20 research outputs found

    OC6 Phase I: Investigating the underprediction of low-frequency hydrodynamic loads and responses of a floating wind turbine

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    Phase I of the OC6 project is focused on examining why offshore wind design tools underpredict the response (loads/motion) of the OC5-DeepCwind semisubmersible at its surge and pitch natural frequencies. Previous investigations showed that the underprediction was primarily related to nonlinear hydrodynamic loading, so two new validation campaigns were performed to separately examine the different hydrodynamic load components. In this paper, we validate a variety of tools against this new test data, focusing on the ability to accurately model the low-frequency loads on a semisubmersible floater when held fixed under wave excitation and when forced to oscillate in the surge direction. However, it is observed that models providing better load predictions in these two scenarios do not necessarily produce a more accurate motion response in a moored configuration.The authors would like to acknowledge the support of the MARINET2 project (European Union’s Horizon 2020 grant agreement 731084), which supplied the tank test time and travel support to accomplish the testing campaign. The support of MARIN in the preparation, execution of the modeltests, and the evaluation of the uncertainties was essential for this study. MARIN’s contribution was partly funded by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs through TKI-ARD funding programs. This work was authored in part by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, operated by Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC, for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) under Contract No. DE-AC36- 08GO28308. Funding provided by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Wind Energy Technologies Office. The views expressed in the article do not necessarily represent the views of the DOE or the U.S. Government. The U.S. Government retains and the publisher, by accepting the article for publication, acknowledges that the U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, paid-up, irrevocable, worldwide license to publish or reproduce the published form of this work, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes

    Dynamic response analysis of the TetraSpar floater in waves: Experiment and numerical reproduction

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    The initial proof of concept model scale test campaign for the TetraSpar floating wind turbine substructure is presented here along with a detailed response analysis and numerical reproduction. The tests were conducted at scale 1:60 in wind and waves with the pitch-regulated DTU 10 MW wind turbine. The floater was tested in two configurations: semi-submersible and spar. The experimental setup and program is described in detail followed by system identification for natural frequencies and damping. The responses of the floater in the two configurations to hydrodynamic loading are analysed and compared. The analysis includes irregular sea states and focused wave groups at both 0° and 30° heading. The hydrodynamic damping of the floaters was quantified in decay tests, showing a clear linear and second-order component. It was observed that the semi-submersible configuration had significantly larger motion response than the spar configuration in ultimate limit state wave conditions. Emphasis is placed on the mooring loads and the tensions in the support lines for the ballasted keel. The increased ballast of the spar keel led to larger loads in these support lines. Further, second- and higher-order wave forcing were observed in responses of both configurations. A numerical model based on first-order radiation-diffraction theory, second-order Newman loads and additional Morison viscous forcing is set up. The model damping is calibrated against the measurements at each sea state. It is demonstrated that after this calibration, the model is able to reproduce the floater response and tower top accelerations with good accuracy, both in the linear range and at the natural floater frequencies, with heave in the storm sea state as the exception. The dynamic tensions in the keel lines are found to depend strongly on the lines projection to the inline wave direction. Also this behaviour is reproduced accurately by the model, although with some under-prediction in one of the lines in the rated wind sea state, which is linked to differences in the experimental pre-tension for the six lines

    Experimental and numerical study of a 10MW TLP wind turbine in waves and wind

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    This paper presents tests on a 1:60 version of the DTU 10MW wind turbine mounted on a tension leg platform and their numerical reproduction. Both the experimental setup and the numerical model are Froude-scaled, and the dynamic response of the floating wind turbine to wind and waves is compared in terms of motion in the six degrees of freedom, nacelle acceleration and mooring line tension. The numerical model is implemented in the aero-elastic code Flex5, featuring the unsteady BEM method and the Morison equation for the modelling of aerodynamics and hydrodynamics, respectively. It was calibrated with the tests by matching key system features, namely the steady thrust curve and the decay tests in water. The calibrated model is used to reproduce the wind-wave climates in the laboratory, including regular and irregular waves, with and without wind. The model predictions are compared to the measured data, and a good agreement is found for surge and heave, while some discrepancies are observed for pitch, nacelle acceleration and line tension. The addition of wind generally improves the agreement with test results. The aerodynamic damping is identified in both tests and simulations. Finally, the sources of the discrepancies are discussed and some improvements in the numerical model are suggested in order to obtain a better agreement with the experiments

    Creation of Hydrophilic Nitric Oxide Releasing Polymers via Plasma Surface Modification

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    Herein, we describe the surface modification of an <i>S</i>-nitrosated polymer derivative via H<sub>2</sub>O plasma treatment, resulting in polymer coatings that maintained their nitric oxide (NO) releasing capabilities, but exhibited dramatic changes in surface wettability. The poly­(lactic-<i>co</i>-glycolic acid)-based hydrophobic polymer was nitrosated to achieve a material capable of releasing the therapeutic agent NO. The NO-loaded films were subjected to low-temperature H<sub>2</sub>O plasma treatments, where the treatment power (20–50 W) and time (1–5 min) were varied. The plasma treated polymer films were superhydrophilic (water droplet spread completely in <100 ms), yet retained 90% of their initial <i>S</i>-nitrosothiol content. Under thermal conditions, NO release profiles were identical to controls. Under buffer soak conditions, the NO release profile was slightly lowered for the plasma-treated materials; however, they still result in physiologically relevant NO fluxes. XPS, SEM-EDS, and ATR-IR characterization suggests the plasma treatment resulted in polymer rearrangement and implantation of hydroxyl and carbonyl functional groups. Plasma treated samples maintained both hydrophilic surface properties and NO release profiles after storage at −18 °C for at least 10 days, demonstrating the surface modification and NO release capabilities are stable over time. The ability to tune polymer surface properties while maintaining bulk properties and NO release properties, and the stability of those properties under refrigerated conditions, represents a unique approach toward creating enhanced therapeutic biopolymers

    Experimental analysis of the scaled DTU10MW TLP floating wind turbine with different control strategies

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    The experimental testing of a Tension Leg Platform (TLP) floating wind turbine at 1:60 scale in wind and waves with a pitch-regulated 10 MW wind turbine is presented. The floating wind turbine was tested with three different control configurations: two closed-loop controllers and one open-loop controller. The experimental setup and program is described in this paper, and system identification and the responses of the floater to hydrodynamic loading are analysed and compared for the different control strategies. It was observed that negative aerodynamic damping for the onshore controller resulted in high oscillations in blade pitch, yielding an increased response in surge for all wave types. It was also observed that the surge motion governed the mooring line tensions, thus the onshore controller yielded the highest tensions in the front mooring line. Further the shutdown cases of the offshore controller led to larger surge displacement when the shutdown was initialized right before the wave impact