108 research outputs found

    Estonian consumers attitudes to organic food

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    The study of 740 Estonian occasional consumers has shown that 60 % of them are willing to buy organic products mainly because these contain fewer additives than conventional products. Therefore the consumers consider them first of all more natural and healthier. Preferred products are organic vegetables and fruits. Consumers prefer to buy them from supermarkets. Common awareness about organic farming needs improvement – only 11% of consumers felt themselves entirely informed

    The effect of companion planting on the abundance of pest complex and its parasitism rate on white cabbage

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    The findings of this paper could help to develop and maintain a sustainable cabbage production by the enhancement of natural pest control with the help of companion planting. Our results indicate that Lobularia maritima (Brassicaceae) could be used to attract pests of cruciferous plants away from the crop. Centaurea cyanus (Asteraceae) and Fagopyrum esculentum (Polygonaceae) could be used to suppress pests of cruciferous crops and to increase parasitism rate by fostering parasitoids

    Mahetootmise keskkonnamõjud läbi olelusringi

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    Euroopas tuleb hinnanguliselt umbes 30% kogu eratarbimise keskkonnamõjudest toidusektorist, kuid näiteks veekogude eutrofeerumisse panustab toidutootmine isegi 60% ulatuses (Tukker jt., 2006). Jätkusuutliku toidutootmise arendamine, mis vähendaks oluliselt keskkonnakoormust, on EL-i strateegiline eesmärk. Keskkonnasõbralike tehnoloogiate valikul tuleb mõõta nende mõjusid läbi olelusringi ehk võtta arvesse ka vajalike sisendite tootmise keskkonnamõjusid. Vastasel korral võib soovitav keskkonnakoormust vähendav muudatus ühes tootmise etapis põhjustada hoopis suuremaid keskkonnamõjusid teises etapis. Artikkel annab lühiülevaate mahepõllumajanduse keskkonnamõjudest läbi olelusringi võrreldes tavapõllumajandusega

    Quality of Organic vs. Conventional Food and Effects on Health

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    This report analyses the nutritional quality of organic and conventional food as well as the health effects of pesticide residues, nitrates, mycotoxins and artificial additives and gives an overview of animal and human experiments

    Organic farming research in Estonia

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    The growth of organic farming in Estonia has been rapid in recent decades. To support this development various research projects have been conducted but still a lot of new knowledge is needed to improve the performance of organic sector. Organic agriculture is based on nutrient recycling and it uses a variety of practices that are valuable also for conventional farming in the future because resources of non-renewable synthetic fertilizers are limited and food should be produced more sustainably. Holistic perspective including ecological, economic and social aspects is needed for organic farming studies and future projects should target these issues more thoroughly

    Mahetoit lasteasutustes

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    Overview of good practises introducing organic meals in schools and kindergartens in different countries

    Mahetoit: loomulik ja kasulik

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    Eesti Maaülikoolis analüüsiti rohkem kui 150 maailma eri paigus tehtud mahe- ja tavatoidu kvaliteeti võrdlevat teadusuuringut ning koostati selle põhjal ülevaatlik aruanne (Quality of Organic vs. Conventional Food and Effects on Health), mis on elektroonselt kättesaadav www.pickfi ber.eu ja mahekeskus.emu.ee

    New Approaches to the Collection and Interpretation of High Sensitivity Temperature Logs for Detection of Groundwater Flow in Fractured Rock

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    The use of temperature logging for identifying water flow through fractures in sedimentary rock has declined since the 1960’s and 70’s primarily because of low sensor resolution and cross-connected flow along the borehole. Although sensor resolution has improved to the order of 10-3 C for several decades, temperature logging has not experienced a notable increase in popularity. This thesis studies these and other fundamental limitations to the application of borehole temperature logging for identifying flow through fractured rock, and tests the hypothesis that the limitations can be overcome, presents new methods for accomplishing that goal, and increases the applicability of the technology. Although some conventional open-hole testing (e.g. flow meters) rely on vertical cross-connected flow in the borehole annulus to identify transmissive fractures, the flow is recognized to both distort open-hole temperature logs and facilitate chemical cross contamination. Removable polyurethane coated nylon liners have recently been developed to seal boreholes and minimize cross-contamination. High sensitivity temperature logs collected in the stagnant water column of lined boreholes under different hydrogeologic conditions herein show the degree to which cross connected flow can mask important flow conduits and thereby distort the interpretation of which fractures control flow. Results from the lined holes consistently lead to identification of more hydraulically active fractures than the open-hole profiles and an improved qualitative ranking of their relative importance to flow consistent with contaminant distributions observed in rock core. The identification of flow in fractures with temperature logs depends on the presence of a temperature contrast between the water and the rock matrix to create an aberration in the otherwise gradually varying profile. Atmospherically driven thermal disequilibrium commonly only extends several tens of meters from surface and dissipates with depth, making temperatures logs a variable assessment of flow that is depth limited to the heterothermic zone. The active line source (ALS) method, a series of temperature logs measured before and within a day after the water column of a lined borehole is placed into thermal disequilibrium with the broader rock mass with a heating cable, is shown to provide two advantages. First, the method eliminates the depth limitation allowing flow zones to be identified below the hetro-homothermic boundary and second, the qualitative assessment of ambient water flow in fractures is improved throughout the test interval. The identification of the flow conduits is supported by the combined evidence from visual inspection of core, rock contamination profiles, acoustic televiewer logs and tests for hydraulic conductivity using straddle packers. A new device, the thermal vector probe (TVP) is presented. It measures the temperature of the borehole fluid with four high sensitivity temperature sensors arranged in a tetrahedral pattern which is orientated using three directional magnetometers. Based on these, the total thermal gradient, its horizontal and vertical components as well as the direction and inclination are determined, typically at less than 0.01m intervals. Comparison of TVP data collected in lined boreholes under ambient conditions (thermal and hydraulic) as well during thermal recovery after ALS heating demonstrate the reproducibility of the results and superior characterization of thermal aberrations indicative of flow relative to single sensor temperature data. A detailed comparison of subdivisions in the thermal field to the vertical changes in the hydraulic gradient measured from three nearby high detail (12-14 port) multi-level installations demonstrates the interrelationship between hydraulic and thermal fields and thereby the potential benefit of the TVP in hydrogeologic investigations. Developing confidence in the use of both the TVP and ALS techniques in lined holes relies on demonstrating the reproducibility of results, consistency with observations from other technologies, and numerical simulation. Comparisons of field data with highly detailed numerical simulations using the program SMOKER shows that the influence of water flow in a fracture around a lined borehole on the temperature patterns is complex and factors such as convection likely influence the shape of the thermal aberrations observed. Model results suggest that the temperature aberrations are related to the volumetric water flow, a distinct lower resolution limit exists (approximately 5.6x10-7 m3/sec per metre across the fracture, m2/s), and although flow above 10-4 m2/s is readily detectable, prospects for quantification of higher flows are poor. Some field data indicate the numerically determined lower limit is conservative and the details of the limit require additional study. The aspects of temperature logging historically limiting applicability for detecting and comparing flow through discrete or groups of fractures in rock are hereby better understood and consistently overcome. The high level of detail achieved in the data highlights the complexity of the system and offers opportunities for further refinement. The TVP and ALS technique applied in a lined borehole promise both new insights into, and potential for quantification of ambient groundwater flow through fractures in rock

    Kopsuväline tuberkuloos Eestis

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    Kuigi tuberkuloosi peamiseks paikmeks on kopsud, võib ta esineda ka paljudes teistes organsüsteemides, põhjustades raskusi nii diagnoosimisel kui ravi korraldamisel. Artiklis on tutvustatud kopsuvälise ehk ekstrapulmonaalse tuberkuloosi (EPTB, extrapulmonary tuberculosis) epidemioloogilisi uuringuid Eestis, analüüsitud diagnoosimise võimalusi ning erinevate erialaarstide koostööd EPTB diagnostika ja ravi alal. Eesti Arst 2003; 82 (10): 686–69

    The Challenges Organic Food Processors Meet at Small Emerging Market – Estonian Case

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    Organic farming and demand for organic products is continually a growing trend all over the world (Willer et al., 2013). In Estonia the share of organic land is 15% of all agricultural land and the number of organic farmers is also growing (Vetemaa, Mikk 2013). Estonian organic food market is still in forming stage being affected by local organic farming development, marketing situation, economic situation and consumer attitudes. Organic processing has clearly not kept up with organic farming development and market demand so far. At the end of 2012 there were 158 certified processors, but most of them are just packaging or storing, not producing new products (Agricultural Board). Market share of organic food products is marginal (1,6% of total food market in 2011 according to official statistics (TNS Emor 2012a) and significant share of organic raw material is still processed as conventional food. There have been studies of organic farming topics but no knowledge about the challenges and perspectives of organic food processors. The main purpose of the study was to find out the current situation of organic processing companies in Estonia: what is the structure and characteristics of companies; how do they evaluate compliance with legal regulations and requirements related to organic processing; what are their main problems; how do they see the future of their business and organic market
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