19 research outputs found

    A framework for understanding shared substrates of airway protection

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    Deficits of airway protection can have deleterious effects to health and quality of life. Effective airway protection requires a continuum of behaviors including swallowing and cough. Swallowing prevents material from entering the airway and coughing ejects endogenous material from the airway. There is significant overlap between the control mechanisms for swallowing and cough. In this review we will present the existing literature to support a novel framework for understanding shared substrates of airway protection. This framework was originally adapted from Eccles' model of cough28 (2009) by Hegland, et al.42 (2012). It will serve to provide a basis from which to develop future studies and test specific hypotheses that advance our field and ultimately improve outcomes for people with airway protective deficits

    Severe Recurrent Epistaxis - The Main Symptom of Hereditary Haemorrhagic Teleangiectasia

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    Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT), also known as Rendu-Osler-Weber syndrome, is of dominant autosomal inheritance. Pathologic changes of vascular walls cause recurrent episodes of bleeding from many organ systems. Recurrent epistaxis is the first and the most frequent symptom of HHT. The causal therapy is not known but there are many therapeutic procedures improving the overall condition

    Biosimilar medicines and patient registries – expectations, limitations, and opportunities

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    Introduction: Biology therapies in a various medical specializations and for a broad spectrum of indications were launched during last two decades. As a new in class the therapies were obliged to provide additional data re gar ding efficacy and safety after their real medical practice integration. Patient registries, databases collecting various patient data, were introduced to grant data on the treatment effectiveness, safety, and long-term on treatment survival. Satisfactory treatment effect and acceptable safety profile were confirmed after couple of years of careful observation. However, the benefits were usually offered at much higher treatment costs compared to the standard therapies. Biologically similar drugs, so-called biosimilars (B.S), are being launched after original molecule patent protection expiry during recent years. They were expected as an ideal solution to avoid distinct impact on the medical budget: comparable effect for less money. The unsubstantiated doubts about biosimilar efficacy and safety were the reason of the late launch in many markets. Since biosimilars are considered as new therapy entities, the cautiousness to certain extent should be required. Information gained from post-marketing observations and patient registries over several years, confirmed the biosimilar product comparable quality. Healthcare budget savings could secure easier therapy access for more new patients

    Centralised Biological Therapy Registry for Moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis – Overview and Methodology

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    The introduction of new pharmacotherapy entities in the last decade accentuate the necessity to set up treatment guidelines based on real life evidence. Randomized controlled trials remain golden standard of a research. Data derived from studies aiming on daily clinical practice should bring needed, added value. Disease prevalence growth, due to increased life expectancy, better diagnostic procedures and earlier medical intervention, as well as ever growing demand for highly priced, sophistically produced drugs put stress on healthcare budgets even in developed countries. Large databases commonly called - therapy registries are implemented to collect data on therapy effectivity in terms of effectiveness, safety and patient long-term on therapy survival. Registries importance rose together with biological therapies introduction. New in class molecules entered the market conditionally being obliged to provide additional e.g. safety data. Such procedures require involvement of many different professionals, e.g. physicians, professional medical bodies, IT experts, database administrators, statisticians and government institutions. Paper based, followed by computer based forms were distributed among physicians to collect these data. eHealth technologies provide physicians with centralized, more intuitive applications. The particularities of different diagnosis caused great variations within each specific registry launched. Important information was missing since they were pointed out as optional and many were redundant causing frustration among physicians due to inadequate administrative workload. The main objective of this work was to set up the therapy registry standards and procedures. Methodology of „ideal“ moderate to severe plaque psoriasis biology therapy registry development, introduction, administration and evaluation was prepared to assist any government institution or professional body when planning registry deployment. Electronic application based on widely used MS Excel platform was developed and installed in the biological therapy centers as a standalone application for the pilot use

    Screening of Patients with Psoriasis for Psoriatic Arthritis in the Slovak Republic

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    Global prevalence of psoriasis is ranging from 0.91 % to 8.5 % [1]. Exact numbers are missing for Slovakia. 1-5% range is the most probable while 2 % is also mentioned as an average prevalence for the European population. There is approximately 110 thousand patients suffering from psoriasis when extrapolating from total population of 5.5 million [2]. Extracutaneous manifestation is observed in 11–30 % of patients after years of solely skin symptoms presentation [3, 4, 5, 6]

    One Session Bilateral Carotid Stenting – Experience from Slovakian Center

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    Objectives: Bilateral carotid artery stenting (BCAS) in one session is relatively rare procedure. However, clear recommendations still do not exist. The aim of our study was to analyze efficacy and safety of the BCAS performed by single operator in our center