273 research outputs found

    On the Lagrangian branched transport model and the equivalence with its Eulerian formulation

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    First we present two classical models of Branched Transport: the Lagrangian model introduced by Bernot, Caselles, Morel, Maddalena, Solimini, and the Eulerian model introduced by Xia. An emphasis is put on the Lagrangian model, for which we give a complete proof of existence of minimizers in a --hopefully-- simplified manner. We also treat in detail some σ\sigma-finiteness and rectifiability issues to yield rigorously the energy formula connecting the irrigation cost Iα\alpha to the Gilbert Energy Eα\alpha. Our main purpose is to use this energy formula and exploit a Smirnov decomposition of vector flows, which was proved via the Dacorogna-Moser approach by Santambrogio, to establish the equivalence between the Lagrangian and Eulerian models

    Full characterization of optimal transport plans for concave costs

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    This paper slightly improves a classical result by Gangbo and McCann (1996) about the structure of optimal transport plans for costs that are concave functions of the Euclidean distance. Since the main difficulty for proving the existence of an optimal map comes from the possible singularity of the cost at 00, everything is quite easy if the supports of the two measures are disjoint; Gangbo and McCann proved the result under the assumption \mu(\spt(\nu))=0; in this paper we replace this assumption with the fact that the two measures are singular to each other. In this case it is possible to prove the existence of an optimal transport map, provided the starting measure ÎŒ\mu does not give mass to small sets (i.e. (d ⁣− ⁣1)−(d\!-\!1)-rectifiable sets). When the measures are not singular the optimal transport plan decomposes into two parts, one concentrated on the diagonal and the other being a transport map between mutually singular measures

    Optimal transportation with an oscillation-type cost: the one-dimensional case

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    The main result of this paper is the existence of an optimal transport map TT between two given measures ÎŒ\mu and Îœ\nu, for a cost which considers the maximal oscillation of TT at scale ÎŽ\delta, given by ωΎ(T):=sup⁥∣x−y∣<Ύ∣T(x)−T(y)∣\omega_\delta(T):=\sup_{|x-y|<\delta}|T(x)-T(y)|. The minimization of this criterion finds applications in the field of privacy-respectful data transmission. The existence proof unfortunately only works in dimension one and is based on some monotonicity considerations

    The ELSA Database and What Can Be Done Regarding SERIES Networking Activities

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    This document critically presents the ELSA database for experimental results and compares its data structure with the one of the NEEScentral repository established in the US for storing the experimental results of 15 laboratories. This comparison leads to some proposed modifications of the ELSA data format that could be further used as a template for the SERIES/NA1 network activities. Some implementation directions are also given.JRC.G.5-European laboratory for structural assessmen

    Large mass rigidity for a liquid drop model in 2D with kernels of finite moments

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    Motivated by Gamow's liquid drop model in the large mass regime, we consider an isoperimetric problem in which the standard perimeter P(E)P(E) is replaced by P(E)−γPΔ(E)P(E)-\gamma P_\varepsilon(E), with 0<Îł<10<\gamma<1 and PΔP_\varepsilon a nonlocal energy such that PΔ(E)→P(E)P_\varepsilon(E)\to P(E) as Δ\varepsilon vanishes. We prove that unit area minimizers are disks for Δ>0\varepsilon>0 small enough. More precisely, we first show that in dimension 22, minimizers are necessarily convex, provided that Δ\varepsilon is small enough. In turn, this implies that minimizers have nearly circular boundaries, that is, their boundary is a small Lipschitz perturbation of the circle. Then, using a Fuglede-type argument, we prove that (in arbitrary dimension n≄2n\geq 2) the unit ball in Rn\mathbb{R}^n is the unique unit-volume minimizer of the problem among centered nearly spherical sets. As a consequence, up to translations, the unit disk is the unique minimizer. This isoperimetric problem is equivalent to a generalization of the liquid drop model for the atomic nucleus introduced by Gamow, where the nonlocal repulsive potential is given by a radial, sufficiently integrable kernel. In that formulation, our main result states that if the first moment of the kernel is smaller than an explicit threshold, there exists a critical mass m0m_0 such that for any m>m0m>m_0, the disk is the unique minimizer of area mm up to translations. This is in sharp contrast with the usual case of Riesz kernels, where the problem does not admit minimizers above a critical mass.Comment: Final accepted versio

    Convergence rate of entropy-regularized multi-marginal optimal transport costs

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    We investigate the convergence rate of multi-marginal optimal transport costs that are regularized with the Boltzmann-Shannon entropy, as the noise parameter Δ\varepsilon tends to 00. We establish lower and upper bounds on the difference with the unregularized cost of the form CΔlog⁥(1/Δ)+O(Δ)C\varepsilon\log(1/\varepsilon)+O(\varepsilon) for some explicit dimensional constants CC depending on the marginals and on the ground cost, but not on the optimal transport plans themselves. Upper bounds are obtained for Lipschitz costs or locally semi-concave costs for a finer estimate, and lower bounds for C2\mathcal{C}^2 costs satisfying some signature condition on the mixed second derivatives that may include degenerate costs, thus generalizing results previously in the two marginals case and for non-degenerate costs. We obtain in particular matching bounds in some typical situations where the optimal plan is deterministic

    A multi-material transport problem and its convex relaxation via rectifiable GG-currents

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    In this paper we study a variant of the branched transportation problem, that we call multi-material transport problem. This is a transportation problem, where distinct commodities are transported simultaneously along a network. The cost of the transportation depends on the network used to move the masses, as it is common in models studied in branched transportation. The main novelty is that in our model the cost per unit length of the network does not depend only on the total flow, but on the actual quantity of each commodity. This allows to take into account different interactions between the transported goods. We propose an Eulerian formulation of the discrete problem, describing the flow of each commodity through every point of the network. We provide minimal assumptions on the cost, under which existence of solutions can be proved. Moreover, we prove that, under mild additional assumptions, the problem can be rephrased as a mass minimization problem in a class of rectifiable currents with coefficients in a group, allowing to introduce a notion of calibration. The latter result is new even in the well studied framework of the "single-material" branched transportation.Comment: Accepted: SIAM J. Math. Ana

    Frequency and damping evolution during experimental seismic response of civil engineering structures

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    The results of the seismic tests on several reinforced-concrete shear walls and a four-storey frame are analysed in this paper. Each specimen was submitted to the action of a horizontal accelerogram, with successive growing amplitudes, using the pseudodynamic method. An analysis of the results allows knowing the evolution of the eigen frequency and damping ratio during the earthquakes thanks to an identification method working in the time domain. The method is formulated as a spatial model in which the stiffness and damping matrices are directly identified from the experimental displacements, velocities and restoring forces. The obtained matrices are then combined with the theoretical mass in order to obtain the eigen frequencies, damping ratios and modes. Those parameters have a great relevance for the design of this type of structures
