366 research outputs found

    Comparing Instanton Contributions with Exact Results in N=2 Supersymmetric Scale Invariant Theories

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    We discuss the general issues and ambiguities involved in matching the exact results for the low energy effective action of scale invariant N=2 supersymmetric QCD to those obtained by instanton methods. We resolve the reported disagreements and verify agreement between an infinite series of coefficients in the low energy effective actions calculated in the two approaches. In particular, we show that the exact low-energy effective couplings for SU(N) for all N with 2N fundamental hypermultiplets agree at a special vacuum on the Coulomb branch where a large unbroken discrete global symmetry makes the matching of parameters relatively straightforward.Comment: 26 pages, 1 figure; report-no. correcte

    What is a Geoduck?

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    A Single Rotting Pear

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    Study of the adequacy of the study skills at the seventh and eight grade levels of a Basal Series

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    The purpose of this paper is to study the adequacy of the study skills introduced and reinforced at the seventh and eighth grade levels in the 1968 edition of the Scott Foresman Basal Reader Series as measured by a composite of study skills derived from a survey of literature

    Understanding the best practices of senior level-leaders among the European Union civil institutions

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    Senior-level EU civil leadership is fundamental to providing current and future generations of European leaders with the training, mentorship and work environment they need to succeed in sustaining the EU system. To be successful in the EU service, aspiring leaders must clearly set and revise a common vision, lead by example, incorporate diversified communication, and work to establish a sense of belonging and work culture to their staff. The purpose of this study was to determine what EU civil institutions can do to prepare their current staff and future generations of students to enter a career in public leadership and ascend to reach senior-level positions. This purpose was achieved by identifying strategies and best practices that current senior-level leaders at EU civil institutions have employed while transitioning into their current or past roles. Data were collected from 15 senior-level leaders among the EU civil institutions and public agencies. This was done in the form of a 11-question, semi-structured interview format, which focused on their past experiences, lessons learned and future orientation towards EU civil service careers. The key findings of the study yielded 49 themes that answered 4 research questions. In particular, building a work culture and guiding multicultural staff was the primary challenge associated with senior-level EU leadership. Additionally, study participants indicated that they face resistance to change on a constant basis, and that effective communication is highly valued. As a result of the study findings, senior-level EU leaders have collectively mentioned that having a mentor, taking part in internships, and learning additional languages will be especially helpful for emerging generations of civil leaders. Specifically, for those currently studying, the framework indicated from the participants would allow them to take action and act with passion towards their goals. For mid-level leadership looking to transition upward, these suggestions provide insight into the big picture view of EU bureaucracy and public service

    Barriers and Facilitators of Adolescent Breastfeeding

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    Human breast milk is the healthiest form of milk for human babies, which makes breastfeeding beneficial in so many ways. Breastfeeding promotes health for both the mother and infant, helps prevent disease, and reduces health care and feeding costs. With the superior qualities of breast milk becoming better-established in medical literature, breastfeeding rates have increased; however, many adolescents remain unaware of the role of breastfeeding in health promotion and disease prevention. This independent study identifies the barriers to breastfeeding in which adolescents face as well as strategies to facilitate breastfeeding among this population. The methodology includes a comprehensive review of literature on the barriers that exist with adolescent mothers and their infant feeding choice and ways to promote breastfeeding in order to meet the objectives outlined in this proposal. The outcome of this independent study is the development of an educational presentation to inform healthcare providers on strategies addressing breastfeeding promotion specifically tailored to meet the needs of the adolescen

    Entre le retrait et la contestation. Réactions des mormons fondamentalistes à des allégations d’entorses aux lois

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    L’objectif de cet article est de comprendre les effets sur un groupe de mormons polygames fondamentalistes établis à Bountiful, en Colombie-Britannique, d’allégations d’entorses aux lois. Ces allégations vont du trafic de jeunes femmes entre le Canada et les États-Unis afin de les marier à des hommes polygames plus âgés qu’elles aux sévices physiques et sexuels sur des enfants, des adolescents et des femmes. Des entretiens avec des membres de ce groupe ainsi que l’analyse documentaire du journal de la communauté, des échanges sur le forum de discussion Web du groupe et des principaux journaux et périodiques canadiens et étatsuniens de 1990 à 2006 ont permis de documenter les allégations et de cerner les réactions du groupe. Celles-ci sont distinguées en deux périodes, un premier temps où le groupe a réagi par un retrait silencieux, puis un second où la contestation a dominé. Ces réactions sont décrites, analysées et illustrées à l’aide d’extraits d’entretiens et d’échanges Web.This article seeks to understand the impact of allegations of illegal conduct on a group of polygamous Fundamentalist Mormons established in Bountiful, British Columbia. These allegations include the illegal passage of young women between Canada and the United States in order to provide older polygamous men with young wives, as well as the sexual and physical abuse of children, adolescents and women. Interviews with group members, analysis of the writings of the group and of the discussions held by members of the group on a WEB Forum, as well as a review of the principal Canadian and American periodicals and newspapers from 1990 to 2006 are used to identify the allegations and outline the group’s reactions. Two distinct types of reactions to the allegations are identified, the first being a silent retreat, which was followed by a reaction of contestation. These reactions are described, analysed and illustrated with the help of extracts from interviews and Web exchanges.Este artículo tiene por objetivo comprender el impacto de diversos alegatos relativos a violaciones a la ley sobre un grupo de mormones fundamentalistas polígamos establecidos en Bountiful, Columbia Británica. Dichos alegatos van del tráfico de mujeres jóvenes entre Canadá y Estados Unidos con el fin de casaras con hombres polígamos mayores que ellas a abusos físicos y sexuales sobre menores, adolescentes y mujeres. Entrevistas a miembros de este grupo así como un análisis documental del periódico de la comunidad, de intercambios en el foro de discusión web del grupo y de los principales diarios y periódicos canadienses y estadounidenses de 1990 a 2006 han permitido documentar dichos alegatos e identificar las reacciones del grupo ante ellos. Dos tipos de reacción fueron identificados: en un primer tiempo, un repliegue silencioso del grupo; en un segundo tiempo, una actitud de protesta predominó. Estas reacciones son descritas, analizadas e ilustradas gracias a extractos de entrevistas e intercambios web
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