Stream flow regime of rivers as an indicator of the general hydrogeographic characteristics of Lika


U prvom dijelu rada izložena su relativna hidrometerološka, hidrogeološka i hidromorfološka obilježja, kao osnova za razumijevanje režima tekućica promatranog prostora. U drugom, glavnom, dijelu detaljnije je obrazloženo sezonsko kolebanje vodopojave te karakteristike protoka tekućica, odnosno režim njihova otjecanja, nakon hidrotehničkih zahvata u ovom dijelu jadranskog sliva.In the first part of the paper relevant hydrometeorogical, hydrogeological and hydromorphological characteristics are presented, as the basis for comprehending the stream low regime of rivers in the area studied. The second, main, part deals in more detail with seasonal fluctuations of water stage and the characteristics of the river discharge, i.e. the regime of their flow following the hydrotechnical work which was carried out in this part of the Adriatic basin

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