939 research outputs found

    Construction d'une triangulation surfacique Delaunay-admissible

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    Ce rapport propose une méthode de redéfinition \emph{a priori} d'un champ de contraintes de surface triangulé, afin d'en proposer un équivalent qui soit Delaunay-admisssible. Une condition nécessaire et suffisante d'existence d'une face dans toute triangulation de Delaunay de l'enveloppe convexe du nuage de points auquel elle appartient, en particulier dans le cas où ceux-ci ne sont pas en position générale, est établie. Un algorithme de subdivision des faces, piloté par un critère géométrique et complété par des bascules d'arêtes est présenté. Un jeu représentatif d'exemples illustre l'approche choisie

    Formulas for robust, one-pass parallel computation of covariances and arbitrary-order statistical moments.

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    We present a formula for the pairwise update of arbitrary-order centered statistical moments. This formula is of particular interest to compute such moments in parallel for large-scale, distributed data sets. As a corollary, we indicate a specialization of this formula for incremental updates, of particular interest to streaming implementations. Finally, we provide pairwise and incremental update formulas for the covariance. Centered statistical moments are one of the most widely used tools in descriptive statistics. It is therefore essential for statistical analysis packages that robust and efficient algorithms be devised and implemented. However, robustness and speed of execution, in this context as well as in others, tend to be orthogonal. For instance, it is well known1 that algorithms for calculating centered statistical moments that utilize sum of powers for the sake of execution speed (one-pass algorithms) lead to unacceptable numerical instability

    Parallel auto-correlative statistics with VTK.

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    This report summarizes existing statistical engines in VTK and presents both the serial and parallel auto-correlative statistics engines. It is a sequel to [PT08, BPRT09b, PT09, BPT09, PT10] which studied the parallel descriptive, correlative, multi-correlative, principal component analysis, contingency, k-means, and order statistics engines. The ease of use of the new parallel auto-correlative statistics engine is illustrated by the means of C++ code snippets and algorithm verification is provided. This report justifies the design of the statistics engines with parallel scalability in mind, and provides scalability and speed-up analysis results for the autocorrelative statistics engine