1,820 research outputs found

    Pastagens em sistemas silvipastoris.

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    Dry Matter Yield, \u3ci\u3ein Vitro\u3c/i\u3e Digestibility, Protein and Fiber Composition of \u27Tifton 9\u27 Bahiagrass (\u3ci\u3ePaspalum notatum\u3c/i\u3e) at Six Maturities

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    The objective of this research was to evaluate dry matter yield, in vitro digestibility, and the concentrations of protein and cell wall components in \u27Tifton 9’clipped at six maturities. Herbage was cut at the age of 20, 27, 34, 41, 48 and 55 days. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with six trataments (ages) and four replications. Dry matter yield and acid detergent fiber ranged from 188 g m-2, to 593 g m-2 and 386.9 g kg-1 to 375.1 g kg-1 respectively, with the cubic regression model having the best fit (P\u3c 0.05). Concentrations of crude protein decreased linearly (P\u3c 0.05) from 121 to 69 g kg-1. Neutral detergent fiber concentration and “in vitro” digestibility, were not affected (P\u3e 0.05) by maturity, in the range studied. Dry matter yield, digestibility and concentration of fiber components presented values similar to other tropical forages, whereas the crude protein remained above 100.5 g kg-1, only until the 27th day, according to the regression model

    Long-term acute infections during a bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) outbreak in dairy farm from Galicia (NW Spain)

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    An observational study describes an outbreak of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) in a dairy herd in Spain. The herd was subjected to a voluntary control program. In a sampling carried out in June 2020, bulk tank milk antibody levels increased compared to the previous sampling. Additionally, serum samples from 4 young heifers also tested positive for antibodies. Since the results were consistent with a recent infection, we proceeded to detect possible persistently infected (PI) animals using antigen ELISA (on serum/ear-notch samples), following the program guidelines. From this moment on, 42 animals tested positive for BVDV antigen, of which 17 were under typical acute infection (AI), 13 were deemed as PI, and eight died early on the farm before having information to determine their status. The remaining 4 showed intriguing test results consistent with a long-term AI since they tested BVDV positive in at least two antigen tests more than 3 weeks apart. Thus, one animal was positive until 80 days of age in serum, and others even for longer periods in ear-notch samples, until they finally tested negative for BVDV. Based on these results, longer follow-up may be necessary in BVDV positive animals to accurately confirm persistent infectionS

    Desenvolvimento do agroturismo em Cachoeiras de Macacu, RJ: subsídios ao planejamento da atividade agroturística associada à produção agropecuária de base familiar.

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    O Município de Cachoeiras de Macacu está situado numa região que exibe grande riqueza de atributos naturais, apresentando vocação para a exploração de atividades turísticas de cunho rural e ecológico, e ainda, por desenvolver agropecuária expressiva, apresenta potencial para explorar o segmento do turismo associado às atividades produtivas do meio rural (agricultura, pecuária e silvicultura), o agroturismo. Entretanto, para que a atividade seja sustentável, requer planejamento, sendo necessário um estudo prévio de viabilidade, que considere aspectos físicos, sociais, culturais, econômicos e ambientais. Face a isso, este estudo teve por objetivo fazer um levantamento diagnóstico sobre as potencialidades e limitações do Município de Cachoeiras de Macacu em relação ao agroturismo; e com base nisso, elaborar um plano preliminar para subsidiar o desenvolvimento da atividade. Para tanto, foram compilados dados secundários e primários. Os dados secundários consultados referem-se a resultados de pesquisas e estudos realizados nos últimos 10 anos na região pela Embrapa Solos e outras instituições de pesquisa e/ou ensino, e de projetos que complementam e integram temas de interesse comum. Os dados primários foram coletados junto aos atores locais (produtores rurais familiares e seus representantes, funcionários de instituições públicas, empreendedores rurais, proprietários de meios de hospedagem, entre outros), por meio de campanhas de campo realizadas entre 2012 e 2014, nas comunidades rurais produtivas com base na agricultura familiar. O conjunto de dados inventariados e a síntese do diagnóstico obtido serviram de base para a elaboração do plano preliminar. A presente versão intitulada: "Plano Preliminar para o Desenvolvimento do Agroturismo em Cachoeiras de Macacu, RJ" representa um primeiro passo para orientar o planejamento do agroturismo integrado à produção agropecuária de base familiar no município. Sua efetivação envolve os poderes públicos estaduais e municipais e deve ser impulsionado pela comunidade, para garantir que a atividade se desenvolva em harmonia com suas expectativas e anseios.bitstream/item/142637/1/BPD-244-Desenv-Agroturismo-Cach-Macacu.pd

    The wideband backend at the MDSCC in Robledo. A new facility for radio astronomy at Q- and K- bands

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    The antennas of NASA's Madrid Deep Space Communications Complex (MDSCC) in Robledo de Chavela are available as single-dish radio astronomical facilities during a significant percentage of their operational time. Current instrumentation includes two antennas of 70 and 34 m in diameter, equipped with dual-polarization receivers in K (18 - 26 GHz) and Q (38 - 50 GHz) bands, respectively. We have developed and built a new wideband backend for the Robledo antennas, with the objectives (1) to optimize the available time and enhance the efficiency of radio astronomy in MDSCC; and (2) to tackle new scientific cases impossible to that were investigated with the old, narrow-band autocorrelator. The backend consists of an IF processor, a FFT spectrometer (FFTS), and the software that interfaces and manages the events among the observing program, antenna control, the IF processor, the FFTS operation, and data recording. The whole system was end-to-end assembled in August 2011, at the start of commissioning activities, and the results are reported in this paper. Frequency tunings and line intensities are stable over hours, even when using different synthesizers and IF channels; no aliasing effects have been measured, and the rejection of the image sideband was characterized. The first setup provides 1.5 GHz of instantaneous bandwidth in a single polarization, using 8192 channels and a frequency resolution of 212 kHz; upgrades under way include a second FFTS card, and two high-resolution cores providing 100 MHz and 500 MHz of bandwidth, and 16384 channels. These upgrades will permit simultaneous observations of the two polarizations with instantaneous bandwidths from 100 MHz to 3 GHz, and spectral resolutions from 7 to 212 kHz.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures. Accepted to Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Two color multichannel heterodyne interferometer set up for high spatial resolution electron density profile measurements in TJ-II

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    Proceedings of: 18th Topical Conference on High-Temperature Plasma Diagnostics, Wildwood, New Jersey (USA), 16-20 May 2010.Expanded-beam multichannel heterodyne interferometer has been installed on the TJ-II stellarator. Careful design of the optical system has allowed complete control on the evolution of both Gaussian beams along the interferometer, as well as the evaluation and optimization of the spatial resolution to be expected in the measurements. Five CO2 (measurement) channels and three Nd:YAG (vibration compensation) channels have been used to illuminate the plasma with a probe beam of 100 mm size. An optimum interpolation method has been applied to recover both interferometric phasefronts prior to mechanical vibration subtraction. The first results of the installed diagnostic are presented in this paper.This work was supported by Spanish Ministry of Education and Science Grant No. ENE2006-13559FTN . The authors would also like to acknowledge the help of Ernesto Garcia Ares and Jose Ramon Lopez Fernandez for setting up the signal conditioning systems

    Estrutura pré- e pós-corte de capim Marandu em função da face de exposição ao sol e distância do renque em sistema silvipastoril

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    A avaliação estrutural do dossel é uma maneira de garantir o entendimento dos mecanismos que governam o acúmulo de forragem em sistemas de produção. O sombreamento total ou parcial de forrageiras produzidas em sistemas Silvipastoril está atrelado a uma discussão fun damental para o entendimento das respostas estruturais de gramíneas tropicais. O objetivo foi avaliar o comportamento e as características morfológicas e estruturais do capim Marandu (Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu), em função da face de exposição (norte e sul) e distância (3, 6, 10 e 15 metros) das arvores no sistema Silvipastoril. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado, em parcela subdividida (64 m²), com quatro repetições. Dosséis manejados no sistema Silvipastoril, tanto na linha quanto na face, possuem valores médios de índice de interceptação luminosa (IL), índice de área foliar (IAF) e alturas semelhantes, no pré- e no pós-corte. A altura em pós-corte foi de 12,75 cm, muito próxima da meta de resíduo (15 cm), e correspondeu a um IAF médio de 2,75 e ângulo da folhagem (ANG) de 49,5º e interceptação luminosa (IL) de 75,94%. No pré-corte os ângulos foliares corresponderam a um valor médio de 40,2º. A altura foi em média, 28 cm com IL de 95,4%. As características estruturais do pasto de Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu em sistema silvipastoril não foi influenciado pela face de exposição e distância do renque, enquanto as árvores têm até 9 metros de altura

    Nitrogen Fertilization and Harvest Management Improve Forage and Crude Protein Content in Crabgrass

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    Crabgrass (Digitaria spp.) is an annual summer grass that can provide high-quality forage, but optimal management strategies are unclear. Our objective was to compare the yield and quality of crabgrass (Mojo and Quick-N-Big) under different nitrogen rates and harvest management. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with five treatments and three replications for each crabgrass variety, totaling fifteen experimental units for both Mojo and Quick-N-Big, in adjacent sites. Treatments were nitrogen rates (0, 100, and 200 lb N/acre) and harvest management (cut once or twice per year) for two growing seasons (2020 and 2021). Total forage accumulation (TFA) increased with nitrogen fertilization for both cultivars. Mojo had the highest TFA in the first year (7000 lb DM/a/yr) while Quick-N-Big TFA was the highest in the second year (7635 lb DM/a/yr). The highest crude protein (CP) content was obtained with the highest N dose, ranging from 10.5 to 13% for both cultivars. Based on these results, N fertilization and harvest management can contribute to improving forage yield and crude protein of crabgrass varieties during the growing season in forage systems