3,995 research outputs found

    Sustainability Assessment of indicators for integrated water resources management

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    The scientific community strongly recommends the adoption of indicators for the evaluation and monitoring of progress towards sustainable development. Furthermore, international organizations consider that indicators are powerful decision-making tools. Nevertheless, the quality and reliability of the indicators depends on the application of adequate and appropriate criteria to assess them. The general objective of this study was to evaluate how indicators related to water use and management perform against a set of sustainability criteria. Our research identified 170 indicators related to water use and management. These indicators were assessed by an international panel of experts that evaluated whether they fulfil the four sustainability criteria: social, economic, environmental, and institutional. We employed an evaluation matrix that classified all indicators according to the DPSIR (Driving Forces, Pressures, States, Impacts and Responses) framework. A pilot study served to test and approve the research methodology before carrying out the full implementation. The findings of the study show that 24 indicators comply with the majority of the sustainability criteria; 59 indicators are bi-dimensional (meaning that they comply with two sustainability criteria); 86 are one-dimensional indicators (fulfilling just one of the four sustainability criteria) and one indicator do not fulfil any of the sustainability criteria.Postprint (author's final draft

    Trajectories in a space with a spherically symmetric dislocation

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    We consider a new type of defect in the scope of linear elasticity theory, using geometrical methods. This defect is produced by a spherically symmetric dislocation, or ball dislocation. We derive the induced metric as well as the affine connections and curvature tensors. Since the induced metric is discontinuous, one can expect ambiguity coming from these quantities, due to products between delta functions or its derivatives, plaguing a description of ball dislocations based on the Geometric Theory of Defects. However, exactly as in the previous case of cylindric defect, one can obtain some well-defined physical predictions of the induced geometry. In particular, we explore some properties of test particle trajectories around the defect and show that these trajectories are curved but can not be circular orbits.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Diferencias de género en los ejecutivos locales: políticas públicas y transferencias intergubernamentales en un estado brasileño

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    Feminist theory has offered new institutionalism key contributions as to how gender relates to public policy. Feminist institutionalism has researched the many ways wel­fare policies have impacted women and the many ways women, as elected officials, have im­pacted those policies in turn. As substantive representation research turns its eye towards legislative representatives, women in executive offices and their actions have been overlooked. As studies show, there are certain policy areas that face gender stereotypes: education, health, arts, family protection, and other welfare areas. Brazilian federalism and its execution of welfare policies is quite specific in its institutional design. Since the end of the last dictator­ship, there have been efforts towards decentralisation. States have more control over their spending; however, municipalities face stricter rules regarding taxation and how to spend it. Municipalities are in charge of executing most of Brazilian public policy, but have little control in designing them. What they are allowed to design tends to be induced through programmes and resources. Those resources for the execution of programmes come from several kinds of transfers, from federal and state governments. In the state of Minas Gerais, in Brazil, the Robin Hood Law states that municipalities that create institutions and/or policies in certain welfare areas will have access to slightly more resources. Research has shown that municipalities do invest in bettering themselves in this institu­tionalisation process, despite the small amount of funds that come with them. Therefore, our research asks: are female mayors more efficient in accessing specific resources from govern­ment transfers? Using regression analysis and other statistical tools, we hope to able to dem­onstrate how gender might play a role in the division of those funds.La teoría feminista ha ofrecido contribuciones claves al nuevo institucion­alismo sobre cómo el género se relaciona con las políticas públicas. El institucionalismo femi­nista ha investigado las muchas formas en que las políticas de bienestar han impactado en las mujeres y las muchas formas en que las mujeres, como personas electas, han impactado esas políticas, a su vez. A medida que la investigación sustantiva de la representación vuelve su mi­rada hacia los representantes legislativos, las mujeres en las oficinas ejecutivas y sus acciones han sido mayoritariamente ignoradas. Como los estudios demuestran, existen ciertas áreas de la política que sufren con estereotipos de género: educación, salud, las artes, seguridad familiar y otras áreas de bienestar. El federalismo brasileño y su aplicación de las políticas de bienestar son específicas en su diseño institucional. Desde la última dicta­dura, se ha hablado de descentralización. Los estados tienen más control sobre sus gastos; sin embargo, las municipalidades están sujetas a reglas estrictas sobre cómo cobrar y usar impuestos. Los municipios están a cargo de ejecutar la mayor parte de la política pública brasileña, pero tienen poco control al diseñarlos. Lo que se les permite diseñar tiende a ser inducido a través de programas y recursos. Esos recursos para la ejecución de programas provienen de varios tipos de transferencias, de gobiernos federales y estatales. En el estado de Minas Gerais, en Brasil, la Ley Robin Hood establece que los municipios que crean instituciones y/o políticas en ciertas áreas de bienestar tendrán acceso a un poco más de recursos. Investigaciones han demostrado que los municipios sí invierten en mejorarse a sí mismos en este proceso de institucionalización, a pesar de la pequeña cantidad de fondos que vienen con ellos. Por lo tanto, nuestra investigación pregunta: ¿son las alcaldesas más eficientes en el acceso a recursos específicos de las transferencias del gobierno? Usando análisis de regresión y otras herramientas estadísticas, esperamos poder demostrar cómo el género podría desempeñar un papel en la división de esos fondos

    Comparison of the moments of the X(max) distribution predicted by different cosmic ray shower simulation models

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    In this paper we study the depth at which a cosmic ray shower reaches its maximum (Xmax) as predicted by Monte Carlo simulation. The use of Xmax in the determination of the primary particle mass can only be done by comparing the measured values with simulation predictions. For this reason it is important to study the differences between the available simulation models. We have done a study of the first and second moments of the X max distribution using the Corsika and Conex programs. The study was done with high statistics in the energy range from 1017 to 10 20.4 eV. We focus our analysis in the different implementations of the hadronic interaction models Sibyll2.1 and QGSJetII in Corsika and Conex. We show that the predictions of the «Xmax» and RMS(X max) depend slightly on the combination of simulation program and hadronic interaction model. Although these differences are small, they are not negligible in some cases (up to 5 g/cm2 for the worse case) and they should be considered as a systematic uncertainty of the model predictions for «Xmax» and RMS(Xmax). We have included a table with the suggested systematic uncertainties for the model predictions. Finally, we present a parametrization of the Xmax distribution as a function of mass and energy according to the models Sibyll2.1 and QGSJetII, and showed an example of its application to obtain the predicted Xmax distributions from cosmic ray propagation models. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Carlos Jose Todero Peixoto, Vitor de Souza, Jose Alfredo Bellid

    Identificação e purificação de um vírus da poliedrose nuclear da lagarta Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera Noctuidae).

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    A lagarta-do-cartucho e considerado uma das principais pragas da cultura do milho e seu controle tem sido feito basicamente pelo uso de inseticidas quimicos. O CNPMS/EMBRAPA considerando as possibilidades de um controle biologico desta praga, tem procurado um virus de granulose. Recentemente isolou-se , a partir de uma lagarta do campo, um virus de poliedrose nuclear (VPN), que tem sido mantido em larvas em condicoes de laboratorio, causando nestas sintomas identicos ao observado no campo. Poliedrose puderam ser purificados a partir de extratos de lagarta infectada atraves de centrifugacao diferencial em um gradiente de densidade de sacarose. Teste de infectividade mostraram que larvas de S. frugiperda, criadas artificialmente, de 3, 6 e 7 dias de idade,alimentadas com suspensoes poliedros, em concentracoes de 2 x 106 ml, tiveram alta taxa de mortalidade (praticamente 100%), exceto as de 7 dias, na menor dose cuja mortandade foi da ordem de 70%. Exames de extratos das lagartas infectadas mostraram a presenca de grande numero de poliedros, mas a identificacao adequada de que se tratava de um virus de poliedrose nuclear, do tipo "multi-enveloped", (MECPN) so pode ser feita atraves de exames de seccoes ultra finas ao microscopio eletronico: nucleos de ectoderma, tecido adiposo e traqueocitos continham grande numero de poliedros e, ocluidas nestes, particulas baciliformes, em geral varias delas envolvidas por um envoltorio comum.Suplemento

    Software development for estimation of optical clearing agent’s diffusion coefficients in biological tissues

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    The study of chemical diffusion in biological tissues is a research field of high importance and with application in many clinical, research and industrial areas. The evaluation of diffusion and viscosity properties of chemicals in tissues is necessary to characterize treatments or inclusion of preservatives in tissues or organs for low temperature conservation. Recently, we have demonstrated experimentally that the diffusion properties and dynamic viscosity of sugars and alcohols can be evaluated from optical measurements. Our studies were performed in skeletal muscle, but our results have revealed that the same methodology can be used with other tissues and different chemicals. Considering the significant number of studies that can be made with this method, it becomes necessary to turn data processing and calculation easier. With this objective, we have developed a software application that integrates all processing and calculations, turning the researcher work easier and faster. Using the same experimental data that previously was used to estimate the diffusion and viscosity of glucose in skeletal muscle, we have repeated the calculations with the new application. Comparing between the results obtained with the new application and with previous independent routines we have demonstrated great similarity and consequently validated the application. This new tool is now available to be used in similar research to obtain the diffusion properties of other chemicals in different tissues or organs

    Symmetry aspects of fermions coupled to torsion and electromagnetic fields

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    We study and explore the symmetry properties of fermions coupled to dynamical torsion and electromagnetic fields. The stability of the theory upon radiative corrections as well as the presence of anomalies are investigated.Comment: 9 pages, LaTe