604 research outputs found

    Porous silicon bragg reflector and 2D gold-polymer nanograting: a route towards a hybrid optoplasmonic platform

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    Photonic and plasmonic systems have been intensively studied as an effective means to modify and enhance the electromagnetic field. In recent years hybrid plasmonic–photonic systems have been investigated as a promising solution for enhancing light-matter interaction. In the present work we present a hybrid structure obtained by growing a plasmonic 2D nanograting on top of a porous silicon distributed Bragg reflector. Particular attention has been devoted to the morphological characterization of these systems. Electron microscopy images allowed us to determine the geometrical parameters of the structure. The matching of the optical response of both components has been studied. Results indicate an interaction between the plasmonic and the photonic parts of the system, which results in a localization of the electric field profile

    Plant community diversity in the Chobe Enclave, Botswana: Insights for functional habitat heterogeneity for herbivores

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    Precise vegetation descriptions and maps are essential tools for the management of natural areas, as well as for understanding animal habitat use. The Chobe Enclave (CE), adjacent to the Chobe National Park and the Chobe Forest Reserve, forms a critical dry season range for many large herbivores. As a tool for future management and studies about wildlife habitat use and migration, this study proposed to describe the plant communities in the CE and to study their relationships with microtopography and soils. Plant species were inventoried in 82 sampling plots (40 x 20 m), covering the vegetation diversity recognised by an unsupervised classification (Landsat images, 30-m resolution). A hierarchical clustering classified the inventories in eight plant communities, mapped with a supervised classification. This study was conducted in parallel with a soil study. Soil variations and degree of flooding largely determine community composition. Floodplains along the Linyanti River and dambos (concentrating local run off from rainfall) provide reliable green forage for wildlife during the dry season. Adjacent to floodplains, riverine forests also maintain green browse and grazing well into the dry season. In drylands, vegetation is largely determined by soil texture. Forests dominated by Baikiaea plurijuga occupy the acidic, red sands in the east, while sandveld vegetation grows on deep sands in paleo-river channels. These habitats support dominant grasses, which provide important forage for grazers during the wet season. Finally, woodlands dominated by Colophospermum mopane, characterised by sodium-rich and alkaline soils, enable herbivores to meet their mineral requirements during reproduction. Conservation implications: Our soil and vegetation studies provide important insights into factors determining plant communities. Their diversity and close vicinity play a critical role in enabling herbivores to adapt to seasonal variations in forage quantity and quality. Results will enable researchers to gain insights into animal habitat seasonal use in the Chobe Enclave

    Evaluation of macular pigment optical density following femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery

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    Background: To evaluate macular pigment optical density (MPOD) after bimanual femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery (FLACS) compared to standard bimanual phacoemulsification (B-MICS). Methods: Aprospective, casematched, comparative cohort study conducted at theInstitute of Ophthalmology, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italy); 30 eyes under wentbimanual FLACS with low-energy Ziemer LDV Z8 (FLACS) and 30 underwent B-MICS standard technique (B-MICS). All interventions were conducted by the same expert surgeon. MPOD using the Macular Pigment Screener II (MPS II) was evaluated at baseline, 7 and 30 days after surgery. As secondary outcomes, we considered best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) and central macular thickness (CMT) obtained using optical coherence tomography. Results: In all cases, a BunnyLens AF IOL was safely implanted in the capsular bag through a1.4 mm incision. We found asignificant reductionin MPOD in both groups at 7 and 30 days; 0.16 ±0.14 and 0.10±0.12 (FLACS) and 0.18±0.13 and 0.15±0.14 (B-MICS), respectively (P<0.05). However, there was no significant difference between the two groups at either 7 (P=0.52) or 30 days (P=0.18). BCVA improved significantly in both groups and CMT increased in both groups (P<0.001, P<0.001, respectively). BCVA and CMT were similar between the groups with a significant difference in CMT in favor of the FLACS group at 30 days (P=0.017). Conclusions: MPOD was reduced in both groups without any significant difference between the FLACS and B-MICS cataract interventions. FLACS is associated with a significantly higher increase of macular thickness at 30 days compared to B-MICS

    Three roots of melanoma

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    Segura et al1 describe morphologic features of melanomas with a nodular component using in vivo reflectance-mode confocal microscopy (RCM) and correlate these RCM findings with histopathologic findings. The most striking observation made by the investigators is the remarkable difference in epidermal involvement between nodular melanoma (NM) and superficial spreading melanoma (SSM) with a nodular component. At RCM, SSMs frequently showed epidermal disarrangement and pagetoid infiltration, whereas NMs exhibited a preserved epidermal pattern and few pagetoid cells.1 This new observation provides fertile ground for revisiting the conventional concept of melanoma development. We propose an alternative hypothesis based on recent observations made in stem cell research and demonstrate how this hypothesis can better account for the observed clinical and epidemiologic differences between melanoma subtypes

    Retinoic acid and androgen receptors combine to achieve tissue specific control of human prostatic transglutaminase expression: a novel regulatory network with broader significance

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    In the human prostate, expression of prostate-specific genes is known to be directly regulated by the androgen–induced stimulation of the androgen receptor (AR). However, less is known about the expression control of the prostate-restricted TGM4 (hTGP) gene. In the present study we demonstrate that the regulation of the hTGP gene depends mainly on retinoic acid (RA). We provide evidence that the retinoic acid receptor gamma (RAR-G) plays a major role in the regulation of the hTGP gene and that presence of the AR, but not its transcriptional transactivation activity, is critical for hTGP transcription. RA and androgen responsive elements (RARE and ARE) were mapped to the hTGP promoter by chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP), which also indicated that the active ARE and RARE sites were adjacent, suggesting that the antagonistic effect of androgen and RA is related to the relative position of binding sites. Publicly available AR and RAR ChIP-seq data was used to find gene potentially regulated by AR and RAR. Four of these genes (CDCA7L, CDK6, BTG1 and SAMD3) were tested for RAR and AR binding and two of them (CDCA7L and CDK6) proved to be antagonistically regulated by androgens and RA confirming that this regulation is not particular of hTGP

    CD271 is expressed in melanomas with more aggressive behaviour, with correlation of characteristic morphology by in vivo reflectance confocal microscopy

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    Background Melanoma is the most highly aggressive type of skin cancer. Its resistance to existing treatments and the rapid rise in incidence underscore the importance of acquiring a better understanding of melanomagenesis. Objectives To assess the impact of reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM) on the description of cell morphology, which may influence the growth pattern and changes with increasing tumour severity, correlating with biological aspects. Methods A retrospective analysis of 30 primary melanomas in vivo, evaluated by RCM, to correlate cell morphology and cellular arrangement with a marker of melanoma progression (CD271) using immunohistochemical evaluations. Results Typical cells organized in dermal nests with peculiar in vivo confocal morphology result in melanoma with high malignancy and positivity to CD271. This architecture might be due to the presence of a type of cells, intrinsically predisposed to invasion, as a result of dedifferentiation programming, revealed by expression of the neural crest marker CD271. Conclusions With the hypothesis that dedifferentiated cells would be strongly responsible for initiation of tumour development and progression, we propose that CD271 detection could be associated with RCM evaluation in order to detect more aggressive melanoma subtypes

    Cyclin F-Mediated Degradation of Ribonucleotide Reductase M2 Controls Genome Integrity and DNA Repair

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    F-box proteins are the substrate binding subunits of SCF (Skp1-Cul1-F-box protein) ubiquitin ligase complexes. Using affinity purifications and mass spectrometry, we identified RRM2 (the ribonucleotide reductase family member 2) as an interactor of the F-box protein cyclin F. Ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) catalyzes the conversion of ribonucleotides to deoxyribonucleotides (dNTPs), which are necessary for both replicative and repair DNA synthesis. We found that, during G2, following CDK-mediated phosphorylation of Thr33, RRM2 is degraded via SCFcyclin F to maintain balanced dNTP pools and genome stability. After DNA damage, cyclin F is downregulated in an ATR-dependent manner to allow accumulation of RRM2. Defective elimination of cyclin F delays DNA repair and sensitizes cells to DNA damage, a phenotype that is reverted by expressing a nondegradable RRM2 mutant. In summary, we have identified a biochemical pathway that controls the abundance of dNTPs and ensures efficient DNA repair in response to genotoxic stress

    2021 international consensus statement on optical coherence tomography for basal cell carcinoma: image characteristics, terminology and educational needs

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    Background Despite the widespread use of optical coherence tomography (OCT) for imaging of keratinocyte carcinoma, we lack an expert consensus on the characteristic OCT features of basal cell carcinoma (BCC), an internationally vetted set of OCT terms to describe various BCC subtypes, and an educational needs assessment. Objectives To identify relevant BCC features in OCT images, propose terminology based on inputs from an expert panel and identify content for a BCC-specific curriculum for OCT trainees. Methods Over three rounds, we conducted a Delphi consensus study on BCC features and terminology between March and September 2020. In the first round, experts were asked to propose BCC subtypes discriminable by OCT, provide OCT image features for each proposed BCC subtypes and suggest content for a BCC-specific OCT training curriculum. If agreement on a BCC-OCT feature exceeded 67%, the feature was accepted and included in a final review. In the second round, experts had to re-evaluate features with less than 67% agreement and rank the ten most relevant BCC OCT image features for superficial BCC, nodular BCC and infiltrative and morpheaphorm BCC subtypes. In the final round, experts received the OCT-BCC consensus list for a final review, comments and confirmation. Results The Delphi included six key opinion leaders and 22 experts. Consensus was found on terminology for three OCT BCC image features: (i) hyporeflective areas, (ii) hyperreflective areas and (iii) ovoid structures. Further, the participants ranked the ten most relevant image features for nodular, superficial, infiltrative and morpheaform BCC. The target group and the key components for a curriculum for OCT imaging of BCC have been defined. Conclusion We have established a set of OCT image features for BCC and preferred terminology. A comprehensive curriculum based on the expert suggestions will help implement OCT imaging of BCC in clinical and research settings

    The combination of dermoscopy and reflectance confocal microscopy increases the diagnostic confidence of amelanotic/hypomelanotic lentigo maligna

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    The dermoscopic diagnosis of amelanotic/hypomelanotic lentigo maligna/lentigo maligna melanoma (AHLM/LMM) may be very difficult in its early stages because of lack of pigment. Reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM) is an imaging technique that is especially helpful for the diagnosis of lentigo maligna. To determine the diagnostic performances of dermoscopy and RCM in the diagnosis of AHLM/LMMs we evaluated dermoscopic and RCM images of consecutive cases of histopathologically confirmed AHLM/LMMs, amelanotic/hypomelanotic basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma (AHBCCs/AHSCCs), amelanotic/hypomelanotic benign lesions (AHBLs), and actinic keratoses (AKs) from five participating centers. Sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, predictive values, and level of diagnosis confidence were calculated for both diagnostic procedures. Both dermoscopy and RCM showed diagnostic performance >97% in the diagnosis of AHLM/LMMs versus AHBCC/AHSCCs and their combination slightly improved diagnostic performance, with accuracy increasing from 98.0% to 99.1%. Similarly, RCM in combination with dermoscopy showed a tiny increase in the diagnostic performance in the diagnosis of AHLM/LMMs versus AHBLs (accuracy increased from 87.2% to 88.8%) and versus AKs (accuracy increased from 91.4% to 93.4%). Although the increase in diagnostic performance due to RCM was modest, the combination of dermoscopy and RCM greatly increased the level of confidence; high confidence in the diagnosis of AHLM/LMMs versus AHBLs increased from 36.2% with dermoscopy alone to 76.6% with dermoscopy plus RMC. Based on our results, dermoscopy and RCM should be complementary to improve not only diagnostic accuracy but also the level of diagnostic certainty in the diagnosis of AHLM/LMMs