5 research outputs found
Monitoring of Interest in Physical Activity among 2nd Grade Pupils in Svratka Region
Tato bakalářská práce na téma „Monitorování zájmu žáků 2. stupně o sport a pohybové aktivity na Svratecku“ obsahuje v teoretické části vysvětlení pojmů monitorování, pohybová aktivita či přístroj krokoměr, a detailně popisuje analyzovanou lokaci Svratecka. Provedený výzkum zahrnuje 20 školáků pocházejících ze Svratky a Herálce, z nichž každý na týden obdržel zapůjčený krokoměr sloužící k vyhodnocení jejich pohybové aktivity. Pro zajištění dostatečného množství dat o pohybové aktivitě žáků byly využity také osobnostní ankety. Výstup práce spočívá v doporučení ke zkvalitnění či rozšíření tělesné výchovy ZŠ či případném návrhu sportovních kroužků s pohybovou činností, které se nenachází v blízkém okolí, a v posouzení pohybové aktivity respondentů. Jedním z vedlejších výstupů práce je také zjišťování civilizačních chorob u vybraného souboru žáků.This bachelor’s thesis based on „Monitoring of Interest in Physical Activity among 2nd Grade Pupils in Svratka Region“ contains in the theoretical part explanation of the terms of monitoring, physical activity and pedometer and describes in detail analysed location of Svratecko. The research includes 20 schoolchildren from Svratka and Herálec, each of them received a pedometer for a week for evaluating their physical activity. To ensure the sufficient amount of data on physical activity pupils were also used short anonymous questionnaires. The final output of this work consists of the evaluation of the respondents' physical activity and recommendations for improvement or expansion of physical education in elementary school or proposal of sports clubs with physical activities that aren’t in the vicinity. One of the secondary outputs of the work is also the survey of lifestyle diseases in the selected assemblage of pupils.
New tools to motivate STEM students towards early-career self-management
The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), the Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) and the Universidade de Lisboa have recently undertaken the Engine4STEMers project, a joint initiative devoted to generating a new culture of young STEM graduates willing to assume early-career responsibilities, oriented to satisfy societal challenges. It also aims to provide guidance and motivation to help young graduates adopt early-career leadership and managerial skills. In this context, this short article describes the objectives and content of a short pilot seminar that is currently taking place at UPC and that is dedicated to the concept of service, a central educational tool of Engine4STEMers that aims to motivate students to proactively manage a successful transition from university to the labour market
Podnikání v oblasti cestovního ruchu
The bachelor thesis follows up business of tour operators and travel agencies. It deals with legal as well as ethical viewpoint related to business of tourism. The theoretical part focus on importance of tourism, the characteristic activities of entrepreneurs in this area, as well on the rights and commitments of them or their customers, which are given by contemporary law. The attention is also paid to consumer protection and resolution of complaints. In the practical part the the-sis is concerned with opinions of customers concerning their rights and protection. In conclusion some recommendations will be proposed both tour operators, travel agencies and their customers
Complex Insurance Protection of the Village Lešná
Diplomová práce se zabývá hodnocením pojistné ochrany obce Lešná a rovněž analýzou a komparací nabídek pojistné ochrany majetku obce od komerčních pojišťoven. Na základě analýzy rizik ohrožujících obec a také analýzy současného stavu pojistné ochrany obce jsou navrženy kroky k její optimalizaci při využití aktuální nabídky pojistných produktů na trhu. Práce také obsahuje doporučení pro volbu pojistitele s ohledem na poměr rozsahu nabízené pojistné ochrany a výši pojistného.This thesis deals with evaluation of insurance protection of the municipality of Lešná as well as with the analysis and comparison of proposals of insurance protection property of the municipality offered by other commercial insurance companies. Based on risk analysis and the current status of insurance coverage are proposed steps to make it more efficient by using the current offer of insurance products. This thesis also contains recommendations for choosing an insurer with regard to the ratio of the scope of the offered insurance protection and the amount of the premium.