34 research outputs found


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    A relation between the best polynomial approximations of the function assigned on a segment and the function conjugated to it is found. In the periodic case, a similar relation is obtained by S. B. Stechkin. The inequality of G. Szegö type is also proved for the derivatives of an algebraic polynomial.В работе найдено соотношение между наилучшими равномерными полиномиальными приближениями функции, заданной на отрезке, и ее сопряженной, аналогичное соотношение в периодическом случае было получено С. Б. Стечкиным. Также доказано неравенство типа Сегё для производных алгебраического многочлена.

    The Wings of an Experiment

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    The Maiak Clothing Association in Gorky and the Bol'shevichka Clothing Association in Moscow have been functioning for nearly a year on the basis of direct contractual ties with trade organizations. A good deal, almost entirely positive, has been written and said about this experiment. Today everyone admits that direct contractual ties between the supplying enterprise and the store definitely constitute something that offers good prospects and is economically beneficial.

    Soviet economic reform (its causes, meaning and progress)

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    Soviet Economic ReformThe International Labour and Radical History Pamphlet Collection consists of over 2200 pamphlets representing a broad spectrum of leftist opinion, including communists, socialists, liberal reformers, trade unionists, civil libertarians and antiwar activists. The majority of the pamphlets are in English and were published between 1920-1970 in the United States, the Soviet Union, Great Britain, Canada and China. There are also a number of earlier Fabian Society publications. Further information: http://www.library.mun.ca/asc/specialcollections/collections/radica

    Delisle, Joseph-Nicolas

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    Optimum thickness of the front screen for transfer neutron radiography

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    F. P. Veselovskii and the Law of Nations

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    Determining the normal stresses in a uniform bent cantilever

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