140 research outputs found

    Influence of expressive speech on ASR performances: application to elderly assistance in smart home

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    International audienceSmart homes are discussed as a win-win solution for maintaining the Elderly at home as a better alternative to care homes for dependent elderly people. Such Smart homes are characterized by rich domestic commands devoted to elderly safety and comfort. The vocal command has been identified as an efficient , well accepted, interaction way, it can be directly addressed to the "habitat", or through a robotic interface. In daily use, the challenges of vocal commands recognition are the noisy environment but moreover the reformulation and the expressive change of the strictly authorized commands. This paper focuses (1) to show, on the base of elicited corpus, that expressive speech, in particular distress speech, strongly affects generic state of the art ASR systems (20 to 30%) (2) how interesting improvement thanks to ASR adaptation can regulate (15%) this degradation. We conclude on the necessary adaptation of ASR system to expressive speech when they are designed for person's assistance

    Biomedical knowledge graph-enhanced prompt generation for large language models

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    Large Language Models (LLMs) have been driving progress in AI at an unprecedented rate, yet still face challenges in knowledge-intensive domains like biomedicine. Solutions such as pre-training and domain-specific fine-tuning add substantial computational overhead, and the latter require domain-expertise. External knowledge infusion is task-specific and requires model training. Here, we introduce a task-agnostic Knowledge Graph-based Retrieval Augmented Generation (KG-RAG) framework by leveraging the massive biomedical KG SPOKE with LLMs such as Llama-2-13b, GPT-3.5-Turbo and GPT-4, to generate meaningful biomedical text rooted in established knowledge. KG-RAG consistently enhanced the performance of LLMs across various prompt types, including one-hop and two-hop prompts, drug repurposing queries, biomedical true/false questions, and multiple-choice questions (MCQ). Notably, KG-RAG provides a remarkable 71% boost in the performance of the Llama-2 model on the challenging MCQ dataset, demonstrating the framework's capacity to empower open-source models with fewer parameters for domain-specific questions. Furthermore, KG-RAG enhanced the performance of proprietary GPT models, such as GPT-3.5 which exhibited improvement over GPT-4 in context utilization on MCQ data. Our approach was also able to address drug repurposing questions, returning meaningful repurposing suggestions. In summary, the proposed framework combines explicit and implicit knowledge of KG and LLM, respectively, in an optimized fashion, thus enhancing the adaptability of general-purpose LLMs to tackle domain-specific questions in a unified framework.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables, 1 supplementary fil

    Global Prevalence of Young-Onset Dementia: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

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    Importance: Reliable prevalence estimates are lacking for young-onset dementia (YOD), in which symptoms of dementia start before the age of 65 years. Such estimates are needed for policy makers to organize appropriate health care. Objective: To determine the global prevalence of YOD. Data sources: The PubMed, Embase, CINAHL, and PsycInfo databases were systematically searched for population-based studies on the prevalence of YOD published between January 1, 1990, and March 31, 2020. Study selection: Studies containing data on the prevalence of dementia in individuals younger than 65 years were screened by 2 researchers for inclusion in a systematic review and meta-analysis. Data extraction and synthesis: Prevalence estimates on 5-year age bands, from 30 to 34 years to 60 to 64 years, were extracted. Random-effects meta-analyses were conducted to pool prevalence estimates. Results were age standardized for the World Standard Population. Heterogeneity was assessed by subgroup analyses for sex, dementia subtype, study design, and economic status based on the World Bank classification and by meta-regression. Main outcomes and measures: Prevalence estimates of YOD for 5-year age bands. Results: A total of 95 unique studies were included in this systematic review, of which 74 with 2 760 379 unique patients were also included in 5-year age band meta-analyses. Studies were mostly conducted in Europe and in older groups in Asia, North America, and Oceania. Age-standardized prevalence estimates increased from 1.1 per 100 000 population in the group aged 30 to 34 years to 77.4 per 100 000 population in the group aged 60 to 64 years. This gives an overall global age-standardized prevalence of 119.0 per 100 000 population in the age range of 30 to 64 years, corresponding to 3.9 million people aged 30 to 64 years living with YOD in the world. Subgroup analyses showed prevalence between men and women to be similar (crude estimates for men, 216.5 per 100 000 population; for women, 293.1 per 100 000 population), whereas prevalence was lower in high-income countries (crude estimate, 663.9 per 100 000 population) compared with upper-middle-income (crude estimate, 1873.6 per 100 000 population) and lower-middle-income (crude estimate, 764.2 per 100 000 population) countries. Meta-regression showed that age range (P < .001), sample size (P < .001), and study methodology (P = .02) significantly influenced heterogeneity between studies. Conclusions and relevance: This systematic review and meta-analysis found an age-standardized prevalence of YOD of 119.0 per 100 000 population, although estimates of the prevalence in low-income countries and younger age ranges remain scarce. These results should help policy makers organize sufficient health care for this subgroup of individuals with dementia. Study registration: PROSPERO CRD42019119288This study was supported by the Gieskes-Strijbis Foundation, Alzheimer Netherlands, and the Dutch Young-Onset Dementia Knowledge Centre

    Organen & stofwisseling : het boerenbedrijf als levend organisme - 4

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    De activiteiten en processen die plaatsvinden op een landbouwbedrijf kun je vergelijken met de stofwisseling van een mens. Welke bedrijfsonderdelen – organen – laten die stofwisseling goed verlopen? En welke organen kunnen beter buiten het lichaam (het bedrijf) worden gelegd

    Aderen en zenuwen : het boerenbedrijf als levend organisme - deel 3

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    Paden, leidingen, zichtlijnen, houtwallen, sloten: ze vormen de verbindingen op een boerderij, net als aderen en zenuwen in het menselijk lichaam. Ze zorgen voor interne communicatie en transport. Zowel op fysiek als op fijnstoffelijk niveau. Liggen de bedrijfsonderdelen en verbindingen op de meest logische plek? Kleine aanpassingen kunnen de doorstroming en de voeding soms enorm verbeteren

    ‘Innovatie begint bij kennis delen’ : Joost van Strien wekt aandacht met maaimeststoffen en Multi Tool Trac

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    Bijna alle innovaties die BD-boer Joost van Strien van akkerbouwbedrijf Zonnegoed in Ens (NOP) bedenkt, komen voort uit interactie met collegaboeren of collega-connaisseurs van de BD-landbouw. In samenwerking met het Louis Bolk Instituut deed hij vier jaar lang proeven met maaimeststoffen in vergelijking met drijfmest of kippenmest. Inmiddels is hij, samen met een aantal collegaÂŽs, met een nieuw project gestart: permanent onbereden teeltbedden met behulp van de Multi Tool Trac

    IntuĂŻtie als leidraad in tuin en kunst

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    Het was zo’n akkertje waarop van alles werd verbouwd dat even geen plek had op de rest van de landerijen van zorgboerderij De Vijfsprong. Net buiten het terrein van deze zorgboerderij, in de romantische bosrijke Achterhoek, hebben Jan Weijsenfeld (62) en Marianne Polhout (61) op dit stuk land een eldorado gecreĂ«erd. De BD Pluktuin is hun ode aan intuĂŻtie en schoonheid

    Creëren op het grensvlak van orde en chaos : Jos Jeuken en Ellen Krul van BD-bedrijf Gaos

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    Elke dag loopt Jos Jeuken (55) zijn ‘Gaos-pad’ rond de boerderij, langs de akkers en over de dijk met landschapskunstwerken. “Van het maken daarvan heb ik genoten, maar het ‘er zijn’ is zeker zo mooi. Ik laat mezelf uit.” Zijn vrouw Ellen Krul (51) zag het kunstzinnige altijd al in hun bedrijf: “In een net niet recht geploegde voor, in een asymmetrisch ingericht erf, in net niet keurig gemaaide paden.” De aanleg van de Hanzelijn noopte hen tot het aanleggen van een opstakel: een dijk. De chaos na het bericht van de komst van de spoorlijn is na tien jaar omgezet in orde. De bufferzone met vennen, poelen en veel bloemen trekt insecten en vogels aan en wordt steeds meer een plek waar mensen tot rust komen en waar de natuur haar vrije gang kan gaan. Zo levert de strook een belangrijke bijdrage aan de natuurontwikkeling en bestuiving op de akkers
