993 research outputs found

    The Improvement of Laparoscopic Surgical Skills Obtained by Gynecologists after Ten Years of Clinical Training Can Reduce Peritoneal Adhesion Formation during Laparoscopic Myomectomy: A Retrospective Cohort Study

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    Objective. To evaluate if improvement of laparoscopic skills can reduce postoperative peritoneal adhesion formation in a clinical setting. Study Design. We retrospectively evaluated 25 women who underwent laparoscopic myomectomy from January 1993 to June 1994 and 22 women who underwent laparoscopic myomectomy from March 2002 to November 2004. Women had one to four subserous/intramural myomas and received surgery without antiadhesive agents or barriers. Women underwent second-look laparoscopy for assessment of peritoneal adhesion formation 12 to 14 weeks after myomectomy. Adhesions were graded according to the Operative Laparoscopy Study Group scoring system. The main variable to be compared between the two cohorts was the proportion that showed no adhesions at second-look laparoscopy. Results. Demographic and surgical characteristics were similar between the two cohorts. No complications were observed during surgery. No adverse events were recorded during postoperative course. At second-look laparoscopy, a higher proportion of adhesion-free patients was observed in women who underwent laparoscopic myomectomy from March 2002 to November 2004 (9 out of 22) compared with women who underwent the same surgery from January 1993 to June 1994 (3 out of 25). Conclusion. The improvement of surgeons' skills obtained after ten years of surgery can reduce postoperative adhesion formatio

    Designers and scientific knowledge production: a case study of collaboration in Aalto University

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    The societal role of universities and scientific research is being challenged by a new paradigm of knowledge production. Established structures and procedures are being pressured to reconfigure, facing the need to account for increasingly contextual, heterogeneous, transdisciplinary, and socially robust knowledge (Gibbons et al., 1994; Nowotny et al., 2001, 2003). Demand for reflexive and integrated research approaches has become more relevant in the face of global sustainability issues. Consequently, in many academic contexts, interest in multi-disciplinary collaborations is increasing. Among them, the collaboration between design and other disciplines is emerging. However, although a large body of research has investigated the role of design in business (e.g. Muratovski, 2015) and more recently in government and policy making (e.g. Malmberg, 2017), very little is still known about the potential role of design in scientific academic environments. Therefore, this thesis aims to provide an empirical account of design’s contribution to research processes in the current framework of scientific practice. Since its foundation, Aalto University has had the goal to foster a multi-disciplinary community with the mission of “shaping the future” to build a sustainable society (Aalto University, 2015). According to the University Strategy 2016-2020, the goal has been to solve complex societal challenges by combining knowledge from different disciplines, “science and art together with technology and business”. Thus, Aalto University can be seen as a relevant context to observe emerging collaborations between disciplines. Most recently, various initiatives saw designers collaborating with scientists in the process of scientific knowledge production. Through a case study of such initiatives, this research explores practices of collaboration between designers and scientists. Qualitative data was collected through in-depth interviews with a group of 16 participants, composed of designers, scientists and research managers. The results outline various perceived contributions and related benefits of integrating design in the scientific research process. Aspects that act as barriers or facilitating factors to the collaborations are identified as well. Moreover, models from design management and interdisciplinarity studies are borrowed to observe the modalities of integrating and positioning design in the scientific research process and to relate them to the perceived benefits. The study demonstrates that there is indeed potential in establishing design-science collaborations. It provides an initial frame to better understand and articulate the contributions and benefits of integrating design, such as connecting with the public, stakeholders, and the academic community or facilitating and challenging scientific research processes. This study reveals the need for further investigation into the qualities of “deeper” integration and the benefits associated with different models of integration. The findings also point to structural and cultural barriers that need to be addressed in order to establish successful collaborations between designers and scientists

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    Con la figura de un cuadrado azul y el juego sutil que define una curva y proyecta una trama, el ingeniero civil Hugo Corres Peiretti presenta la oficina Fhecor de ingeniería estructural que preside en Madrid. Este profesional argentino que creció en el pueblo cordobés de Cintra y hoyes catedrático de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), predica desde la geometría del isotipo de su estudio la belleza del racionalismo integrada al uso social de la técnica. Entre sus obras y las estructuras realizadas para grandes estudios incorpora materiales y tecnologías avanzadas pero respeta las necesidades estructurales, funcionales y urbanas que lo alejan de dos tendencias extremas: el funcionalismo economicista, estéticamente pobre, y el formalismo que se basa en el impacto visual

    Nuevos hormigones, nuevas posibilidades estructurales. Ejemplos de aplicación a puentes y edificios.

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    El desarrollo de nuevos materiales, nuevas tecnologías que pueden ser utilizadas en la industria de la construcción, el desarrollo de cada vez mas potentes medios de construcción son los que permitirán el desarrollo de las estructuras en el siglo XXI. En el mundo de hormigón también existe esta tendencia y también el desarrollo de las estructuras de hormigón y sus posibilidades futuras esta vinculada a una relectura del pasado con estas nuevas posibilidades. En este trabajo se muestran ejemplos de utilización de hormigones especiales en distintos puentes y edificios proyectados y5 algunos de ellos, construidos en España

    Immunohistochemical markers in endometrial cancer

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    In 2018, 382,069 new cases of uterine cancer were registered worldwide and 89,929 deaths from this cancer were reported [...]

    Study on Coulomb explosion induced by laser-matter interaction and application to ion acceleration

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    L'abstract è presente nell'allegato / the abstract is in the attachmen

    Determination of gross energy of silages

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    The gross energy (GE) of forage is not directly used in rationing systems, but its evaluation is the starting point for an estimate of the digestible, metabolisable and net energy. As far as grass silages are concerned, their GE is 4 to 10% higher that of the grass source