naik turunnya permukaan air laut. Selat Lembeh merupakan Kawasan Pelabuhan Nusantara dan sebagai salah satu hub port di kawasan Timur Indonesia (KTI), serta sebagai kawasan dengan alur transportasi lokal bagi masyarakat. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan penelitian guna mendapatkan informasi tentang karakteristik dan pola arus yang terjadi di Selat Lembeh.  Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan basis data arus dan data pasang surut selang periode waktu dari tahun 2021 sampai dengan tahun 2022.  Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif. Sumber data diambil dari instansi Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG) Stasiun Maritim Bitung dan dari Website Copernicus Marine Service. Data-data tersebut di analisis menggunakan metode yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan data. Data Arus dan Pasang Surut dianalisis menggunakan WRPLOT View, Ocean Data View, Microsoft Excel, dan Origin Pro. Hasil pengolahan data menunjukan arah dan kecepatan arus serta hubungan antara pasang surut dan arus di perairan Selat Lembeh. Scatter plot arus pada lapisan permukaan laut memiliki bentuk ellips, ini menunjukkan bahwa arus yang mendominasi di perairan tersebut adalah arus pasang surut. Sehingga hasil penelitian menunjukan arus laut di Selat Lembeh memiliki karakteristik arah arus dominan dipengaruhi oleh pasang surut dan diperoleh arah arus dominan terbentuk di tahun 2021 dan tahun 2022 menuju ke arah Barat Daya dan Timur Laut. Kata kunci : Arus, Arus Pasut, Selat Lembeh

    The form and distribution of microplastic in sediment and water columns of Manado Bay, North Sulawesi

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    Microplastics are particles measuring <5mm that is the result of degradation from plastic waste that enters the environment. Plastic waste is degraded into microplastics through physical, chemical, and biological processes. Pollutants such as microplastics that enter the waters of Manado Bay can reduce the biological and ecological functions of the ecosystem in the waters. The purpose of this study was to determine the shape and density of microplastics in Manado Bay. The sediment sampling method was carried out by purposive sampling method and for the water, column using a plankton net withdrawal method of 10 meters with 3 replications at 3 stations. The sample will be prepared and then identified. Then the sample density was calculated and then analyzed using a one-way ANOVA test and Pearson correlation. The results showed that there were 4 forms of microplastic found, namely the form of fragments, films, fibers, and foams. The density of sediment sample 1 found 187 microplastic particles with a density of 63.38 particles/kg, at station 2 a total of 479 particles with a density of 182.12 particles/kg, and at station 3 a total of 311 particles with a density of 115.07 particles/kg. In station 1 seawater samples were found 154 particles with a density of 7.26 particles/m³, station 2 a total of 299 particles with a density of 14.10 particles/m³.Keywords: microplastic, shape, density, Manado Bay AbstrakMikroplastik adalah partikel berukuran <5mm hasil degradasi dari sampah plastik yang masuk ke lingkungan. Sampah plastik terdegradasi menjadi mikroplastik melalui proses fisik, kimia, dan biologis. Bahan pencemar mikroplastik yang masuk ke perairan Teluk Manado dapat mengurangi fungsi biologis dan ekologis dari ekosistem yang ada di dalam perairan. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui bentuk dan distribusi mikroplastik yang ada di Teluk Manado. Metode pengambilan sampel sedimen dilakukan dengan metode purposive sampling dan untuk kolom perairan menggunakan metode penarikan plankton net sepanjang 10 meter sebanyak 3 kali ulangan di 3 stasiun. Sampel akan dipreparasi kemudian diidentifikasi. Selanjutnya sampel dihitung kepadatannya kemudian dianalisis menggunakan uji one-way ANOVA dan korelasi Pearson. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat 4 bentuk mikroplastik yang ditemukan yaitu bentuk fragmen, film, fiber, dan busa. Kepadatan pada sampel sedimen 1 ditemukan 187 partikel mikroplastik dengan kepadatan 63,38 partikel/kg, pada stasiun 2 total 479 partikel dengan kepadatan 182,12 partikel/kg, dan pada stasiun 3 total 311 partikel dengan kepadatan 115,07 partikel/kg. Pada sampel air laut stasiun 1 ditemukan 154 partikel dengan kepadatan 7,26 partikel/m³, stasiun 2 total 299 partikel dengan kepadatan 14,10 partikel/m³.Kata kunci: mikroplastik, bentuk, kepadatan, Teluk Manad
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