6,142 research outputs found

    Dynamics of molecular nanomagnets in time-dependent external magnetic fields: Beyond the Landau-Zener-St\"{u}ckelberg model

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    The time evolution of the magnetization of a magnetic molecular crystal is obtained in an external time-dependent magnetic field, with sweep rates in the kT/s range. We present the 'exact numerical' solution of the time dependent Schr\"{o}dinger equation, and show that the steps in the hysteresis curve can be described as a sequence of two-level transitions between adiabatic states. The multilevel nature of the problem causes the transition probabilities to deviate significantly from the predictions of the Landau-Zener-St\"{u}ckelberg model. These calculations allow the introduction of an efficient approximation method that accurately reproduces the exact results. When including phase relaxation by means of an appropriate master equation, we observe an interplay between coherent dynamics and decoherence. This decreases the size of the magnetization steps at the transitions, but does not modify qualitatively the physical picture obtained without relaxation.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Resistance effects due to magnetic guiding orbits

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    The Hall and magnetoresistance of a two dimensional electron gas subjected to a magnetic field barrier parallel to the current direction is studied as function of the applied perpendicular magnetic field. The recent experimental results of Nogaret {\em et al.} [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 84}, 2231 (2000)] for the magneto- and Hall resistance are explained using a semi-classical theory based on the Landauer-B\"{u}ttiker formula. The observed positive magnetoresistance peak is explained as due to a competition between a decrease of the number of conducting channels as a result of the growing magnetic field, from the fringe field of the ferromagnetic stripe as it becomes magnetized, and the disappearance of snake orbits and the subsequent appearance of cycloidlike orbits.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Snake states in graphene quantum dots in the presence of a p-n junction

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    We investigate the magnetic interface states of graphene quantum dots that contain p-n junctions. Within a tight-binding approach, we consider rectangular quantum dots in the presence of a perpendicular magnetic field containing p-n, as well as p-n-p and n-p-n junctions. The results show the interplay between the edge states associated with the zigzag terminations of the sample and the snake states that arise at the p-n junction, due to the overlap between electron and hole states at the potential interface. Remarkable localized states are found at the crossing of the p-n junction with the zigzag edge having a dumb-bell shaped electron distribution. The results are presented as function of the junction parameters and the applied magnetic flux.Comment: 13 pages, 23 figures, to be appeared in Phys. Rev.

    Herschel PACS and SPIRE spectroscopy of the Photodissociation Regions associated with S 106 and IRAS 23133+6050

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    Photodissociation regions (PDRs) contain a large fraction of all of the interstellar matter in galaxies. Classical examples include the boundaries between ionized regions and molecular clouds in regions of massive star formation, marking the point where all of the photons energetic enough to ionize hydrogen have been absorbed. In this paper we determine the physical properties of the PDRs associated with the star forming regions IRAS 23133+6050 and S 106 and present them in the context of other Galactic PDRs associated with massive star forming regions. We employ Herschel PACS and SPIRE spectroscopic observations to construct a full 55-650 {\mu}m spectrum of each object from which we measure the PDR cooling lines, other fine- structure lines, CO lines and the total far-infrared flux. These measurements are then compared to standard PDR models. Subsequently detailed numerical PDR models are compared to these predictions, yielding additional insights into the dominant thermal processes in the PDRs and their structures. We find that the PDRs of each object are very similar, and can be characterized by a two-phase PDR model with a very dense, highly UV irradiated phase (n \sim 10^6 cm^(-3), G0_0 \sim 10^5) interspersed within a lower density, weaker radiation field phase (n \sim 10^4 cm^(-3), G0_0 \sim 10^4). We employed two different numerical models to investigate the data, firstly we used RADEX models to fit the peak of the 12^{12}CO ladder, which in conjunction with the properties derived yielded a temperature of around 300 K. Subsequent numerical modeling with a full PDR model revealed that the dense phase has a filling factor of around 0.6 in both objects. The shape of the 12^{12}CO ladder was consistent with these components with heating dominated by grain photoelectric heating. An extra excitation component for the highest J lines (J > 20) is required for S 106.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures, A&A Accepte

    Snake orbits and related magnetic edge states

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    We study the electron motion near magnetic field steps at which the strength and/or sign of the magnetic field changes. The energy spectrum for such systems is found and the electron states (bound and scattered) are compared with their corresponding classical paths. Several classical properties as the velocity parallel to the edge, the oscillation frequency perpendicular to the edge and the extent of the states are compared with their quantum mechanical counterpart. A class of magnetic edge states is found which do not have a classical counterpart.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure

    Spin-orbit interaction induced singularity of the charge density relaxation propagator

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    The charge density relaxation propagator of a two dimensional electron system, which is the slope of the imaginary part of the polarization function, exhibits singularities for bosonic momenta having the order of the spin-orbit momentum and depending on the momentum orientation. We have provided an intuitive understanding for this non-analytic behavior in terms of the inter chirality subband electronic transitions, induced by the combined action of Bychkov-Rashba (BR) and Dresselhaus (D) spin-orbit coupling. It is shown that the regular behavior of the relaxation propagator is recovered in the presence of only one BR or D spin-orbit field or for spin-orbit interaction with equal BR and D coupling strengths. This creates a new possibility to influence carrier relaxation properties by means of an applied electric field.Comment: 4 figure

    Exciton trapping in magnetic wire structures

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    The lateral magnetic confinement of quasi two-dimensional excitons into wire like structures is studied. Spin effects are take into account and two different magnetic field profiles are considered, which experimentally can be created by the deposition of a ferromagnetic stripe on a semiconductor quantum well with magnetization parallel or perpendicular to the grown direction of the well. We find that it is possible to confine excitons into one-dimensional (1D) traps. We show that the dependence of the confinement energy on the exciton wave vector, which is related to its free direction of motion along the wire direction, is very small. Through the application of a background magnetic field it is possible to move the position of the trapping region towards the edge of the ferromagnetic stripe or even underneath the stripe. The exact position of this 1D exciton channel depends on the strength of the background magnetic field and on the magnetic polarisation direction of the ferromagnetic film.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, to be published in J. Phys: Condens. Matte

    Precession-torque-driven domain-wall motion in out-of-plane materials

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    Domain-wall (DW) motion in magnetic nanostrips is intensively studied, in particular because of the possible applications in data storage. In this work, we will investigate a novel method of DW motion using magnetic field pulses, with the precession torque as the driving mechanism. We use a one dimensional (1D) model to show that it is possible to drive DWs in out-of-plane materials using the precession torque, and we identify the key parameters that influence this motion. Because the DW moves back to its initial position at the end of the field pulse, thereby severely complicating direct detection of the DW motion, depinning experiments are used to indirectly observe the effect of the precession torque. The 1D model is extended to include an energy landscape in order to predict the influence of the precession torque in the depinning experiments. Although preliminary experiments did not yet show an effect of the precession torque, our calculations indicate that depinning experiments can be used to demonstrate this novel method of DW motion in out-of-plane materials, which even allows for coherent motion of multiple domains when the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction is taken into account

    Topological confinement in graphene bilayer quantum rings

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    We demonstrate the existence of localized electron and hole states in a ring-shaped potential kink in biased bilayer graphene. Within the continuum description, we show that for sharp potential steps the Dirac equation describing carrier states close to the K (or K') point of the first Brillouin zone can be solved analytically for a circular kink/anti-kink dot. The solutions exhibit interfacial states which exhibit Aharonov-Bohm oscillations as functions of the height of the potential step and/or the radius of the ring