33 research outputs found

    Lika: Demographic Development under Peripheral Conditions

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    Lika is the most notable example of a periphery and also the most problematic region in Croatia. This work represents research into the region’s demographic development under the conditions of Croatia’s polarized development up to the beginning of the 1990s and the wartime and postwar events during the last intercensus period. The spatial scheme of analysis adheres to the sub regions and contemporary local government units. The results show that Lika and all of its sub-regions were beset by demographic devastation already during the 1980s. In the current period, it is characterized by extremely inauspicious demographic features, which seriously brings into question the possibility of revitalizing this region

    Entvölkerung der Gespanschaften und regionale Entwicklungsdisparität in Kroatien

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    Razlike u regionalnoj razvijenosti bitno su predodredile smjer i intenzitet prostornoga prerazmje{taja stanovni{tva Hrvatske u drugoj polovici 20. stolje}a. Polarizacija naseljenosti, a u vezi s tim i razoran utjecaj rata iz prve polovice 1990-ih godina, imaju za posljedicu da je vi{e ili manje intenzivnom depopulacijom u posljednjem me|upopisnom razdoblju zahva}eno oko 85% povr{ine dr`avnoga teritorija. U radu je istra`ena depopulacija `upanija kao rezultat regionalnoga dispariteta Hrvatske od 1961. do 2001. te povratni utjecaj polarizacije naseljenosti i ekonomskih aktivnosti na regionalni razvoj. Razlike u razvijenosti `upanija obrazlo`ene su modelom kumulativne uzro~nosti nastanka regionalnoga dispariteta, dok je prostorni razmje{taj stanovni{tva izme|u slabije razvijenih `upanija i sredi{ta polariziranoga razvoja razmotren kroz odnos centar – periferija. Istra`ivanje je pokazalo da najve}e razvojno zaostajanje, i time uvjetovano smanjenje broja stanovnika, od po~etka 1960-ih godina bilje`e `upanije s perifernim polo`ajem i slabije razvijenim glavnim sredi{njim naseljem. Pogor{an vitalitet stanovni{tva, kao rezultat iseljavanja stanovni{tva do po~etka 1990-ih godina, te utjecaj rata nakon toga uzrokovali su najvi{e stope njihove depopulacije i od 1991. do 2001. S druge strane, intenzivno prostorno okupljanje stanovni{tva i na taj na~in stvorene razlike u razmje{taju radnoga potencijala odrazili su se u dosad najve}em disparitetu u regionalnom razvoju Hrvatske. Njegovi su polovi Grad Zagreb, odnosno Zagreba~ka regija (Grad Zagreb i Zagreba~ka `upanija) i Li~ko-senjska `upanija, od kojih je potonja zahva}ena i najintenzivnijim demografskim izumiranjem.Differences in regional development have had great importance in determining the direction and intensity of the spatial redistribution of Croatia\u27s population during the second half of the last century. Hence population polarisation and the damaging influence of the war from the first half of the 1990s have given rise to more or less intensive depopulation in the last period between censuses which has affected about 85% of the country\u27s territory. The depopulation of counties as a result of Croatia\u27s regional disparities in the period from 1961 to 2001 has been analysed in the paper, as well as the retroactive influence of population polarisation and economic activities on the existing regional development. Differences in the development of counties have been interpreted through the model of cumulative causality of the occurrence of regional disparity, while spatial distribution of the population between the less developed counties and the centres of polarised development has been examined through the relationship centre – periphery. The research has shown that the greatest developmental setback and consequent decline of population since the early 1960s has been registered by counties with a peripheral position and less developed main central settlement. Rapid ageing and the deteriorated vitality of the population, as a result of emigration processes until the early 1990s, and the damaging impact of the war which followed, caused the highest rates of depopulation also between 1991 and 2001. On the other hand, intensive spatial concentration of the population and subsequent differences in distribution of the work potential have resulted in the highest disparity of Croatia\u27s regional development so far. Its poles are the City of Zagreb, i.e. the Zagreb Region (Grad Zagreb and Zagreba~ka `upanija) and the Li~ko-Senjska County, the latter being also affected by the most intensive process of demographic extinction.Die regionalen Unterschiede im wirtschaftlichen Entwicklungsstand haben räumliche Verteilung sowie Siedlungsdichte der Bevölkerung Kroatiens in der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts wesentlich beeinflusst. Die damit einhergehenden polarisierenden Siedlungstendenzen und die verheerenden Folgen des Kriegsgeschehens in der ersten Hälfte der 90er-Jahre hatten zur Folge, dass in der Zeit zwischen den letzten beiden Volkszählungen (1971 und 2001) auf etwa 85% des staatlichen Territoriums der Entvölkerungstrend mehr oder weniger stark ausgeprägt war. Diese Studie widmet sich der Untersuchung der Entvölkerung in den kroatischen Gespanschaften als einem Ergebnis der regionalen Entwicklungsdisparität im Zeitraum von 1961 bis 2001, ferner der Rückwirkung, den die Polarisierung von Besiedlung und wirtschaftlicher Tätigkeit auf die aktuelle regionale Entwicklung ausübte. Die jeweiligen Unterschiede im Entwicklungsstand der Gespanschaften werden erklärt anhand des Modells kumulativer Kausalität bei der Entstehung regionaler Entwicklungsdisparität, während die räumliche Verteilung der Bevölkerung auf die weniger entwickelten Gespanschaften einerseits und die Ballungszentren polarisierter Entwicklung andererseits anhand des Verhältnisses Zentrum-Peripherie beleuchtet wird. Die Untersuchung ergab, dass die peripher gelegenen Gespanschaften mit ihren weniger entwickelten Zentren am rückständigsten sind und daher den größten Bevölkerungsrückgang seit den 60er- Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts zu verbuchen haben. Der beschleunigte Alterungsprozess und die verminderte Vitalität der Bevölkerung als Resultate der Abwanderung bis zum Beginn der 90er-Jahre sowie die verheerenden Kriegsfolgen der nachfolgenden Jahre hatten zur Folge, dass die Entvölkerungsrate auch im Zeitraum 1991–2001 in diesen Gespanschaften am höchsten war. Andererseits haben die Ballung der Bevölkerung in bestimmten städtischen Großräumen und die somit entstandenen Unterschiede in der Verteilung der arbeitsfähigen Bevölkerung die bislang größte Disparität in der regionalen Entwicklung Kroatiens nach sich gezogen. Die diesbezüglichen Pole sind der Großraum Zagreb (die Stadt Zagreb und die Zagreber Gespanschaft) als das bevölkerungsreichste Ballungszentrum des Landes und die Gespanschaft Lika-Senj, die am stärksten vom demografischen Aussterben bedroht ist

    Contribution to the knowledge of Climate and Climatic Regionalization of Lika Region, Croatia

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    Matematički položaj u sredini sjevernog umjerenog pojasa te oblik i smještaj zavale u zavjetrini priobalnog planinskog niza (Velebita) osnovni su činioci kojima su predisponirana klimatska obilježja Like. Makroreljefna struktura, odnosno reljefna dinamika ima za posljedicu veliki modifikatorski utjecaj reljefa, što se manje ili više očituje kod svih klimatskih elemenata. Rezultat toga je velika raznolikost klime na razmjerno malom prostoru. Prema Köppenovoj klasifikaciji klima, u Lici se mogu izdvojiti četiri podtipa klima, odnosno odgovarajuća klimatska područja: 1. Umjereno kontinentsko klimatsko područje sa svježim ljetom (Cfc), 2. Sredozemno klimatsko područje sa svježim ljetom (Csc), 3. Sredozemno klimatsko područje sa vrućim ljetom (Csa) i 4. Planinsko ili snježno-šumsko klimatsko područje (pojas) (Dfc).The mathematical position in the center of the northern moderate belt and the form and location of the basin in the windy coastal mountain range (Velebit) are basic factors predisposing the climatic characteristics of Lika. The macrorelief structure, i.e. relief dynamics, has as a consequence a great modifying effect upon the relief, which more or less is evident in all the climatic elements. The result of this is a great variety of climates in a reasonably small area. According to Köppen climate classification, in Lika four subtypes of climate can be differentiated, i.e. corresponding climating areas: 1. Moderate continental climatic area with cool summers (Cfc), 2. Mediterranean climatic area with cool summers (Csc), 3. Mediterranean climatic area with hot summers (Csa), and 4. Mountain or snow-forested climatic area (belt) (Dfc)

    Polarization of Regional Economic Development in Croatia: Trends and Challanges in a New Geographic Reality

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    This paper examines how the proposed conceptualization of Croatia’s regional economic development, Koncepcija regionalnong gospodarskog razvitka Republike Hrvatske (1999), addresses the challenges of Croatia’s uneven economic development. While the problems of Croatia’s lagging regions have been addressed, the conceptualization contains controversies regarding what should be the guiding principles of regional policy – targeted or balanced regional economic development. The proposed conceptualization represents a mixture of neoliberal thinking about the key actors in regional economic development, principles of European Union regionalism and the socialist-era legacies. Consequently, it lacks clarity in several key aspects. A specific challenge is the existing multiciplicity of regional and socials interests as well as the limitations of regional economic development based on rigid administrative-territorial units

    Causes and consequences of demographic development in the territory of Velebit Nature Park, 1857–2001

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    Abstract Background and Purpose: The focus of this paper is the population and level of human habitation in Velebit Nature Park. The objective is to show the causes underlying demographic development, including population figures from 1857 to 2001 and overall population trends from 1961 to 2001 (population dynamics, natural trends and migrations) and their consequences in the contemporary habitation structure (settlements based on size and age composition of their populations). Research methodology, periodization and spatial scheme: The research approach was based on application of demographic models (demographic transition, general population trends and percentage evalvation of the population’s age structure), methods (spatial analysis and synthesis) and techniques (tabular and cartographic analysis of relevant indicators). Periodization encompasses the intercensal periods from 1857 to 2001, wherein emphasis is placed on analysis of demographic development during the 1961–2001 period and the 1991–2001 period. The special scheme for research constitutes Velebit Nature Park as a whole, its four population zones (sub-montane settlements, coastal settlements, peripheral Lika settlements and Zrmanja area settlements), and settlements in the wider Park zone (a total of 75 settlements). Results and Conclusions: From the time of its first settlement in the late seventeenth century until the beginning of the twentieth century, the population in the Park’s territory grew, whereafter continual depopulation ensued. At its peak in 1910, the population in the wide territory of the Park was 52,202, which is approximately 22 persons/km2, while in 2001 the population was only 9,219, or less than 4 persons/km2. Main causes for this drastic depopulation were emigration (under conditions of agrarian overpopulation and lagging regional development) and destructive impact of wars (WorldWar II and Croatia’s \u27HomelandWar\u27 inthe 1990s). Given the overriding population trends, the result was that by the 1960s this became an exodus area marked by explicit emigratory trends, while by the 1970s this became a dying-off trend. This fact is reflected in the modern habitation structure, characterized by predominance of small settlements with populations marked by extremely advanced age. Enervation of the social energy to make use of the Park’s resources and threats to habitats by natural succession of vegetation – with the ensuing negative impact on biological diversity and landscapes – dictate the need to revitalize the population within the framework of sustainable development in the protected area

    Stream flow regime of rivers as an indicator of the general hydrogeographic characteristics of Lika

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    U prvom dijelu rada izložena su relativna hidrometerološka, hidrogeološka i hidromorfološka obilježja, kao osnova za razumijevanje režima tekućica promatranog prostora. U drugom, glavnom, dijelu detaljnije je obrazloženo sezonsko kolebanje vodopojave te karakteristike protoka tekućica, odnosno režim njihova otjecanja, nakon hidrotehničkih zahvata u ovom dijelu jadranskog sliva.In the first part of the paper relevant hydrometeorogical, hydrogeological and hydromorphological characteristics are presented, as the basis for comprehending the stream low regime of rivers in the area studied. The second, main, part deals in more detail with seasonal fluctuations of water stage and the characteristics of the river discharge, i.e. the regime of their flow following the hydrotechnical work which was carried out in this part of the Adriatic basin

    The General population trend as reflection and Indicator of Socio-geographical Diferentiation of Lika

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    U radu su izložene značajke općeg kretanja stanovništva Like od 1857. do 1991. godine, u kontekstu historijskogeografskog razvoja regije. Pobliže su razmotrene odrednice općeg kretanja stanovništva – migracije i prirodna dinamika u međupopisnom razdoblju 1961.-1991., kao odraz i pokazatelj suvremene društvenogeografske devastacije promatranog prostora.This article presents the characteristics of the general population trend of Lika from 1857 to 1991 in the context of the historical-geographical development of the region. The terms of general population trend – migration and natural dynamics are examined in more detail for the intercensus period between 1961-1991, as the reflection and indicator of contemporary socio-economic devastation

    Utjecaj turizma na održivi razvoj funkcionalne regije Nacionalnog parka Krka

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    U radu je istražen turizam kao element i čimbenik održivog razvoja na širem području Nacionalnog parka Krka. U okviru toga defi niran je prostorni okvir istraživanja i izložen prikaz turističke valorizacije Parka s utjecajem turizma na gospodarsku, društvenu i ekološku održivost naselja upravnih gradova i općina u njegovu užem okruženju. Pritom su primijenjene sljedeće istraživačke metode: analiza i obrada statističkih podataka, anketno istraživanje sezonalnosti uslužnih djelatnosti, istraživački razgovor (interview) s predstavnicima različitih socijalnih skupina, kartografska analiza pokazatelja demografskog i gospodarskog razvoja te SWOT-analiza održivog razvoja funkcionalne regije Parka. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da se broj posjetitelja u Parku gotovo udvostručio u odnosu na predratno razdoblje, što se odražava u problemu preopterećenosti pojedinih užih dijelova zaštićenog područja s jedne i izrazitoj sezonalnosti uslužnih djelatnosti u središnjim naseljima njegova vanjskog pojasa s druge strane. Unatoč takvom rastu turističkog prometa, Park ima ograničen utjecaj na funkcionalnu usmjerenost i socio-ekonomsku preobrazbu stanovništva svoje okolice, a povezano s tim i neznatan utjecaj na stabilizaciju naseljenosti u depopulacijom zahvaćenoj Regiji