487 research outputs found

    Application of pMOS Dosimeters in Radiotherapy

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    The results of a study on pMOS dosimeters manufactured by Tyndall National Institute, Cork, Ireland and their sensitivity on radiation doses used in radiotherapy are presented. Firstly, we deal with analysis of defect precursors created by ionizing radiation, responsible for increase in fixed and switching traps, which are further responsible for threshold voltage shift as a dosimetric parameter. Secondly, influence of some parameters, such as gate bias during irradiation, gate oxide thickness and photons energies, on threshold voltage shift is presented. Fading of irradiated pMOS dosimeters and possible application of commercial MOSFETs in ionizing radiation dosimetry are also presented

    Sagledavanje muzičkih instrumenata na spomenicima srpskih srednjovekovnih vladara u orijentalnom i zapadnoevropskom okruženju

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    Researching musical instruments on frescoes, miniatures, icons and sculptural decorations of medieval Serbian art, painted and sculptured in the manner of Byzantine art, we discover Oriental and Western influences. Musical instruments arriving from the Orient were unchanged for centuries and those from West Europe were mainly used in the Middle Ages or the Renaissance. Oriental and Western influences can be observed on instruments of all families-idiophones, membranophones, bowed and string instruments, as well as on aerophones. The same form of some crotales and cymbals can be found both in Oriental and Western art, the majority of membranophones are of Oriental origin, but the tambourine on Bodani frescoes originated in West Europe. Lyres and angular harps are close to Antique tradition. Some bowed instruments, psalteries, lutes, harps, short horns, business and shawms have Oriental patterns and other instruments of these families accepted Western shapes. There are, as well, same kinds of bowed instruments and S-trumpets peculiar for both continents.Prilikom sagledavanja mesta muzičkih instrumenata u umetnosti srednjovekovne Srbije, u članku se razmatra odnos prema Orijentu i Zapadnoj Evropi na primerima predstava idiofonih, membranofonih, kordofonih i aerofonih instrumenata u srpskim srednjovekovnim likovnim spomenicima: živopisima minijaturama, ikonama i skulptoralnoj dekoraciji. Muzički instrumenti koji su prispeli sa Istoka imali su pretežno neizmenjene oblike u kojima su se koristili u dugom vremenskom periodu, a oni koji su se ugledali na Zapadnu Evropu, ponavljali su poglavito srednjovekovne ili renesansne forme. Pojedina krotala i tasovi, gudački instrumenti i S-trube mogli su se naći i na Istoku i na Zapadu, većina membranofonih instrumenata je, izuzev bođanskog tamburina, orijentalnog porekla, a lire i angularne harfe bliske su antičkoj tradiciji. Gudački instrumenti, psalterioni, laute, harfe kratki rogovi, busine i Å”almaji imaju orijentalne oblike, a bilo je muzičkih instrumenata iz tih istih porodica koji su prihvatili zapadnoevropske forme

    Pravni problemi u slučaju predaje robe bez teretnice : Praksa nekih azijskih jurisdikcija

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    This article examines the problem related to the delivery of the goods without a bill of lading. It focuses mainly on the problems arising in the Far East, which are compared, in some cases, with similar problems in some Western common law and civil law jurisdictions. Before reviewing the court practice and examining various issues related to the delivery of the goods without a bill of lading, several general questions related to the legal background of this problem are examined. With respect to the practice of delivery of the goods without a bill of lading, various issues are examined, such as whether a carrier can deliver the goods to the owner of the goods without a bill of lading; what is the nature of the carrier\u27s liability for wrongful delivery: tort or contract ? Should the carrier deliver against single or a full set of bills of lading ? Is the ship\u27s agent liable for delivery without a bill of lading ? Should a carrier obey the charterer\u27s orders to deliver the goods without a bill of lading ? Can a carrier deliver the goods without production of a straight bill of lading ? Should a carrier agree to deliver the goods against the letter of indemnity, and how safe is to rely on such a document ? The main purpose of this article is to try to find an answer to the questions as to why an old problem is still causing so much confusion and how the problems arising in practice can be resolved.Ovaj se članak bavi ispitivanjem pravnih problema koji se javljaju u slučaju predaje tereta bez predočenja teretnice. Glavna je pažnja usmjerena na neka azijska prava, s poredbenim prikazom pristupa istim problemima u nekim od kontinentalnih i anglosaksonskih jurisdikcija na Zapadu. Prije analize sudske prakse, u uvodnom dijelu, članak se bavi nekim teorijskim pitanjima u odnosu na problem predaje tereta bez teretnice. Obrađeno je viÅ”e pitanja: Može li prijevoznik predati teret vlasniku tereta koji nije u posjedu terretnice ? Koja je osnova odgovornosti prijevoznika za predaju tereta bez teretnice : ugovorna ili izvanugovorna ?Treba li prijevoznik prtedati teret imatelju jedne teretnice ili je potrebno predočiti sve primjerke teretnice ? Je li agent brodara odgovoran za predaju ako izvrÅ”i predaju tereta bez teretnice ? Treba li prijevoznik postupiti prema nalogu naručitelja prijevoza da preda teret bez teretnice ? Treba li prijevoznik zahtijevati predočenje teretnice na ime ? Može li prijevoznik predati teret u zamjenu za garanciju primatelja ? Cilj ovoga članka je pokuÅ”aj pronalaženja odgovora na pitanje zaÅ”to jedan tako stari problem, kao Å”to je predaja tereta bez teretnice, joÅ” uvijek izaziva tolike probleme u praksi, te kako ti problemi mogu biti rjeÅ”avani

    Čista teretnica u ugovoru o prijevozu i dokumentarnom akreditivu : Kada čista teretnica nije čista

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    X is a small producer of plastic products from China. Searching on internet for suppliers of plastic raw materials X found Y, a supplier based in the United States, offering these materials at a very favourable price. X and Y entered into sale contract under Cost, Insurance, and Freight (CIF) terms. Following CIF terms, payment was to be made by lett er of credit. Y shipped the goods in a container and delivered for carriage within the agreed time. Carrier then inserted a ā€˜ā€™said to containā€™ā€™ clause into the bill of lading, and the bank accepted such document. When X opened container it discovered that the goods were in such bad condition that they could not be used in the manufacturing process. X contacted Y, by email, and demanded delivery of substitute goods, which would conform to the contract. Y refused, claiming that the goods were delivered for carriage in good condition. Y could not be reached by telephone, and its address stated on its website was wrong. X had no redress against the Carrier, because the Carrier validly excluded its liability with a ā€˜ā€™said to containā€™ā€™ clause. The Bank was also not liable, because this clause was acceptable under the lett er of credit rules. X contacted a lawyer in the United States, and after receiving an estimate of att orney expenses, which would not be recoverable under the U.S. law, X decided to give up the case and bear the loss.Čitajući vodeće tekstove o dokumentarnom akreditivu, uočljivo je da bez izuzetka svi ti tekstovi zanemaruju neke bitne činjenice koje se odnose na prijevozne isprave, kao Å”to je činjenica da čista teretnica u dokumentarnom akreditivu ima drugačije značenje od onog u ugovoru o prijevozu. Većina tekstova jednostavno ne spominje ovu činjenicu, kao da ne postoji. Profesor Adodo u svojoj nedavno objavljenoj knjizi o dokumentarnom akreditivu ide korak dalje, pa u želji da objasni izostavljanje iz svog teksta opÅ”irnije obrade prijevoznih isprava tvrdi da prijevozne isprave nisu izazivale posebne probleme u nekoliko zadnjih desetljeća, te da banke nemaju posebne potrebe za novijim informacijama na ovu temu (ebenezer adodo, letters of credit: the law and practice of compliance, oxford university press, 2014ā‚Ž. Ova tvrdnja je u sukobu s činjenicom da se većina problema vezanih uz neusklađenost dokumenata s uvjetima dokumentarnog akreditiva odnosi upravo na prijevozne isprave, te da je u praksi čest slučaj da su prijevozne isprave bile u centru prijevara u dokumentarnom akreditivu. Jedan od ciljeva ovog teksta je da skrene pažnju na ovaj u literaturi posve zanemareni problem. Za razliku od praktično cjelokupne literature iz ovog područja koja se pitanjem dokumentarne prijevare bavi ā€˜ā€™ex postā€™ā€™, nakon Å”to je do prijevare već doÅ”lo, te se bavi pitanjem odgovornosti za prijevaru, ovaj tekst zauzima suprotan položaj, ā€˜ā€™ex anteā€™ā€™, fokusirajući se na pitanje sprječavanja prijevare, te ukazujući na potrebu izmjene nekih odredbi Jednoobraznih pravila i običaja za dokumentarne akreditive. Naime, neke od tih odredbi, koje su predmet obrade u ovom tekstu, otvaraju mogućnost za beskrupulozne učesnike međunarodne trgovine da počine prijevaru na relativno jednostavan način. Najvažniji cilj ovog teksta je da popuni prazninu u postojećoj literaturi, te da ukaže na probleme koji postoje u sadaÅ”njem tekstu Jednoobraznih pravila i običaja za dokumentarne akreditive, a u cilju prevazilaženja tih problema u narednoj reviziji Jednoobraznih pravila, koja se može očekivati u skoroj budućnosti


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    In this paper we shall depict an imaginary journey through Athol Mayhewā€™s Montenegrin chronotope. More precisely, we shall present heterotopia as an associative space of evocative elements by which the author, apart from spatial and temporal, also provides a mimetic paradigm of an unfolding story. We shall describe the ways Athol Mayhewā€™s travel narrative ā€œMontenegro As We Saw Itā€ achieves its cultural and historical coding through emphasizing its intellectual, monologic, associative, essayistic, existential and dramatic mimetic paradigm

    Discourse of Logistics and Transportation

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    The discourse approach for analysing various specified genres and professional discourse communities has increased in recent decades. Globalisation and synergy of disciplines opened up space for the interdisciplinary studies. The analysis of the specialized discourses enables to reveal the peculiarities and dominant concepts of the professional fields. With this in mind, this paper aims to examine the features of discourse employed in the research articles and publications about transport and logistics. The paper analyses the structural and qualitative aspect of the discourse of logistics and transportation. Based on the move/steps model, the main components of the research article in this discourse domain are found. Then, the analysis is focused on the discourse indicators that differ logistics and transportation genres from other academic genres. The changes in the scope and interest domain of logistics are worthā€œtracking and tracingā€ from a discursive aspect. The research is carried out on the material compiled of the academic research articles on logistics and transportation, referential resources in the field, and logistic dictionaries. The analysis shows that changes in logistics and transportation correlate with discourse changes. On a diachronic level, many concepts are replaced by new ones containing new approaches and dimensions in logistics. The analysis conducted in this paper brings new insight to both disciplines, logistics and linguistics
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