12 research outputs found

    Optimizing the formation of the acquired enamel pellicle in vitro for proteomic analysis

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    Saliva is the major contributor for the protein composition of the acquired enamel pellicle (AEP), a bacteria-free organic layer formed by the selective adsorption of salivary proteins on the surface of the enamel. However, the amount of proteins that can be recovered is even smaller under in vitro condition, due to the absence of continuous salivary flow. Objective: This study developed an in vitro AEP protocol for proteomics analysis using a new formation technique with different collection solutions. Methodology: 432 bovine enamel specimens were prepared (4x4 mm) and divided into four groups (n=108). Unstimulated saliva was provided by nine subjects. The new AEP formation technique was based on saliva resupply by a new one every 30 min within 120 minutes at 37ºC under agitation. AEP was collected using an electrode filter paper soaked in the collection solutions according with the group: 1) 3% citric acid (CA); 2) 0.5% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS); 3) CA followed by SDS (CA+SDS); 4) SDS followed by CA (SDS+CA). The pellicles collected were processed for analysis through LC-ESI-MS/MS technique. Results: A total of 55 proteins were identified. The total numbers of proteins identified in each group were 40, 21, 28 and 41 for the groups CA, SDS, CA+SDS and SDS+CA, respectively. Twenty-three typical AEP proteins were identified in all groups, but Mucin was only found in CA and CA+SDS, while three types of PRP were not found in the SDS group. Moreover, a typical enamel protein, Enamelin, was identified in the CA+SDS group only. Conclusion: The new technique of the in vitro AEP formation through saliva replacement was essential for a higher number of the proteins identified. In addition, considering practicality, quantity and quality of identified proteins, citric acid seems to be the best solution to be used for collection of AEP proteins

    New insights into the anti-erosive property of a sugarcane-derived cystatin: different vehicle of application and potential mechanism of action

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    A new sugarcane-derived cystatin (CaneCPI-5) showed anti-erosive properties when included in solutions and strong binding force to enamel, but the performance of this protein when added to gel formulations and its effect on surface free energy (SFE) requires further studies. Objective: 1) to evaluate the protective effect of gels containing different concentrations of CaneCPI-5 against initial enamel erosion (Experiment 1); and 2) to analyze the SFE (γS) after treating the enamel surface with CaneCPI-5 solution (Experiment 2). Methodology: In Experiment 1, 75 bovine enamel specimens were divided into five groups according to the gel treatments: placebo (negative control); 0.27%mucin+0.5%casein (positive control); 0.1 mg/mL CaneCPI-5; 1.0 mg/mL CaneCPI-5; or 2.0 mg/mL CaneCPI-5. Specimens were treated with the gels for 1 min, the AP was formed (human saliva) for 2 h and the specimens were incubated in 0.65% citric acid (pH=3.4) for 1 min. The percentage of surface hardness change (%SHC) was estimated. In Experiment 2, measurements were performed by an automatic goniometer using three probing liquids: diiodomethane, water and ethylene glycol. Specimens (n=10/group) remained untreated (control) or were treated with solution containing 0.1 mg/mL CaneCPI-5, air-dried for 45 min, and 0.5 µL of each liquid was dispensed on the surface to measure contact angles. Results: Gels containing 0.1 and 1.0 mg/mL CaneCPI-5 significantly reduced %SHC compared to the other treatments (p<0.05). Treated enamel showed significantly lower γS than control, without changes in the apolar component (γSLW), but the polar component (γSAB=Lewis acid-base) became more negative (p<0.01). Moreover, CaneCPI-5 treatment showed higher γS - (electron-donor) values compared to control (p<0.01). Conclusions: Gels containing 0.1 mg/mL or 1.0 mg/mL CaneCPI-5 protected enamel against initial dental erosion. CaneCPI-5 increased the number of electron donor sites on the enamel surface, which may affect AP formation and could be a potential mechanism of action to protect from erosion.&nbsp

    Characterization of white spot lesions formed on human enamel under microcosm biofilm for different experimental periods

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    The initial characteristics of white spot lesion (WSLs), such as the degree of integrated mineral loss (ΔZ), depth and pattern of mineral distribution, have an impact on further demineralization and remineralization. However, these lesion parameters have not been evaluated in WSLs produced from microcosm biofilms. Objective: This study characterized artificial white spot lesions produced on human enamel under microcosm biofilm for different experimental periods. Methodology: In total, 100 human enamel specimens (4x4mm) were assigned to 5 distinct groups (n=20/group) differing according to the period of biofilm formation (2, 4, 6, 8 or 10 days). Microcosm biofilm was produced on the specimens from a mixture of human and McBain saliva at the first 8h. Enamel samples were then exposed to McBain saliva containing 0.2% sucrose. WSLs formed were characterized by quantitative light-induced fluorescence (QLF) and transverse microradiography (TMR). Data were analyzed by ANOVA/Tukey or Kruskal-Wallis/Dunn tests (p<0.05). Results: A clear time-response pattern was observed for both analyses, but TMR was able to better discriminate among the lesions. Regarding QLF analysis, median (95%CI; %) changes in fluorescence ∆Z were -7.74(-7.74:-6.45)a, -8.52(-8.75:-8.00)ab, -9.17(-10.00:-8.71)bc, -9.58(-10.53:-8.99)bc and -10.01(-11.44:-9.72)c for 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 days, respectively. For TMR, median (95%CI; vol%.µm) ∆Z were 1410(1299-1479)a, 2420(2327-2604)ab, 2775(2573-2899)bc, 3305(3192-3406)cd and 4330(3972-4465)d, whereas mean (SD; µm) lesion depth were 53.7(12.3)a, 71.4(12.0)a, 103.8(24.8)b, 130.5(27.2)bc, 167.2(39.3)c for 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 days, respectively. Conclusion: The progression of WSLs formed on human enamel under microcosm biofilm can be characterized over 2-10 days, both by QLF and TMR analyses, although the latter provides better discrimination among the lesions

    Proteomic analysis of the acquired enamel pellicle formed on human and bovine tooth: a study using the Bauru in situ pellicle model (BISPM)

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    The acquired enamel pellicle (AEP) is an organic film, bacteria-free, formed in vivo as a result of the selective adsorption of salivary proteins and glycoproteins to the solid surfaces exposed to the oral environment. Objective: This study aimed to compare the proteomic profile of AEP formed in situ on human and bovine enamel using a new intraoral device (Bauru in situ pellicle model – BISPM). Material and Methods: One hundred and eight samples of human and bovine enamel were prepared (4x4 mm). Nine subjects with good oral conditions wore a removable jaw appliance (BISPM) with 6 slabs of each substrate randomly allocated. The AEP was formed during the morning, for 120 minutes, and collected with an electrode filter paper soaked in 3% citric acid. This procedure was conducted in triplicate and the pellicle collected was processed for analysis by LC-ESI-MS/MS. The obtained mass spectrometry MS/MS spectra were searched against human protein database (SWISS–PROT). Results: The use of BISPM allowed the collection of enough proteins amount for proper analysis. A total of 51 proteins were found in the AEP collected from the substrates. Among them, 15 were common to both groups, 14 were exclusive of the bovine enamel, and 22 were exclusive of the human enamel. Proteins typically found in the AEP were identified, such as Histatin-1, Ig alpha-1, Ig alpha 2, Lysozyme C, Statherin and Submaxillary gland androgen-regulated protein 3B. Proteins not previously described in the AEP, such as metabolism, cell signaling, cell adhesion, cell division, transport, protein synthesis and degradation were also identified. Conclusion: These results demonstrate that the proteins typically found in the AEP appeared in both groups, regardless the substrate. The BISPM revealed to be a good device to be used in studies involving proteomic analysis of the AEP

    Acquired pellicle engineering using a combination of organic (sugarcane cystatin) and inorganic (sodium fluoride) components against dental erosion.

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    This study evaluated the combination of a sugarcane cystatin (CaneCPI-5) and sodium fluoride (NaF) in acquired pellicle engineering for the prevention of dental erosion in vitro. 75 human enamel specimens were prepared and divided into 5 treatment groups (n = 15/group): Deionized water (Control); Elmex™ (SnCl2/NaF/AmF); 0.1 mg/ml CaneCPI-5; 500 ppm NaF; and CaneCPI-5+NaF (Combination). The specimens were individually treated (200 μl; 2 min; 37 °C), then incubated in human saliva (200 μl; 1 h, at 37 °C) for acquired pellicle formation. Afterwards, the specimens were submitted to an erosive challenge (1% citric acid, pH 3.6, 10 ml, 2 min, 25 °C). This sequence was conducted 5 times. Percentage of surface microhardness change (%SMC), relative surface reflection intensity (rSRI) and calcium released to the citric acid (CR) were measured and analyzed by One-way ANOVA followed by Tukey's test (p<0.05). In general, all the treatments (SnCl2/NaF/AmF, CaneCPI-5, NaF and Combination) significantly protected the enamel when compared the control group. Regarding %SMC and rSRI, the Combination was the most effective treatment, reducing the %SMC significantly (p<0.01) when compared to all the other treatments, although this difference was not significant in the CR analysis. All treatments demonstrated a protective effect on enamel against dental erosion; however the combination of CaneCPI-5 with NaF showed a greater protection

    Proteomic analysis of the acquired enamel pellicle formed on human and bovine tooth: a study using the Bauru in situ pellicle model (BISPM)

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    Abstract The acquired enamel pellicle (AEP) is an organic film, bacteria-free, formed in vivo as a result of the selective adsorption of salivary proteins and glycoproteins to the solid surfaces exposed to the oral environment. Objective: This study aimed to compare the proteomic profile of AEP formed in situ on human and bovine enamel using a new intraoral device (Bauru in situ pellicle model - BISPM). Material and Methods: One hundred and eight samples of human and bovine enamel were prepared (4×4 mm). Nine subjects with good oral conditions wore a removable jaw appliance (BISPM) with 6 slabs of each substrate randomly allocated. The AEP was formed during the morning, for 120 minutes, and collected with an electrode filter paper soaked in 3% citric acid. This procedure was conducted in triplicate and the pellicle collected was processed for analysis by LC-ESI-MS/MS. The obtained mass spectrometry MS/MS spectra were searched against human protein database (SWISS-PROT). Results: The use of BISPM allowed the collection of enough proteins amount for proper analysis. A total of 51 proteins were found in the AEP collected from the substrates. Among them, 15 were common to both groups, 14 were exclusive of the bovine enamel, and 22 were exclusive of the human enamel. Proteins typically found in the AEP were identified, such as Histatin-1, Ig alpha-1, Ig alpha 2, Lysozyme C, Statherin and Submaxillary gland androgen-regulated protein 3B. Proteins not previously described in the AEP, such as metabolism, cell signaling, cell adhesion, cell division, transport, protein synthesis and degradation were also identified. Conclusion: These results demonstrate that the proteins typically found in the AEP appeared in both groups, regardless the substrate. The BISPM revealed to be a good device to be used in studies involving proteomic analysis of the AEP

    Use of Reflectometer Optipen to assess the preventive effect of a sugarcane cystatin on initial dental erosion in vivo.

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    The sugarcane cystatin 5 (CaneCPI-5) showed protection against erosion and erosive tooth wear (ETW) under several protocols. However, evaluating these conditions in vivo is hard due to the lack of a suitable device. The aim of this study was to use clinically the relative surface reflection intensity (%SRI) by the Reflectometer Optipen to assess the acquired pellicle engineering with CaneCPI-5 rinse for the prevention of initial erosion in vivo. Nine volunteers were distributed in three cross-over phases, according to the rinse used, as follows: 1) Deionized water (negative control); 2) Elmex® (800 ppm Sn2+, 500 ppm F-; positive control); 3) 0.1 mg/mL CaneCPI-5. The following experimental steps were performed: Initially, the volunteers received prophylaxis and the initial %SRI was performed. Subsequently, they rinsed with the solutions (10 mL; 1min), followed by the formation of the acquired enamel pellicle (AEP; 120min). After, the erosive challenge with citric acid 1%, pH 2.5 (10 μL; 10s) was performed (in isolation) on the buccal surface of the maxillary central incisors (right and left). The calcium present in the acid was analyzed by Arsenazo III method. Finally, the final %SRI was performed. Data were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis/Dunn's tests and Spearman's correlation were used (p < 0.05). For both variables, the negative control led to significantly less protection (lower reflectivity and higher calcium release) in comparison with the other groups. The best protection (higher reflectivity and lower calcium release) was observed for the Elmex® and the CaneCPI-5 groups, with no significant differences between them (p < 0.05). There was a significant correlation between both analyzes. The Reflectometer Optipen demonstrated to be a good device to assess clinically. Moreover, CaneCPI-5 rinse proved effective through acquired pellicle engineering against initial erosion in vivo

    Preventive effect of chitosan gel containing CaneCPI-5 against enamel erosive wear in situ.

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    OBJECTIVE This study evaluated the preventive effect of a chitosan gel containing CaneCPI-5 against enamel erosion and erosion + abrasion in situ. METHODS Sixteen volunteers participated in a crossover, double-blind protocol, comprising 4 phases: (1) no treatment (Nt); (2) chitosan gel (Cg); (3) chitosan gel + 12,300 ppm NaF (Cg + NaF); and (4) chitosan gel + 0.1 mg/mL CaneCPI-5 (Cg + Cane). Volunteers wore an appliance containing 4 specimens. Once/day, they applied the gel (except for Nt) (4 min/specimen). Erosive challenges were performed extra-orally (0.1% citric acid, 90 s, 4 × /day; ERO). Specimens were also abraded (toothbrush, 15 s/specimen, 2 × /day; ERO + ABR). Enamel wear was assessed by profilometry and relative surface reflection intensity (%SRI). Two-way RM-ANOVA/Sidak's tests and Spearman's correlation were used (p < 0.05). RESULTS For profilometry, ERO + ABR promoted significantly greater wear when compared with ERO. There was a significant difference among all treatments. The lowest enamel loss occurred for Cg + Cane, followed by Cg + NaF, Cg, and Nt (p < 0.05). The %SRI was significantly lower for ERO + ABR when compared to ERO, only for the Nt group. The greatest %SRI was found for the Cg + NaF and Cg + Cane groups, which did not differ significantly, regardless of the conditions. The lowest %SRI was found for the Nt and Cg groups, which did not differ from each other, regardless of the conditions. The Nt group did not differ significantly from the Cg + NaF (ERO). There was a significant correlation between both analyses. CONCLUSION The incorporation of CaneCPI-5 in the chitosan gel prevented erosive wear in situ. CLINICAL RELEVANCE These results open a new perspective for the use of CaneCPI-5 in other application vehicles, such as chitosan gel