34 research outputs found

    Síntomas durante el uso de simulación con realidad virtual altamente inmersiva para el aprendizaje en salud

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    We read with great interest the article by González et al (1) supporting the use of highlyimmersive virtual reality (VR)simulationfor anatomy learning. The results of their systematicreview highlighted a positive reception of the VR experienceby students, with an increase inenjoyment and attention, and at least the same effectiveness for learning when compared totraditional cadaveric methods. They also highlighted VR technology canbecome a long-terminvestment that reduces costs.These findings are in line with the results of other systematic reviewsindicating that immersive VR for education was easy to use, facilitated learning of content (2), andincreased cognitive and psychomotor performance

    Exploring the effect of financial literacy courses on student achievement: a cross-country approach using PISA 2012 data

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    The aim of this research is to explore whether the deployment of specialized courses on basic financial concepts at schools has a significant impact on how able students are to apply the knowledge and skills that they learn to real-life situations involving financial issues and decision making. To do this, we exploit the rich set of comparative data about the countries participating in the PISA 2012 financial literacy assessment. This includes 18 of the 70 countries participating in this wave of PISA. Our empirical analysis is based on a difference-in-differences approach comparing the results of the same students across two subjects (financial literacy and reading). We assume that the distribution of students across schools does not depend on the provision of financial education. Thus we can estimate the effect of the treatment as the difference between the performance of students at schools that offer or do not offer financial education courses. Our results suggest that such courses have a significant and positive effect on student achievement regardless of the strategy applied to teach financial concepts

    Exploring the effect of financial literacy courses on student achievement: a cross-country approach using PISA 2012 data

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    The aim of this research is to explore whether the deployment of specialized courses on basic financial concepts at schools has a significant impact on how able students are to apply the knowledge and skills that they learn to real-life situations involving financial issues and decision making. To do this, we exploit the rich set of comparative data about the countries participating in the PISA 2012 financial literacy assessment. This includes 18 of the 70 countries participating in this wave of PISA. Our empirical analysis is based on a difference-in-differences approach comparing the results of the same students across two subjects (financial literacy and reading). We assume that the distribution of students across schools does not depend on the provision of financial education. Thus we can estimate the effect of the treatment as the difference between the performance of students at schools that offer or do not offer financial education courses. Our results suggest that such courses have a significant and positive effect on student achievement regardless of the strategy applied to teach financial concepts

    Enfoques de aprendizaje en estudiantes universitarios: comparación de resultados con los cuestionarios ASSIST y R-SPQ-2F

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    This study compared the approaches to learning and studying of a sample of 350 Psychology students. Approaches were measured with two of the most widely used questionnaires, namely the ASSIST and the R-SPQ-2F, which were translated into Spanish. Internal validity and reliability were analysed. A correlation pattern was identified in two dimensions: superficial and deep-strategic. No sex or year differences were found in the approaches to learning measured with the ASSIST, yet differences were found in the deep approach measured with the R-SPQ-2F. It may be argued that students in upper levels have more learning experience and achieve higher scorings in constructive and deep approach. Results are discussed in the light of current theories of approaches to learning and studying.Se comparan empíricamente los enfoques de aprendizaje y estudio en una misma muestra de estudiantes universitarios a través de los dos cuestionarios más utilizados, el ASSIST y el R-SPQ-2F. Participaron 350 alumnos de todos los cursos de la titulación de Psicología. Se adaptaron ambos cuestionarios al castellano y se estudió su validez interna y su fiabilidad. Se observa un patrón de correlaciones que implica la existencia de dos grandes dimensiones diferentes entre sí: superficial y profundo-estratégico. No se aprecian diferencias por género y curso en los enfoques de aprendizaje mediante el ASSIST, aunque  sí aparecen a través del R-SPQ-2F en el enfoque profundo, de tal modo que conforme avanzan los cursos y con ello la experiencia de aprendizaje y estudio, los estudiantes mejoran sus puntuaciones en enfoques profundos y constructivos. Se discuten estos resultados en función de las actuales teorías sobre enfoques de aprendizaje y estudio

    Estimación del tiempo de aprendizaje y estudio fuera de clase en estudiantes universitarios: comparación de asignaturas enteramente con metodología ABP (Aprendizaje Básico en Problemas) vs.asignaturas tradicionales. = Estimating learning and study time outside of classroom in university students: a comparison of subjects with entirely PBL methodology (Problem-Based Learning) vs. traditional subjects

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    [SPA]En este trabajo se compara el tiempo de trabajo no presencial de los estudiantes de asignaturas enteramente con métodos activos del tipo de Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP) con asignaturas de metodologías tradicionales basadas en la lección magistral en una misma titulación de Psicología. A partir de la carga de trabajo no presencial preestablecida en el sistema ECTS, con metodología de encuesta de autorregistro diario de tiempo de trabajo no presencial, se compara la carga global en el curso cuatrimestral completo así como en la distribución temporal a lo largo del cuatrimestre. Los resultados indican que en ningún caso se sobrepasa la estimación previa ECTS (aunque es algo mayor la carga en la asignatura ABP) y la distribución de la carga a lo largo del cuatrimestre presenta un perfil ascendente en la asignatura tradicional (pocas prácticas a lo largo del curso y examen final) y horizontal con carga de trabajo sostenida en la asignatura ABP. Se evidencia así la mayor adecuación de los métodos docentes activos a los objetivos del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES). [ENG]This work compares the student non presencial (outside of classroom) working time in all subjects with active methods of the type of problem-based learning (PBL) with subjects of traditional methodologies based on the lecture, both in the same degree in Psychology. Since the non presencial workload included in the ECTS system, with daily self-registration survey methodology of non presencial working time, we compare the overall load in the full four-month course and temporal distribution throughout the semester. Results indicate that in no case exceeds the previous estimate ECTS (although it is somewhat higher load on the subject ABP) and load distribution throughout the semester has a rising 1526 profile in the traditional course (few practices over the course and final exam) and horizontal workload sustained in the course ABP. It is thus more appropriate for evidence of active teaching methods to the objectives of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).Campus Mare Nostrum, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Universidad de Murcia, Región de Murci

    Psicología y conclicto social : una aproximación bibliométrica /Mª José Pedraja Linares ; directora Elena Quiñones Vidal.

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    Tesis-Universidad de Murcia.Consulte la tesis en: BCA. GENERAL. ARCHIVO UNIVERSITARIO. T.M.-316