26 research outputs found

    Sistema de controle de pesca de Mato Grosso do Sul SCPESCA/MS 2 - 1995.

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    Neste documento encontram-se as informacoes coletadas e organizadas pelo Sistema de Controle da Pesca de Mato Grosso do Sul - SCPESCA/MS, para o ano de 1995. Essas informacoes foram obtidas para todo o pescado (profissional e esportivo) oficialmente vistoriado e desembarcado no Estado. Foi registrado um total de 1.399 toneladas de pescado, onde 31,4% correspondem a pesca profissional e a 68,6% a pesca esportiva. As especies mais capturadas foram: pacu (427t), pintado (280t), piavucu (129t), cachara (108t), jau (55t), barbado (50t) e piranha (48t). A contribuicao dos rios mais piscosos foi: Paraguai 53,1%, Miranda 19,8%, Aquidauana 7,1%, Taquari 5,2% e Cuiaba (localmente conhecido como Sao Lourenco) 3,2%. Um total de 43.921 pescadores esprotivos visitaram o Estado, com maior concentracao nos meses de julho a outubro, provenientes, principalmente, de Sao Paulo (71,1%), Parana (11,0%) e Minas Gerais (7,1%). Em mediana, os pescadores profissionais realizaram viagens de pesca com duracao de 1 a 7 dias, capturando entre 36 e 84kg de pescado por viagem; os pescadores esportivos realizaram viagens de pesca com duracao de 4 a 5 dias, capturando entre 20 a 27kg de pescado por viagem.bitstream/item/37438/1/BP14.pd

    Sistema de controle da pesca de Mato Grosso do Sul - SCPESCA/MS: 1 maio/1994 a abril/1995.

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    Nesse documento encontram-se as informacoes coletadas e organizadas pelo SISTEMA DE CONTROLE DA PESCA DE MATO GROSSO DO SUL - SCPESCA/MS, para o periodo de maio/1994 a abril/1995. Essas informacoes foram obtidas para todo o pescado (profissional e esportivo) oficialmente vistoriado e desembarcado no Estado. Foi registrado um total de 1.433,5 toneladas de pescado, onde 28,1% corresponde a pesca profissional e a 71,9% a pesca esportiva. As especies mais capturadas foram: pacu (655,9t), pintado (253,5t), cachara (104,5t), piranha (duas especies, 77,0t), piavucu (69,3t), barbado (68,8t), dourado (63,4t), jau (42,0t) e curimbata (20,6t). A contribuicao dos rios mais piscosos foi: Paraguai 42,7%, Miranda 26,2%, Aquidauana 7,5%, Taquari 6,3% e Cuiaba (localmente conhecido como Sao Lourenco) 3,4%. Um total de 46.161 pescadores esportivos visitaram o Estado, com maior concentracao nos meses de julho a outubro, provenientes principalmente de Sao Paulo (72,3%), Parana (11,3%) e Minas Gerais (6,6%). Em mediana, os pescadores profissionais realizaram viagens de pesca com duracao de 4 a 7 dias, capturando entre 45,00 e 81,33kg de pescado por viagem; os pescadores esportivos realizaram viagens de pesca com duracao de 4 a 6 dias, capturando entre 20,00 e 26,75kg de pescado por viagem.bitstream/item/80943/1/DOC16.pd

    Intraovarian injection of mesenchymal stem cells improves oocyte yield and in vitro embryo production in a bovine model of fertility loss.

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    Valuable female cattle are continuously subject to follicular puncture (ovum pick-up - OPU). This technique is commonly used for in-vitro embryo production, but may result in ovarian lesion. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) ameliorate the function of injured tissues, but their use to treat ovarian lesions in cattle has not been established. We investigated whether a local injection of MSC would reduce the negative efects of repeated OPU under acute and chronic scenarios in bovines. First, we performed four OPU sessions and injected 2.5×106 MSCs immediately after the 4th OPU procedure (n=5). The treated organs (right ovary) were compared to their saline-treated counterparts (left), and presented superior production of oocytes and embryos in the three following OPU sessions (P<0.05). Then, cows with progressive fertility loss went through three OPU sessions. Animals received MSC, saline, or MSC+FSH in both ovaries after the frst OPU. In the two following OPU sessions, the MSC and MSC&#8201;+FSH - treated groups failed to present any signifcant alteration in the number of oocytes and embryos compared to saline-treated animals. Thus, MSC have benefcial efects on the fertility of OPUlesioned cows, but not in cows with cystic ovarian disease and chronic ovarian lesions

    Sport fishing in Cachoeira de Emas in Mogi-Guaçu River, State of São Paulo, Brazil

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    Sport fishing is an important leisure activity in many countries. It directly and indirectly generates income and jobs for millions of people. In some places, its landing outstrips production from professional fishing but this fact is not always taken into account in the establishment of management actions. In the area of Cachoeira (Waterfall) de Emas there are reports of intense fishing since the 20's. The objective of this paper is to identify the profile of the sporting fishers who frequent this place and to characterise this fishing. From February to October of 2006, we interviewed 107 sporting fishers that visited Cachoeira. We describe the fishing and the socio-economic status of the sport fishers. Most of the fishers are men, coming from the state of São Paulo, with a mean family income of US1,212.3(R 1,212.3 (R 2,558.10, US1=R 1 = R 2.11, July/2007), being aged 50.2 years old on average. A large amount of them (49.5%) only have incomplete first grade education. The main captured species are curimba Prochilodus lineatus, mandi Pimelodus maculatus, P. heraldoi, Pimelodella spp., lambari Astyanax fasciatus, A. schubarti, A. altiparanae, Roeboides paranensis and piava Leporinus lacustris, L. friderici, L. octofasciatus. Fishers have had a strong connection with this place for many years and even with low captures (2.8 kg/day), they are quite satisfied