5,204 research outputs found

    Effect of turbulence on electron cyclotron current drive and heating in ITER

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    Non-linear local electromagnetic gyrokinetic turbulence simulations of the ITER standard scenario H-mode are presented for the q=3/2 and q=2 surfaces. The turbulent transport is examined in regions of velocity space characteristic of electrons heated by electron cyclotron waves. Electromagnetic fluctuations and sub-dominant micro-tearing modes are found to contribute significantly to the transport of the accelerated electrons, even though they have only a small impact on the transport of the bulk species. The particle diffusivity for resonant passing electrons is found to be less than 0.15 m^2/s, and their heat conductivity is found to be less than 2 m^2/s. Implications for the broadening of the current drive and energy deposition in ITER are discussed.Comment: Letter, 5 pages, 5 figures, for submission to Nuclear Fusio

    Herschel PACS and SPIRE spectroscopy of the Photodissociation Regions associated with S 106 and IRAS 23133+6050

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    Photodissociation regions (PDRs) contain a large fraction of all of the interstellar matter in galaxies. Classical examples include the boundaries between ionized regions and molecular clouds in regions of massive star formation, marking the point where all of the photons energetic enough to ionize hydrogen have been absorbed. In this paper we determine the physical properties of the PDRs associated with the star forming regions IRAS 23133+6050 and S 106 and present them in the context of other Galactic PDRs associated with massive star forming regions. We employ Herschel PACS and SPIRE spectroscopic observations to construct a full 55-650 {\mu}m spectrum of each object from which we measure the PDR cooling lines, other fine- structure lines, CO lines and the total far-infrared flux. These measurements are then compared to standard PDR models. Subsequently detailed numerical PDR models are compared to these predictions, yielding additional insights into the dominant thermal processes in the PDRs and their structures. We find that the PDRs of each object are very similar, and can be characterized by a two-phase PDR model with a very dense, highly UV irradiated phase (n \sim 10^6 cm^(-3), G0_0 \sim 10^5) interspersed within a lower density, weaker radiation field phase (n \sim 10^4 cm^(-3), G0_0 \sim 10^4). We employed two different numerical models to investigate the data, firstly we used RADEX models to fit the peak of the 12^{12}CO ladder, which in conjunction with the properties derived yielded a temperature of around 300 K. Subsequent numerical modeling with a full PDR model revealed that the dense phase has a filling factor of around 0.6 in both objects. The shape of the 12^{12}CO ladder was consistent with these components with heating dominated by grain photoelectric heating. An extra excitation component for the highest J lines (J > 20) is required for S 106.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures, A&A Accepte

    Snake orbits and related magnetic edge states

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    We study the electron motion near magnetic field steps at which the strength and/or sign of the magnetic field changes. The energy spectrum for such systems is found and the electron states (bound and scattered) are compared with their corresponding classical paths. Several classical properties as the velocity parallel to the edge, the oscillation frequency perpendicular to the edge and the extent of the states are compared with their quantum mechanical counterpart. A class of magnetic edge states is found which do not have a classical counterpart.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure

    Exciton trapping in magnetic wire structures

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    The lateral magnetic confinement of quasi two-dimensional excitons into wire like structures is studied. Spin effects are take into account and two different magnetic field profiles are considered, which experimentally can be created by the deposition of a ferromagnetic stripe on a semiconductor quantum well with magnetization parallel or perpendicular to the grown direction of the well. We find that it is possible to confine excitons into one-dimensional (1D) traps. We show that the dependence of the confinement energy on the exciton wave vector, which is related to its free direction of motion along the wire direction, is very small. Through the application of a background magnetic field it is possible to move the position of the trapping region towards the edge of the ferromagnetic stripe or even underneath the stripe. The exact position of this 1D exciton channel depends on the strength of the background magnetic field and on the magnetic polarisation direction of the ferromagnetic film.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, to be published in J. Phys: Condens. Matte

    Precession-torque-driven domain-wall motion in out-of-plane materials

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    Domain-wall (DW) motion in magnetic nanostrips is intensively studied, in particular because of the possible applications in data storage. In this work, we will investigate a novel method of DW motion using magnetic field pulses, with the precession torque as the driving mechanism. We use a one dimensional (1D) model to show that it is possible to drive DWs in out-of-plane materials using the precession torque, and we identify the key parameters that influence this motion. Because the DW moves back to its initial position at the end of the field pulse, thereby severely complicating direct detection of the DW motion, depinning experiments are used to indirectly observe the effect of the precession torque. The 1D model is extended to include an energy landscape in order to predict the influence of the precession torque in the depinning experiments. Although preliminary experiments did not yet show an effect of the precession torque, our calculations indicate that depinning experiments can be used to demonstrate this novel method of DW motion in out-of-plane materials, which even allows for coherent motion of multiple domains when the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction is taken into account

    Instability due to long range Coulomb interaction in a liquid of polarizable particles (polarons, etc.)

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    The interaction Hamiltonian for a system of polarons a la Feynman in the presence of long range Coulomb interaction is derived and the dielectric function is computed in mean field. For large enough concentration a liquid of such particles becomes unstable. The onset of the instability is signaled by the softening of a collective optical mode in which all electrons oscillate in phase in their respective self-trapping potential. We associate the instability with a metallization of the system. Optical experiments in slightly doped cuprates and doped nickelates are analyzed within this theory. We discuss why doped cuprates matallize whereas nickelates do not.Comment: 5 pages,1 figur

    The two electron artificial molecule

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    Exact results for the classical and quantum system of two vertically coupled two-dimensional single electron quantum dots are obtained as a function of the interatomic distance (d) and with perpendicular magnetic field. The classical system exhibits a second order structural transition as a function of d which is smeared out and shifted to lower d values in the quantum case. The spin-singlet - spin-triplet oscillations are shifted to larger magnetic fields with increasing d and are quenched for a sufficiently large interatomic distance.Comment: 4 pages, 4 ps figure

    Metal artefact reduction sequences for a piezoelectric bone conduction implant using a realistic head phantom in MRI

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    Industry standards require medical device manufacturers to perform implant-induced artefact testing in phantoms at a pre-clinical stage to define the extent of artefacts that can be expected during MRI. Once a device is commercially available, studies on volunteers, cadavers or patients are performed to investigate implant-induced artefacts and artefact reduction methods more in-depth. This study describes the design and evaluation of a realistic head phantom for pre-clinical implant-induced artefact testing in a relevant environment. A case study is performed where a state-of-the-art piezoelectric bone conduction implant is used in the 1.5 T and 3 T MRI environments. Images were acquired using clinical and novel metal artefact reducing (MARS) sequences at both field strengths. Artefact width and length were measured in a healthy volunteer and compared with artefact sizes obtained in the phantom. Artefact sizes are reported that are similar in shape between the phantom and a volunteer, yet with dimensions differing up to 20% between both. When the implant magnet is removed, the artefact size can be reduced below a diameter of 5 cm, whilst the presence of an implant magnet and splint creates higher artefacts up to 20 cm in diameter. Pulse sequences have been altered to reduce the scan time up to 7 minutes, while preserving the image quality. These results show that the anthropomorphic phantom can be used at a preclinical stage to provide clinically relevant images, illustrating the impact of the artefact on important brain structures.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    Structural and dynamical properties of a quasi-one-dimensional classical binary system

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    The ground state configurations and the \lq{}\lq{}normal\rq{}\rq{} mode spectra of a quasiquasi-one-dimensional (Q1D) binary system of charged particles interacting through a screened Coulomb potential are presented. The minimum energy configurations were obtained analytically and independently through molecular dynamic simulations. A rich variety of ordered structures were found as a function of the screening parameter, the particle density, and the ratio between the charges of the distinct types of particles. Continuous and discontinuous structural transitions, as well as an unexpected symmetry breaking in the charge distribution are observed when the density of the system is changed. For near equal charges we found a disordered phase where a mixing of the two types of particles occurs. The phonon dispersion curves were calculated within the harmonic approximation for the one- and two-chain structures.Comment: 11 pages, 11 fig