307 research outputs found

    Assessment of risks related to agricultural use of sewage sludge, pig and cattle slurry

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    In April 2017, the Organic Business Development Team released a report with 25 recommendations for the Minister of Environment and Food (Det økologiske erhvervsteam 2017). Among these was a recommendation that organic farmers should have opportunities for utilizing nutrients from treated domestic wastewater for nutrient recycling. A prerequisite for future use of nutrients from treated wastewater is, that quality requirements are met and that application can be explained to (and accepted by) consumers. In partial fulfilment of this, the business team identified a need for a scientific overview of the risks of using nutrients from treated municipal wastewater in relation to other authorized fertilizer sources – e.g. conventional animal manures. Thus, it was assumed that a comparative approach to assess potential risk of using sewage sludge and conventional manures, could usefully inform decision makers in the future regulation of organic farming systems. Dependent on the result of the scientific investigation, the Organic Business Development Team foresaw that Denmark could chose to work to expand Annex 1 of the EU Ecology Regulation, to allow the organic farmers to use nutrients from municipal wastewater or other acceptable derived sludge products. Mobilization of support for this should be done by the Ministry of Environment and Food in collaboration with the Organic Farming Industry. Thus, based on available literature, this report aims at creating an overview of the environmental and human risks associated with application of pig and cattle slurry as well as sewage sludge to agricultural soils. The risk evaluation was performed for the following compound groups: Metals, Chlorophenyls, Dioxins, Furans, Halogenated aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons (HAH), Linear alkylbenzenesulfonates (LAS), Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE), Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), Poly- and perfluorinated alkylated substances (PFAS), Phenols, Phosphate-triesters VII, Phthalates, Polychlorinated naphtalenes (PCN), Polychlorinated alkanes (PCA), Triclosan, Triclocarban, Medicines, Estrogens, Antibiotic resistance genes. Additionally the fertilizer potential of the two nutrient sources was characterized and compared

    A meta-analysis of plant tissue O2 dynamics

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    Adequate tissue O2 supply is crucial for plant function. We aimed to identify the environmental conditions and plant characteristics that affect plant tissue O2 status. We extracted data and performed meta-analysis on >1500 published tissue O2 measurements from 112 species. Tissue O2 status ranged from anoxic conditions in roots to >53kPa in submerged, photosynthesising shoots. Using information-theoretic model selection, we identified 'submergence', 'light', 'tissue type' as well as 'light×submergence' interaction as significant drivers of tissue O2 status. Median O2 status were especially low (<50% of atmospheric equilibrium) in belowground rhizomes, potato (Solanum tuberosum) tubers and root nodules. Mean shoot and root O2 were ~25% higher in light than in dark when shoots had atmospheric contact. However, light showed a significant interaction with submergence on plant O2, with a submergence-induced 44% increase in light, compared with a 42% decline in dark, relative to plants with atmospheric contact. During submergence, ambient water column O2 and shoot tissue O2 correlated stronger in darkness than in light conditions. Although use of miniaturised Clark-type O2 electrodes has enhanced understanding of plant O2 dynamics, application of non-invasive methods in plants is still lacking behind its widespread use in mammalian tissues


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    Geographically Sun City is a town of 40.000 people. It is located in the desert 12 miles north of Phoenix in Arizona. The winters are dry and mild. The summers are hot as hell. And the sunsets are always spectacular. Historically Sun City was founded in 1960 by a local tycoon who owned The New York Yankees through the Fifties. The town is the first active adult community in the US and the mother of all similar communities that have spread out through the country during the last 44 years. Sociologically Sun City is a mixture of a middle class suburb, a gerontological ghetto, a classical American utopian community and a social laboratory in which the inhabitants have been experimenting with new ways of senior living. And finally Sun City and other retirement communities are often seen as being either a good or bad way of living in old age. This way of looking at things has not done much good to the understanding of Sun City. &nbsp

    Faster Compression of Deterministic Finite Automata

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    Deterministic finite automata (DFA) are a classic tool for high throughput matching of regular expressions, both in theory and practice. Due to their high space consumption, extensive research has been devoted to compressed representations of DFAs that still support efficient pattern matching queries. Kumar~et~al.~[SIGCOMM 2006] introduced the \emph{delayed deterministic finite automaton} (\ddfa{}) which exploits the large redundancy between inter-state transitions in the automaton. They showed it to obtain up to two orders of magnitude compression of real-world DFAs, and their work formed the basis of numerous subsequent results. Their algorithm, as well as later algorithms based on their idea, have an inherent quadratic-time bottleneck, as they consider every pair of states to compute the optimal compression. In this work we present a simple, general framework based on locality-sensitive hashing for speeding up these algorithms to achieve sub-quadratic construction times for \ddfa{}s. We apply the framework to speed up several algorithms to near-linear time, and experimentally evaluate their performance on real-world regular expression sets extracted from modern intrusion detection systems. We find an order of magnitude improvement in compression times, with either little or no loss of compression, or even significantly better compression in some cases

    Graph Refinement based Airway Extraction using Mean-Field Networks and Graph Neural Networks

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    Graph refinement, or the task of obtaining subgraphs of interest from over-complete graphs, can have many varied applications. In this work, we extract trees or collection of sub-trees from image data by, first deriving a graph-based representation of the volumetric data and then, posing the tree extraction as a graph refinement task. We present two methods to perform graph refinement. First, we use mean-field approximation (MFA) to approximate the posterior density over the subgraphs from which the optimal subgraph of interest can be estimated. Mean field networks (MFNs) are used for inference based on the interpretation that iterations of MFA can be seen as feed-forward operations in a neural network. This allows us to learn the model parameters using gradient descent. Second, we present a supervised learning approach using graph neural networks (GNNs) which can be seen as generalisations of MFNs. Subgraphs are obtained by training a GNN-based graph refinement model to directly predict edge probabilities. We discuss connections between the two classes of methods and compare them for the task of extracting airways from 3D, low-dose, chest CT data. We show that both the MFN and GNN models show significant improvement when compared to one baseline method, that is similar to a top performing method in the EXACT'09 Challenge, and a 3D U-Net based airway segmentation model, in detecting more branches with fewer false positives.Comment: Accepted for publication at Medical Image Analysis. 14 page

    Den sønderjyske dræber: Drabshandlingen og bearbejdningen af 1. Verdenskrigs vold i det sønderjyske erindringsmateriale

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    Denne artikel tager afsæt i nogle af de voldsomme oplevelser, som de sønderjyske&nbsp;krigsdeltagere stiftede bekendtskab med under 1. Verdenskrig. Det var særligt&nbsp;oplevelser som drab, vold og ødelæggelse, hvilket mange af de sønderjyske&nbsp;krigsdeltagere senere forsøgte at berette om i krigserindringer. I artiklen undersøges&nbsp;det først og fremmest, hvilke omstændigheder der muliggjorde drabet&nbsp;for sønderjyske soldater, samt med hvilket sprogbrug de generelt nedfældede&nbsp;sådanne oplevelser med vold og drab i deres erindringer