273 research outputs found

    An Updated Review of Bioactive Peptides from Mushrooms in a Well-Defined Molecular Weight Range

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    Here, we report the current status of the bioactive peptides isolated and characterized from mushrooms during the last 20 years, considering ‘peptide’ a succession from to 2 to 100 amino acid residues. According to this accepted biochemical definition, we adopt ~10 kDa as the upper limit of molecular weight for a peptide. In light of this, a careful revision of data reported in the literature was carried out. The search revealed that in the works describing the characterization of bioactive peptides from mushrooms, not all the peptides have been correctly classified according to their molecular weight, considering that some fungal proteins (>10 kDa MW) have been improperly classified as ‘peptides’. Moreover, the biological action of each of these peptides, the principles of their isolation as well as the source/mushroom species were summarized. Finally, this review highlighted that these peptides possess antihypertensive, antifungal, antibiotic and antimicrobial, anticancer, antiviral, antioxidant and ACE inhibitory properties

    Ageritin from pioppino mushroom: The prototype of ribotoxin-like proteins, a novel family of specific ribonucleases in edible mushrooms

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    Ageritin is a specific ribonuclease, extracted from the edible mushroom Cyclocybe aegerita (synonym Agrocybe aegerita), which cleaves a single phosphodiester bond located within the uni-versally conserved alpha-sarcin loop (SRL) of 23–28S rRNAs. This cleavage leads to the inhibition of protein biosynthesis, followed by cellular death through apoptosis. The structural and enzy-matic properties show that Ageritin is the prototype of a novel specific ribonucleases family named ‘ribotoxin-like proteins’, recently found in fruiting bodies of other edible basidiomycetes mushrooms (e.g., Ostreatin from Pleurotus ostreatus, Edulitins from Boletus edulis, and Gambositin from Calocybe gambosa). Although the putative role of this toxin, present in high amount in fruiting body (>2.5 mg per 100 g) of C. aegerita, is unknown, its antifungal and insecticidal actions strongly support a role in defense mechanisms. Thus, in this review, we focus on structural, biological, antipathogenic, and enzymatic characteristics of this ribotoxin-like protein. We also highlight its biological relevance and potential biotechnological applications in agriculture as a bio-pesticide and in biomedicine as a therapeutic and diagnostic agent

    Cytotoxicity effect of quinoin, type 1 ribosome-inactivating protein from quinoa seeds, on glioblastoma cells

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    Ribosome-inactivating proteins (RIPs) are found in several edible plants and are well characterized. Many studies highlight their use in cancer therapy, alone or as immunoconjugates, linked to monoclonal antibodies directed against target cancer cells. In this context, we investigate the cytotoxicity of quinoin, a novel type 1 RIP from quinoa seeds, on human continuous and primary glioblastoma cell lines. The cytotoxic effect of quinoin was assayed on human continuous glioblas-toma U87Mg cells. Moreover, considering that common conventional glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) cell lines are genetically different from the tumors from which they derive, the cytotoxicity of quinoin was subsequently tested towards primary cells NULU and ZAR (two cell lines established from patients’ gliomas), also in combination with the chemotherapeutic agent temozolomide (TMZ), cur-rently used in glioblastoma treatment. The present study demonstrated that quinoin (2.5 and 5.0 nM) strongly reduced glioblastoma cells’ growth. The mechanisms responsible for the inhibitory action of quinoin are different in the tested primary cell lines, reproducing the heterogeneous response of glioblastoma cells. Interestingly, primary cells treated with quinoin in combination with TMZ were more sensitive to the treatment. Overall, our data highlight that quinoin could represent a novel tool for glioblastoma therapy and a possible adjuvant for the treatment of the disease in combination with TMZ, alone or as possible immunoconjugates/nanoconstructs

    Ageritin—The Ribotoxin-like Protein from Poplar Mushroom (Cyclocybe aegerita) Sensitizes Primary Glioblastoma Cells to Conventional Temozolomide Chemotherapy

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    Here, we propose Ageritin, the prototype of the ribotoxin-like protein family, as an adjuvant treatment to control the growth of NULU and ZAR, two primary human glioblastoma cell lines, which exhibit a pharmacoresistance phenotype. Ageritin is able to inhibit NULU and ZAR growth with an IC50 of 0.53 ± 0.29 µM and 0.42 ± 0.49 µM, respectively. In this study, Ageritin treatment highlighted a macroscopic genotoxic response through the formation of micronuclei, which represents the morphological manifestation of genomic chaos induced by this toxin. DNA damage was not associated with either the deregulation of DNA repair enzymes (i.e., ATM and DNA-PK), as demonstrated by quantitative PCR, or reactive oxygen species. Indeed, the pretreatment of the most responsive cell line ZAR with the ROS scavenger N-acetylcysteine (NAC) did not follow the reverse cytotoxic effect of Ageritin, suggesting that this protein is not involved in cellular oxidative stress. Vice versa, Ageritin pretreatment strongly enhanced the sensitivity to temozolomide (TMZ) and inhibited MGMT protein expression, restoring the sensitivity to temozolomide. Overall, Ageritin could be considered as a possible innovative glioblastoma treatment, directly damaging DNA and downregulating the MGMT DNA repair protein. Finally, we verified the proteolysis susceptibility of Ageritin using an in vitro digestion system, and considered the future perspective use of this toxin as a bioconjugate in biomedicine

    Potential agnostic role of BRCA alterations in patients with several solid tumors: One for all, all for one?

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    Germline BRCA1/2 alterations in the Homologous Recombination (HR) pathway are considered as main susceptibility biomarkers to Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancers (HBOC). The modern molecular biology technologies allowed to characterize germline and somatic BRCA1/2 alterations in several malignancies, broadening the landscape of BRCA1/2-alterated tumors. In the last years, BRCA genetic testing, beyond the preventive value, also assumed a predictive and prognostic significance for patient management. The approval of molecules with agnostic indication is leading to a new clinical model, defined "mutational". Among these drugs, the Poly (ADP)-Ribose Polymerase inhibitors (PARPi) for BRCA1/2-deficient tumors were widely studied leading to increasing therapeutic implications. In this Review we provided an overview of the main clinical studies describing the association between BRCA-mutated tumors and PARPi response, focusing on the controversial evidence about the potential agnostic indication based on BRCA1/2 alterations in several solid tumors

    Measurement of gauge blocks by interferometry

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    The key comparison EURAMET.L-K1.2011 on gauge blocks was carried out in the framework of a EURAMET project starting in 2012 and ending in 2015. It involved the participation of 24 National Metrology Institutes from Europe and Egypt, respectively. 38 gauge blocks of steel and ceramic with nominal central lengths between 0.5 mm and 500 mm were circulated. The comparison was conducted in two loops with two sets of artifacts. A statistical technique for linking the reference values was applied. As a consequence the reference value of one loop is influenced by the measurements of the other loop although they did not even see the artifacts of the others. This influence comes solely from three "linking laboratories" which measure both sets of artifacts. In total there were 44 results were not fully consistent with the reference values. This represents 10% of the full set of 420 results which is a considerable high number. At least 12 of them are clearly outliers where the participants have been informed by the pilot as soon as possible. The comparison results help to support the calibration and measurement capabilities (CMCs) of the laboratories involved in the CIPM MRA

    Metastatic group 3 medulloblastoma is driven by PRUNE1 targeting NME1-TGF-β-OTX2-SNAIL via PTEN inhibition.

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    Genetic modifications during development of paediatric groups 3 and 4 medulloblastoma are responsible for their highly metastatic properties and poor patient survival rates. PRUNE1 is highly expressed in metastatic medulloblastoma group 3, which is characterized by TGF-β signalling activation, c-MYC amplification, and OTX2 expression. We describe the process of activation of the PRUNE1 signalling pathway that includes its binding to NME1, TGF-β activation, OTX2 upregulation, SNAIL (SNAI1) upregulation, and PTEN inhibition. The newly identified small molecule pyrimido-pyrimidine derivative AA7.1 enhances PRUNE1 degradation, inhibits this activation network, and augments PTEN expression. Both AA7.1 and a competitive permeable peptide that impairs PRUNE1/NME1 complex formation, impair tumour growth and metastatic dissemination in orthotopic xenograft models with a metastatic medulloblastoma group 3 cell line (D425-Med cells). Using whole exome sequencing technology in metastatic medulloblastoma primary tumour cells, we also define 23 common 'non-synonymous homozygous' deleterious gene variants as part of the protein molecular network of relevance for metastatic processes. This PRUNE1/TGF-β/OTX2/PTEN axis, together with the medulloblastoma-driver mutations, is of relevance for future rational and targeted therapies for metastatic medulloblastoma group 3

    The role of a probiotics mixture in the treatment of childhood constipation: a pilot study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Inconsistent data exist about the efficacy of probiotics in the treatment of constipation. Several studies in adults with constipation showed positive effects of probiotics on constipation. Inconsistent data exist regarding the effect of a single probiotic strain in constipated children. The aim of this pilot study was to determine the effect of a mixture of probiotics containing bifidobacteria and lactobacilli in the treatment of childhood constipation.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Children aged 4–16 years with constipation as defined by the Rome III criteria were eligible for the study. During a 4 week period, children received a daily mix of 4 × 10<sup>9 </sup>colony forming units of a probiotic mixture (<it>Ecologic</it><sup>®</sup><it>Relief</it>) containing Bifidobacteria (B.) bifidum, B. infantis, B. longum, Lactobacilli (L.) casei, L. plantarum and L. rhamnosus. Primary outcome measures were frequency of bowel movements (BMs) per week and stool consistency. Secondary outcome measures were number of faecal incontinence episodes per week, abdominal pain and side effects.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Twenty children, 50% male, median age 8 (range 4–16) were included.</p> <p>The frequency of BMs per week increased from 2.0 (1.0–5.0) to 4.2 (0.0–16.0) in week 2 (p = 0.10) and 3.8 (2.1–7.0) in week 4 (p = 0.13). In 12 children presenting with <3 BMs/week, BMs per week increased significantly from 1.0 (0.0–2.0) to 3.0 (0.0–7.0) in week 2 (p = 0.01) and 3.0 (0.0–10.0) in week 4 (p = 0.01). The stool consistency was reported as hard in 7 children at baseline, in 4 children at week 2 (p = 0.23) and in 6 children after 4 weeks of treatment (p = 1.00). A significant decrease in number of faecal incontinence episodes per week was found in the entire group: 4.0 (0.0–35.0) to 1.5 (0.0–14.0) in week 2 (p = 0.01) and 0.3 (0.0–7.0) in week 4 (p = 0.001). The presence of abdominal pain decreased significantly from 45% to 25% in week 2 (p = 0.04) and 20% at week 4 (p = 0.006). No side effects were reported.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This pilot study shows that a mixture of probiotics, has positive effects on symptoms of constipation. To confirm these findings, a large randomised placebo controlled trial is required.</p

    Discriminative and predictive properties of disease-specific and generic health status indexes in elderly COPD patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The association between bronchial obstruction severity and mortality in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is well established, but it is unknown whether disease-specific health status measures and multidimensional assessment (MDA) have comparable prognostic value.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We analyzed data coming from the Salute Respiratoria nell'Anziano (Respiratory Health in the Elderly – SaRA) study, enrolling elderly people attending outpatient clinics for respiratory and non-respiratory problems. From this population we selected 449 patients with bronchial obstruction (77.3% men, mean age 73.1). We classified patients' health status using tertiles of the Saint George Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) and a MDA including functional (the 6' walking test, WT), cognitive (Mini-Mental State Examination, MMSE) and affective status (Geriatric Depression Scale, GDS). The agreement of the classification methods was calculated using the kappa statistic, and survival associated with group membership was evaluated using survival analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Pulmonary function, expressed by the FEV1, worsened with increasing SGRQ or MDA scores. Cognitive function was not associated with the SGRQ, while physical performance and mood status were impaired only in the highest tertile of SGRQ. A poor agreement was found between the two classification systems tested (k = 0.194). Compared to people in the first tertile of SGRQ score, those in the second tertile had a sex-adjusted HR of 1.22 (0.75 – 1.98) and those in the third tertile of 2.90 (1.92 – 4.40). The corresponding figures of the MDA were 1.49 (95% CI 1.02 – 2.18) and 2.01 (95% CI: 1.31 – 3.08). After adjustment for severity of obstruction, only a SGRQ in the upper tertile was associated with mortality (HR: 1.86; 95% CI: 1.14 – 3.02).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In elderly outpatients with mild-moderate COPD, a disease-specific health status index seems to be a better predictor of death compared to a MDA.</p
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